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.Hurrying out onto the wraparound porch, Jessica smiled at her mother, who was carrying an overnight bag up the steps.“Mom! Hi!” Jessica hurried to her mother as she reached the porch.Debra Stevens set her bag down and embraced her daughter warmly.“It’s good to see you.”“I’m so glad you came for a visit,” Jessica said, stepping back to look at her mother.“I guess you’ve had quite a time here.”Jessica pictured Kyle’s face and felt a moment of alarm.“I’ll bet you never expected all the drama Ellen’s put you through.”“Oh that,” Jessica said, relieved her mother knew nothing about Kyle.“I’m just glad I was here when she got hurt.I’d hate to think what would’ve happened if she’d been here by herself.”“When I spoke to her yesterday it sounded like she was in good spirits.”“I think she’ll be a lot happier when she’s healed enough to come home.”“Yes, she’s always loved this old place.”“Why don’t you come in and I’ll fix you something cool to drink.”“That would be nice.Thank you, honey.”Jessica picked up her mother’s bag and carried it into the house, setting it in the entry.“Come into the sunroom and tell me what’s new.”Debra followed her daughter into the cheerful room and sank into one of the chairs.“It will be nice not to think about work for a couple of days.”“How long will you be staying, anyway?” Jessica asked as she poured lemonade into two glasses.“Just until Thursday.I have an open house this weekend that I need to get back for.”Jessica handed her mother one of the glasses and sat in the adjacent chair.“Well, I’m glad you were able to get away for a couple of days.”They chatted for a while, then when there was a lull in the conversation, Debra got a funny look on her face.“What is it?” Jessica asked, knowing the look on her mother’s face meant she had something on her mind.A smile played around the corners of Debra’s mouth.“Okay.I feel a little guilty.”“Why?”“You know I adore my sister, but I have to admit that coming to see her wasn’t the only reason I came.”Puzzled, Jessica frowned.“What do you mean?”Debra looked away, then met Jessica’s gaze.“It’s Alex.”“Alex? The Alex I broke up with?”“Do you know another Alex?”“No.What about him?”“He’s come over a few times since you broke up with him, and he’s just heartbroken.”“He came over to see you and dad?”“Well, you know he’s not close to his family, and dad and I have always been very welcoming, so I guess he felt comfortable coming by.”Jessica shook her head.“I don’t get it.What did he want from you?”“Jessica, have a heart.He’s just crushed that you broke it off and left town.”Jessica felt a sudden twinge of guilt, knowing exactly how Alex must be feeling, since she’d experienced the same thing when Kyle had left her.Though she knew the circumstances were different—after all, she’d had the courage to talk to him before ending the relationship—the end result was very similar.“He hasn’t tried to contact me.”“No.He said he was worried you’d reject him outright.”“So he sent my mother to speak on his behalf.I see.” Jessica pressed her lips together.“Don’t be so hard on him, Jessica.He didn’t go into specifics, but he told me how much he regrets the mistakes he made, and how now he realizes how deeply he loves you.”Jessica really didn’t want to go into the gory details of how Alex appeared to have cheated on her with an old girlfriend, and she certainly hadn’t forgotten the anger and betrayal she’d felt when she’d found out, but somehow, hearing that Alex still loved her and wanted her helped to ease the pain she’d been feeling over Kyle.“So, what are you suggesting?”“Honestly, I’m not suggesting anything.I’m just passing on his message.” Debra watched Jessica for a moment.“He’s a good man.I just hate to see you unhappy.Maybe you should give him another chance.”Jessica’s first instinct was to flatly reject the suggestion, but the idea that she could call him up, ask him to come visit, and he would rush to her side, filled a hole that had been growing in her heart since Kyle had come back into her life.“I’ll think about it, okay?”Debra smiled.“That’s all I can ask.Now, why don’t we go give my sister a visit?”“That sounds like a great idea.But mom, do me a favor and don’t mention any of this stuff with Alex, okay?”“Of course.I know you don’t need any more pressure.”Because Jessica had work to do, she and her mother drove separately to the long-term care center.After a brief visit, Jessica left her mother with her aunt and drove home.Several hours later, as Jessica worked on her project, she heard a car pull up and decided it would be a good time to stop and spend time with her mother.But when she heard heavy footsteps on the porch, and then a strong knock on the door, she realized it wasn’t her mother who had arrived.Jessica strode to the front door and pulled it open.“Kyle, what are you doing here?” Jessica’s heart pounded at the site of her ex-fiancé.Not only was his arrival unexpected, but she feared her mother would arrive at any moment.“I committed to work on this project for your aunt and I’m committed to finishing it.I know you don’t like me being here, and Jessica, you have no idea how bad that makes me feel, but I can’t just stop working on this project.My reputation is on the line.”Jessica didn’t know what to say [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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