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.It is the ledgers aJi carefully kept that told thestory of your wealth, not the pieces of metal hidden away.""But I had no deposits in Augusta's vault." A second trader came forward."There is no gain for me to consider as truth what you claim.""Dump your tokens down the shaft to join the rest," Jemidon said."When theyhit bottom, consider their magic restored as well.Again the ledger books willreflect your true wealth.Things will revert to exactly as they were before.""It is too illogical to believe," the second trader objected."Magic restoredto the tokens in an inaccessible vault there and nowhere else!"'The consequence of not accepting the possibility is to continue the waythings are now," Jemidon said."The riots, the barter, perhaps the end ofPluton as a port of trade.But if everyone agrees to accept the tokens in the vault as they were before,Page 114 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthen what difference does it make what truly happens with steel disks buriedunder the water?"Indeed, if you agree in addition to pool the tokens from all of those whodied in the grotto and then divide them up among those of you who survived,you will in fact come out all the richer from what has happened."The eyes of the first trader widened at the mention of additional wealth."Therates with the other commodities would be fixed as before," he said slowly."Icould buy201from Tobruk and pay my debt to Demson with the usual exchange of writs.""And I could take the cargo from the ship that lies just outside the harbor,"the second mused."And credit the captain's account with some of my tokens sothat he could buy from others for a return voyage across the sea.'1Jemidon quickJy scanned the faces of the other traders.On some, the hints ofsmiles indicated their acceptance of his scheme to recover their fortunes.Others were blank with confusion, and a few were drawn in stiff lines ofrebuttal.He sighed.It would take longer than he had first thought.But evenarguing for hours was better than how the traders had suggested they pass thetime.Jemidon slumped down on the deck.Seventeen traders in al] had neededconvincing, and the last had been the most stubborn.But finally they all hadagreed on the merit of his idea.They could find no better alternative."Call the rest of the faction together," the first trader instructed the restwhen the last had decided."We must send signals to the others so that they,too, can quickly agree.With that soft-voiced Melizar sailing with most of the mercenaries, almosteveryone will have the sense to see that this is the only way to restoreorder" to the isle.""What about Trocolar's assets?" Augusta asked."I am in his debt for the pumpsin my vault.And he threatened to make the sum due immediately rather thanover a period of years, as is the custom.""Trocolar!" the trader snapped."He was the one responsible more than anyother.His wealth will be pooled and divided just like the rest.And I doubt thatanyone will be interested in carrying out his plans.The prudent willdisassociate their inclinations from his faction as much as possible.I was amember of that faction, but my votes will be cast in another direction.Thereis little chance that one of his followers wiU garner anywherenear enough to win a position on the council.""Then, Jemidon, you have saved me indeed!" Augusta exclaimed and hugged himclose."With Trocolar dead202and none to follow in his steps, I can continue to run the vault as I didbefore.""And with considerably more influence." The second trader eyed Augustacritically."The other vaultholders may still hoard gold and other metals thatwe wit! need for minor exchanges, but only you will receive the holding feesfor all the tokens on the island.Congratulations, mistress of the grotto;your future prosperity seems assured."Augusta tightened her grip on Jemidon."The week is over, and your indentureis fully expired," she whispered."It will appear unseemly for one partner inthe vault to be the property of another."Jemidon looked at the group of traders.On every face was an expression ofself-importance.Once they had all agreed, they were no longer paupers, but holdersof great wealth and power.Augusta was no more the fugitive, but again thePage 115 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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