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. 96 Lynn HagenSammy pulled his legs back to his chest, and Trevor sank deepwithin the blissful channel.His eyes closed as he panted, fighting notto come.Knox released him and then pushed him over Sammy, sliding hiscock up and down Trevor s crease in a torturous attempt to tease him.A sound escaped his lips when the head popped past his entrance.It was good, so good.Trevor would be the middle man for the rest of his days if the dualsensation always felt this all-encompassing.Knox s hands explored Trevor s back and shoulders as theyestablished a rhythm, the cock in his ass working every nerve endinghe had back there.Trevor fell to his arms, kissing Sammy deeply asKnox worked his cock with expertise.Knox pulled at Trevor s hair,and he felt his cock become further engorged.The tingle and pain running over his scalp and down his spinemade him gasp.Knox seemed to be finding all his kinks tonight.Trevor couldn t resist anymore.He sank his fangs into the softflesh, drinking from Sammy as he shouted and writhed below him ashe came.He slammed into Sammy, the taste more than he couldstand.Trevor thought for a moment he wouldn t be able to stop.Thethick, sweet blood was making him lose his mind.Knox sank his canines into Trevor s neck and brought him out ofhis bloodlust.It reined him in like nothing else could and made himexplode inside of Sammy s tight channel.Knox rode him hard,whether for pleasure or a means to punish Trevor for his lack ofcontrol, he wasn t sure, but Trevor took it and savored it.He held onto Sammy as Knox began an assault on his ass, buryinghis cock deeply on the last thrust and roaring his release.He still heldTrevor locked in place with his powerful jaws, thrusting hard and fast.Knox s movements began to slow, and his teeth released hisshoulder, licking at the wound.Knox slid his arms under Sammy andrested his cheek on Trevor s back.His cock softened but was stillburied deep. Knox 97 Are you okay? Knox asked Trevor. Yeah, just got too caught up in the moment. Trevor felt terrible.What if Knox hadn t pulled him free of the fog surrounding his mindand he drained Sammy? He would never be able to forgive himself.Trevor cupped Sammy s face, a sated smile on his small mate s face. I m sorry.Sammy shook his head. It s okay.Trevor knew Sammy was still riding his orgasm high and wouldforgive him anything at the moment.He would apologize again onceSammy came down.* * * *Zeus swung Kamiko s door open to find an extremely lethal-looking man crouched in front of the young Asian man.He steppedinto the room and pulled himself up to his full height. Who are you?He had heard from Minsheng that a man in the closet visited Kamiko.Minsheng had been worried the man was not good.The stranger stayed in his crouch, his stance resemblingprotectiveness for Kamiko. I am Takeo, Demon Warrior forPanahasi.Zeus took in the demon s features.His height was just a littleshorter than his, but there was a deadly aurora about Takeo that roseZeus s hackles. And what do you want with Kamiko? He is my friend.I am here to guide him through his troubles andkeep him safe from any more harm. The warrior s eyes followedZeus, but not one muscle moved.Zeus walked around the room until he was able to see Kamikokneeling behind Takeo. Are you safe, Kamiko?The small man gave a half bow from where he knelt. I am,Zeus.Zeus eyed Takeo. I cannot allow you to visit him again until Imeet your leader.You do have a leader, I presume? 98 Lynn HagenTakeo s head gave a slight nod, watching Zeus closely. Then please, ask him to meet with me before you come back toKamiko.The warrior stood and looked back at the young man kneeling onthe floor.Zeus didn t miss the softening of the warrior s featureswhen his eyes rested on Kamiko. I ll be right back, little flower.Kamiko smiled up at him and nodded.Zeus damn near swallowedhis tongue when the warrior disappeared into the shadows of theroom.He immediately went to Kamiko and knelt down in front ofhim. Has he harmed you?Kamiko shook his head vehemently. He has only shown greatkindness and has helped me through my darkest hours.Zeus didn t like a stranger in anyone s room, but he liked it evenless that is was the room of one of the three men who had beentraumatized [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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