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." He turned on his heel andleft them standing in the waiting room.He had phone calls to make andwork to do.[ooc TWO: Sonny Butts THE PHONE was ringing as Billy got out of thecar, the loud, outdoor bell echoing over the farmland and the nearlyfinished house.He caught it, somewhat breathlessly, on the fifthring."Hello." "Colonel Lee, this is Annie Parker.They got Marshall downto the jail." The words rushed out."Annie? What was that again?" "That policeman Butts and that otherorg'got Marshall down at the jail, and I'm afraid what they might bedoing to him.Can you go down there, Colonel? I sure would appreciateit.""Of course, I'll go down there, Annie.Tell me what happenedShe told him as quickly as she could of Marshall's arrest and her visitto the police station."I'll go right now, Annie, and I'll call you as soon as I find outwhat's happened.Now, don lt you worry, I'm sure Marshall's all right.He's probably asleep, just like Charley Ward said." He hung up andturned to Patricia."I've got to go down to the police station.SonnyButts has arrested Marshall Parker, and Annie's frantic.I'll be asquick as I can." The phone rang again."I'll get it," Patricia said."You go ahead."He was already in the car when she ran out.CIxEvs "That was Torn Mudter.Don't go to the jail.Go to theclinic.Marshall's there.Sonny Butts and Charley Ward brought himthere with a gunshot wound." "Is he all right?" "He died a fewminutes ago." Billy rested his forehead on the steering wheel."Oh,my God in heaven, Trish.Marshall wanted me to meet with his veterans'group tonight, and I wouldn't, if I had been there this wouldn't havehappened." She opened the car door and.took his head in her hands."Now, you listen to me," she said."This isn't your fault.You didwhat you could to protect Marshall, and this just isn't your fault.What you've got to do now is find out what happened and do somethingabout it.You go on to the clinic, and I'll go to Annie.Go on, now."He started the car."You're right, I've got to do what I can now.CallMarshall's father, it's Jim Parker, should be in the phone book.Tellhim as much as you know, and ask him to meet you at Annie's.Tell himI'll come out there and tell them everything as soon as I've seen Torn.Don't let them come to the clinic.Tell them to wait there for me."She nodded.He pulled away from the trailer and started for Delano,driving fast.Billy sat with Brooks Peters and Torn Mudterin the waiting room of theclinic.Torn had toId them everything, reading from the notes he hadwritten.He had confirmed the severed aorta and the cause of death asmassive loss of blood and shock."Have you told anybody else aboutthis?" Billy asked."I reported it to Skeeter Willis." "What did ourgood sheriff have to say?" "Sonny had already called him about it.Hesaid he'd look into it tomorrow, but it sounded pretty straightforwardto him." "Sounds like we're not going to be able to depend on Skeeterto do a serious investigation." "Maybe we ought to go to the statepolice or the Georgia Bureau of Investigation," suggested Brooks.Billy shook his head."We can't expect any help from them until we candemonstrate that local and county authorities are mishandling theinvestigation.Even then, they're going to do their best to stay outof it, you can depend on that." "One more thing," Torn said."I'vetaken a sample of Marshall's blood.I'll send it to a lab in Atlanta in Monday morning'smail, and we'll know for sure if he had been drinking." "Good idea,"said Billy."I have a feeling we're going to need all the evidence wecan get if we're going to do anything about this." Brooks Peterslooked up, surprised."I would have thought that the deathbedstatement would be all we needed." Billy shook his head."In somecircumstances it might be enough, but what we've got here is a Negroprisoner killed by a white policeman who claims he did it in the lineof duty.Marshall's statement is a start, but we're going to have toback it up with everything we can find." "Do you mean you think thatButts and Ward might get away with this?" "That's exactly what couldhappen, Brooks.I think we can get an indictment easy enough, if theblood test and other evidence back up Marshall's story.I mean, thecounty prosecutor, Bert Hill, is a good gnougtx fellow, and if there'sevidence, he'll present it to a grand jury.There's one meeting now.But we're going to have a mighty hard time getting a conviction [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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