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.You resented me forthat, and I spent years feeling like a failure.A fuck-up.Ispent a lot of years telling myself I hated Payne because hewas what you wanted in a son, but then you found out hewas gay too, and I finally realized that even if I had beensome All-American Athlete, you would have still beendisappointed and hateful the moment you found out that Iwas homosexual.Annoyed with myself, I brushed at my eyes and turnedback to my father, to find he was looking at me.For the firsttime in years, he was looking directly at me, and for the veryfirst time ever, he looked at me like he saw me. You re right. His voice was strong and clear, and Irealized in that moment that some of the lifelong walls myfather had lived behind were crumbling. After& after Payneleft me, at Griffin s, I realized a lot of what he said was stuffpeople had said before, and& well, I went home andchanged, and then I went down to one of those AA Meetingsdown at Lincoln Community Center.I had a feeling making that admission that he hadattended an AA Meeting and thereby accepted that heneeded actual help hadn t been easy for him, and thatmade it all the more impressive.And shocking.But it was astep, a major step, in what I hoped would prove the rightdirection, and I really wanted to tell him that, but I foundwords had suddenly decided to fail me, and all I could dowas wait to hear what he intended to say next. They said a lot that made sense and& and yeah, I dohave a problem when it comes to drinking. Moving Forward | Lisa Marie Davis38 Does that mean you re serious about the AA Meetingsand getting some help for your problem? Yeah.Yeah, I m serious.Doubt it will be easy. No, I suspect it won t, but you owe it to yourself andMom to get yourself together, and you owe it to Ava smemory, and I m thinking Aubrey deserves a sobergrandfather. You and Payne, Ava and Matt made you Aubrey sguardians. They did. And here it comes, the outrage, the disgust,the grand speech about homosexuals being abominations. Look, Dad, it was Ava and Matt s decision, and Payne and Imight not be your choice, but I intend to honor what mysister and her husband wanted.Period.If I have to fight youto do that, I will. Jamie, I& I suppose I shouldn t be surprised that youwould expect the worst possible reaction from me after theway I ve behaved toward you over the years, but the truth is,I believe Ava and Matt made a good decision. Dad& ? When I was growing up, my parents attended a prettystrict church, and we lived in a small town and&. He shookhis head. Back then, I was exposed to this list of thingsconsidered wrong: divorce, sex before marriage, and& well,homosexuality was pretty high on the list of thingsconsidered immoral.It s what I was taught what myparents and their parents believed, and life was painted to bepretty simple, as far as what should be expected. Guy finds a girl.Falls in love.Gets married. His eyeswere downcast again, staring at his coffee cup, and I didn tinterrupt because it seemed he needed to talk, and I was Moving Forward | Lisa Marie Davis39actually curious to hear what he had to say. I did that.Ifound your mother.Fell for her and we got married and&shit, I had all these preconceived notions about what mykids would be like, and you&. He trailed off, but I knewwhat he was saying, that I had come along and shattered allthose wonderfully preconceived notions, because I hadn tbeen what he wanted in a son.Not even close. I guess Ididn t know how to relate to you, because you were& youwere just so damn different from me, and we had nothing incommon, James.Nothing.You sucked at sports.I didn t getall that artsy crap& stuff, I mean artsy stuff you were into,like theater, and it kinda freaked me out, ya know,  causeyou were my kid, and I felt like we were as different as nightand day [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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