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.If your printer is connected over a network, skip ahead to "If Your ComputerIs Connected Over a Network."If your printer is connected directly to your Macintosh, read the nextsection, "If Your Printer Is Connected Directly to Your Macintosh."If your printer is connected directly to your MacintoshYour Chooser window probably looks something like this:1.Select the icon that represents your printer.Once the printer icon is selected, icons representing the ports on yourMacintosh appear in a box in the upper-right corner of the window labeled"Select a printer port."2.Select the icon representing the port you used to connect the printer toyour Macintosh.There are only two choices: the printer port or the modem port.If you don'tremember which port you plugged the printer cable into, you can check to seewhere the printer cable is attached.The icons in the "Select a printer port"box look just like the icons marking the ports on the back of your computer.3.If it isn't already selected, click Inactive for the AppleTalk option.You don't need AppleTalk unless your computer is connected to a network.4.Close the Chooser window.You can click the close box, or choose Close from the File menu.You're ready to print.You won't need to adjust these settings in the Chooseragain unless you want to use a different printer.Skip ahead now to "Printing a Document."If your printer is connected over a networkYour Chooser window probably looks something like this: 1.If it isn't already selected, click Active for the AppleTalk option.AppleTalk needs to be active if you want to use a printer connected to yourMacintosh over a network.2.Select the icon that represents the type of printer you want to use.If you don't see the type of printer you're looking for, try using the scrollbar.3.If your network has zones, select your zone name.Zone names appear in alphanumeric order (numbers first, then alphabeticalorder).You may need to use the scroll bar at the right to see the name ofyour zone.4.Select the name of the printer you want to use.When you select a printer type (and a zone, if appropriate), the names ofprinters to which you have access appear in a box in the upper-right cornerof the window.Even if there is only one name listed, click that name.5.Close the Chooser window.You can click the close box, or choose Close from the File menu.You're ready to print.You won't need to adjust these settings in the Chooseragain unless you want to use a different printer.Continue now with the next section, "Printing a Document."Printing a documentPractice printing by printing your Friday Ad.When you're ready to print anyother document, you can follow the same steps.1.Find and open the Friday Ad icon.You'll need to- open your System Startup disk icon- find the document icon in the Unsent Letters window- open the documentRemember that when you open a document, you also open the program used tocreate that document.2.Choose Print from the File menu.Most programs present you with a dialog box in which you can select optionsrelated to printing.The appearance of the dialog box depends on both thetype of printer you are using and the type of program you opened.For example, if you have a LaserWriter printer and you open a documentcreated with TeachText, your dialog box might look something like this: Don't be concerned about the printing options right now.The default settings-- the settings that are in effect automatically, until you change them --give you one copy of your entire document.3.Click OK in the dialog box.Your document is printed.Next stepsCongratulations! You have finished the exercises in Part II of this book.Review of this chapterThis is the end of Chapter 8.The next page reviews what you have learned inthis chapter.Look over the review to reinforce what you have learned.Ifyou discover that you are unsure of any of the items covered, go back throughthe pages in this chapter that discuss those items.Review of Part IIChapter 9 is a Basics Quick Reference that presents everything taught inChapters 2-8 in a quick, step-by-step format.If you come across questionslater as you are using your Macintosh, and you remember seeing theinformation you need as you went through these lessons, refer to the BasicsQuick Reference and scan the steps listed there for the information you need.The remainder of this book is a reference for your computer.Use it whenquestions arise as you work, or browse it when you're curious to see all thethings your Macintosh can do.There's an index and glossary at the back ofthe book to help you get to the information you need quickly.After you finish reviewing the last page of this chapter, you should open thepackage for any application programs you purchased with your Macintosh anduse the training materials provided there to start learning those programs.Chapter 8 ReviewThis is a review of the skills taught in this chapter.If you are unsure ofany of the skills listed here, go to the page given at the right to reviewthose skills.To do this: Follow these steps:Tell the computer 1.Select Chooser from the Apple menu.which printer to use(for a printer 2.Click the icon that representsconnected directly your printer.to your Macintosh) 3.Click the icon that represents the port yourprinter is connected to.4.Click the AppleTalk Inactive button.5.Close the Chooser window.Tell the computer 1.Select Chooser from the Apple menu.(for a networkprinter)which printer to use2.Click the AppleTalk Active button. 3.Click the icon that represents your printer.4.Click your zone name in the AppleTalk Zone list.5.Click the name of the printer you want to use.6.Close the Chooser window.Print a document 1.Open the document.2.Choose Print from the File menu.3.Click the OK button in the Print dialog box.USING YOUR CLASSIC-CHAPTER 9Basics Quick ReferenceThis chapter provides a quick review of all of the basic skills taught inPart II of this book [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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