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.The heady scent of sexwrapped its tendrils around them, tying them with invisible bonds.Arms around his shoulders and overwhelmed by the pleasure that was rapidly building to an explosion,she fastened her teeth in Jace s skin and bit.He froze for a split second and uttered a deep rolling growlthat quickly became a short intense howl of sound that caused the hair on Hayley s arms to stand up.Atthe same time, it sent a bolt of wild desire through her that twisted her gut with a sensation near pain.Jace reacted with savage intensity, his thrusts becoming short, hard staccato jabs that quickly hadHayley sobbing for release as the pressure built unbearably higher and higher.He moved with an endless,fluid rhythm that sent her crashing over the edge with a wailing cry.Her pussy gripped and released himin rapid-fire pulses, milking the thick, solid length of him until, with a guttural roar, he exploded andemptied himself within her.Long, hard spurts were felt as pulsing shudders within Hayley s claspingchannel.The added cream of his release sluiced between them until their pubic hair was matted withwarm, milky semen and the sweet cream of Hayley s arousal.Jace managed to stagger back to the sofa and landed with enough accuracy that he kept them from thefloor and left them sprawled together in an exhausted heap.Hayley rested with boneless grace on top ofhim.Both were struggling to regain their breath, and several minutes went by as they did just that. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlStrength slowly returned to well-exercised limbs and Jace began to gently stroke his hand over thecreamy smooth skin of her back.Outside, though it was still mostly dark, the first promise of daylight was emerging from below thehorizon.A few sleepy chirps sounded from the trees that shaded the house.Hayley began to shake in his arms.Jace s initial alarm changed to understanding when he heard hersatisfied chuckle.He tightened his arms around her, nuzzling his face in her hair. Happy? he asked.She attempted a nod. More than happy.His body had tensed under her and Hayley rose up at the taut bunching of his muscles.She looked athim, love clearly showing in her eyes. Your eyes are glowing, she told him, seeing satisfaction and pure joy reflected there. So are yours, he answered softly.Hayley frowned, a confused smile on her face. What do you mean?Chapter EightJace opened his mouth to explain and froze, his head cocked as though listening.Determined to knowwhat secrets he was keeping from her, Hayley didn t stop to think about why he was there in the firstplace, but lifted herself off him and demanded,  What do you mean? How can my eyes be glowing? Idon t have your medical condition, whatever it is.Which reminds me.You said you d explain that tome. I will, just not right this minute, Jace replied in a distracted tone. What I meant to say was, um, you reglowing.You know, like afterglow.Now, hush a minute.Hayley narrowed her eyes.How dare he tell her to hush! Something was wrong definitely wrong here.Jace was obviously trying to cover up what he d originally said, but at the same time he didn t seem to beputting much effort into it.He wasn t looking at her and he seemed preoccupied by something.She was just about to question him again when Jace cursed and eased her aside.Coming up off the sofa,he ran for the back door.Hayley stared after him in blank surprise until a sudden realization hit her.Grabbing her t-shirt off the floor, she ran after him.Jace was already gone from sight.She was standingon the porch, listening for any sound that would give her a clue as to which direction he d gone, when ashot rang out.Hayley gasped and felt her heart stop. Jace, she blurted out in a stricken whisper and scrambled for the phone in the kitchen, quickly dialing9-1-1.After explaining the situation to the operator and giving her address, she hung up and grabbed theflashlight she d placed in the corner of the kitchen counter for emergencies.Heedless of the way she wasdressed, she was determined to find Jace.She crossed the porch and headed across the backyard whenshe was brought up short by the sound of his voice calling to her. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlShe turned to find him coming toward her from around the side of the house and ran to meet him,throwing herself in his arms. Are you all right? she questioned anxiously, her voice taut with anxiety. Fine, he replied shortly in disgust. He got away.The bastard had someone waiting with a car.I didn teven get the license plate. I called 9-1-1.I heard the shot and I was afraid& I was afraid that you& Jace hugged her tightly. I m okay, baby, everything s okay.That s why I didn t catch him.I had to diveinto the hedge to keep from getting shot.His voice was so filled with disgust that Hayley was surprised by a nervous laugh of relief.He gave heranother hard hug. Let s get some clothes on.I don t want to talk to the sheriff with my goodies hangingout.By the time the sheriff arrived, took their statements and departed, the sun was well up.They wereexhausted.Jace refused to leave her alone, despite the fact that there was little chance the would-beassailant would return any time soon.At this point Hayley saw little reason to keep him on the sofa, soshe dragged him to her bed.He protested that he needed to fix the lock, but Hayley insisted he get somesleep.Once in bed, there was no thought of anything but sleep.They both drifted off.Hayley was the first to wake [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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