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."He wrote me a note in class today.He's a hunk, too.They're both hunks.Besides, Deke knows all about that writer lady that's going to teach us onMonday.She's a Mend of his dad's, and she's staying at his house." That wasalmost as exciting as having Deke notice her."He says she's real nice."Did he say anything about whether he thinks she'd be willing to help you?"Rhonda asked, as Monica flung herself down on the couch, upside down, herfile:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%2.a%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html (90 of 434)3/16/2004 9:27:00 PM file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Diana%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).htmllegs draped over the back, her head dangling down the front."He says she might, " Monica said happily, examining her nails."He says Ishould ask her after class.Not even her father knew how much Monica wanted to be a writer not, shereckoned cynically, that he'd care.He was too busy with his new girlfriend toworry about his ex-wife and the two kids he'd gladly shed.Rhonda was the onlyperson who knew; who knew about the boxes full of stories she'd written andnever shown to anyone else.Not even her teachers knew.But she had no idea how you became a real writer; did you just send things tomagazines and book companies and see what happened? The writers' magazines,with their articles on marketing and agents and equally bewildering topics, onlyconfused her.And anyway, she had no idea if she was any good.Certainly Rhonda seemed tothink she was, but that was her mother the same person who'd framed hercrayon drawings and hung them on the wall.She'd long ago decided that whatshe needed was the opinion of a real writer, a stranger, someone with noprejudices on her behalf.And now it seemed that she was going to be able to get just that.And maybe, ifthis lady said she was any good&I'll worry about that when if she does, Monica told herself, then chuckled.Besides, wanting to know about her makes a good excuse to talk to Deke somemore.file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%2.a%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html (91 of 434)3/16/2004 9:27:00 PM file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Diana%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html"So what are you going to do this weekend?" Rhonda asked, breaking into herthoughts."I don't know, " she admitted."Rent a movie, I guess.And I've got a lot ofhomework."Her mother shook her head, but didn't say anything.Monica knew she worriedabout her kids she'd been pretty reluctant to transfer to Tulsa in the first place;she hadn't been too thrilled about being a divorced black woman anywhere in theSouth, and she was even more uneasy for the sake of Monica and Dan."Beingblack in a mostly lily-white profession can cause enough problems just for me, "Rhonda had confided to her daughter."But you kids going to a place likeJenks, and not only being black but having a dad who's white I don't know.Still, there hadn't been any problems so far, except the ones Monica usually had jealousy from the other girls because she was pretty.The same thing hadhappened in Colorado.Monica couldn't help her looks, and she didn't intend toact like a nun or a Brain just because other people felt threatened.The onlydifference between Colorado and here, so far, was that the guys just couldn'tseem to get their acts together.That, and Tulsa was pretty boring most of thetime.Privately, Monica thought her mother worried too much."I wish you'd get some friends, honey, " Rhonda said, in that concerned tone ofvoice Monica was hearing a lot lately."It's okay, Mom, " she said quickly."It's just, you know, coming in-like in themiddle of the semester.Everybody's got their friends and it takes a while.Butfile:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%2.a%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html (92 of 434)3/16/2004 9:27:00 PM file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Diana%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).htmlHarper was even nice to me today; she told me I ought to try out for pom-pomsin the fall.If Harper's nice to me, everybody else will start being nice.Rhonda's eyebrows climbed halfway up her forehead."What brought that on?"she-asked."I thought she was trying to freeze you out."So did I.I don't know; all I know is she's not anymore." Monica went back tochecking her nail polish for chips, examining it minutely."Maybe she changedher mind.Maybe she's figured, you know, people are going to think she's racistif she keeps getting on my case.Maybe now that I've been here for a month shefigures I'm not a threat."How could you be a threat?" Rhonda asked sardonically."The guys around hereare too lame to bother with!"Monica snorted her agreement delicately."Anyway, she's going to be graduatingin a couple of months; maybe she figures that she doesn't have to worry aboutcompetition at this point.She should, though." She grinned at her mother."Itisn't prom time yet.I could still end up going with Deke.Or anybody else, if Idecided to work at it.Her mother laughed at her."Girl, you are so vain!"Monica made a face at her.Rhonda still got plenty of looks from guys; morethan enough to make her daughter a little jealous.And maybe Dad was a jerk,but he was also a studly hunk.Monica had a mirror; as far as she could see, she'dgotten the best of both sets of genes.Daddy's hair and eyes, Mom's face andbuild, a blend of both for complexion [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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