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.Hejust told me to carry a diamond shape and meet you at the terminal.My motherdidn't want me to do this, but I came anyway.""Open the boot the trunk whatever you call it."Vicki fumbled with her keys and opened the trunk.It was filled with aluminumcans and plastic bottles that she was taking to a recycling station.She feltembarrassed that the Harlequin had seen them.The young woman placed her camera case and tripod inside the trunk.Sheglanced around.No one was looking.Without a word of explanation, she snappedPage 61 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlopen the hiding places in the tripod and pulled out two knives and a sword.All of this was much too harsh.Vicki remembered the imaginary Harlequins in her dreams who carried goldenswords and swung through the air on ropes.The weapon in front of her was areal sword that looked very sharp.Not knowing what to say, she remembered apassage of scripture fromTheCollected Letters of Isaac T Jones."When the Final Messenger comes, the Evil One will fall into the Darkest Realmand swords will be transformed into Light.""Sounds wonderful." The Harlequin slipped her sword into a carrying tube."Butuntil that happens, I'm keeping my own blade sharp."They got into the car and the Harlequin adjusted the right side mirror so thatshe could see if anyone was behind them."Let's get out of here," she said."We need to go someplace where there aren't any cameras.They left the parking structure, followed the airport traffic circle, andturned ontoSepulveda Boulevard.It was November, but the air was warm and sunlight wasreflected off every windshield and pane of glass.They were driving through acommercial district of two- and three-story structures, modern officebuildings facing immigrant grocery stores, and fingernail salons.Only a fewpeople were on the sidewalk: the poor, the elderly, and a crazy man withmatted hair who looked like John the Baptist."There's a park a few miles from here," Vicki said."It doesn't havesurveillance cameras.""Are your sure about that or just guessing?" The Harlequin kept looking at theside mirror."Guessing.But it's a logical guess."Her answer seemed to amuse the young woman."All right.Let's see if logicworks any better in America."The park was a small strip of land with a few trees across the street fromLoyolaUniversity.No one was in the parking lot and there didn't appear to be anysurveillance cameras.The Harlequin examined the area carefully, and thenremoved her sunglasses, tinted contact lenses, and brown wig.The youngwoman's real hair was thick and black, and her eyes were very pale with only ahint of blue color.Her puffy appearance came from some kind of drug.As itbegan to wear off, she looked much stronger and even more aggressive.Vicki tried not to stare at the sword case."Are you hungry, Miss Harlequin?"The young woman stuffed the wig into her travel bag.Once again, she glancedat the side mirror."My name is Maya.""My church name is Victory From Sin Fraser.But I ask most people to just callmeVicki.""That's a wise choice.""Are you hungry, Maya?"Instead of answering her, Maya reached into her shoulder purse and took out asmall electronic device about the size of a matchbox.She pressed a button andnumbers flashed on a narrow screen.Vicki didn't understand what the numbersmeant, but theHarlequin used them to make a decision."Okay.Let's have lunch," Maya said."Take me to a place where we can buy food and eat in the car.Park facing out,toward the street."They ended up at a Mexican-food stand called Tito's Tacos.Vicki carried sodasand burritos back to the car.Maya remained silent and picked at the beeffilling with a little plastic fork.Not knowing what else to do, Vicki watchedthe people come and go in the parking lot.An old woman with the stockyphysique and Indian features of a Guatemalan peasant.A middle-aged FilipinoPage 62 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlhusband and wife.Two young Asian men probablyKorean wearing the flashy clothes and gold jewelry of black rappers.Vicki faced the Harlequin and tried to sound confident."Can you tell me whyyou're in Los Angeles?""No.""Is this about a Traveler? The pastor of my church says that the Travelersdon't exist anymore.They've all been hunted down and killed."Maya lowered her can of soda."Why didn't your mother want you to meet me?""The Divine Church of Isaac T.Jones doesn't believe in violence.Everyone inthe church knows that Harlequins." Vicki stopped talking and lookedembarrassed."Kill people?""I'm sure that the people you fight are wicked and cruel." Vicki dumped therest of her food into a paper bag and looked straight at Maya."Unlike mymother and her friends, I believe in the Debt Not Paid.We must never forgetthat the Lion of the Temple was the only person brave enough to defend theProphet on the night of his martyrdom.He died with the Prophet and was burnedin the same fire."Maya rattled the ice in her cup [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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