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.Lesson 33Lesson 33 Listening and vocabulary, activity 3ALAN Hi! How's your day been?BARRY Awful, absolutely awful.ALAN I'm sorry to hear that.What's happened?BARRY Well, I've hurt my back.ALAN Your back! How did you hurt it?BARRY I tried to lift a box of books.ALAN A box of books! I'm not surprised you hurtyourself trying to lift a box of books.Have you been to the doctor yet?BARRY No, not yet.ALAN Well, I think you should go immediately.And what else has happened?BARRY I've lost my wallet.ALAN Your wallet? Where did you lose it?BARRY At the bus stop, I think.ALAN Have you been back to the bus stop yet?BARRY No, I haven't.ALAN And have you heard your exam result?BARRY Yes, I have.ALAN Have you passed?BARRY No, I've failed it.ALAN Oh dear, it's been one of those days for you,hasn't it? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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