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.Maybe the widely beloved Empress had come to believe that she could never be murdered either.And there was still another reason why Harivarman held stubbornly to his secret.In his mind faint nagging doubts about the truth of his discovery persisted.Those doubts in themselves might have been enough to hold him back from making an announcement.Instinct whispered to him that something was not right, something about what he thought he had discovered… maybe it was only because the revelation seemed too perfectly well-timed, coming as it had.But there it was.The interstellar drive was real and right enough.Not only the control circuits but the whole drive unit was functional, or ought to be, as far as Harivarman's rough tests could tell.If the Prince was not going to be able to depend on the great value of his discovery to save his life, then escape, using the berserker's drive, appeared to be as much of a necessity as ever.For his third work session on the berserker the Prince brought Lescar out to the job site with him.He told Lescar very little more than he had told him at the start, and showed him only the room in which the innocent-looking drive unit now reposed, and got him started working on it.Lescar's first assigned task was to dissect the control system of the drive further, in preparation for its installation in a different kind of vehicle.As Harivarman had expected, Lescar's only open reaction to this assignment was to signify his understanding of it and immediately take up a probe and get to work.The servant's willingness to take on any task the Prince assigned him was understood by both.file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Fre.Saberhagen%20-%20The%20Berserk er%20Throne.txt (34 of 88) [11/1/2004 12:23:06 AM]file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Fred%20Saberhagen%20-%20The%20Berser ker%20Throne.txtBut the Prince was frowning, even as his assistant took his tools energetically in hand.ToHarivarman himself, the necessity of explaining some of the technical details of the escape project to a helper, putting the whole idea into plain words, had been enough to make it begin to seem impossible.And the more fiercely Harivarman tried now to reconvince himself, the more unlikely the whole scheme of using the drive unit began to appear in his thoughts.It was an interstellar drive they were concerned with here, and not the motor of a groundcar.It was even a drive of a largely unfamiliar type.For a few moments the Prince hovered on the brink of changing his mind suddenly, of telling Lescar to abandon the project and go back to the house and forget what he had seen.But the Prince did not do so.Instinct forbade that too.The trouble was, thought Harivarman, that they had no choice.The more time he had in which to consider the political situation, the more firmly he became convinced that now, with the Empress gone, his enemies were soon Page 47ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlgoing to attempt to finish him off, one way or another.A day of intensive effort passed, and then another, with the two men working busily-most of the time not really side by side, but just out of each other's sight.Lescar's job in its present stage could rarely benefit from two pairs of hands, and the Prince was still keeping his own work secret even from Lescar.Harivarman labored in the adjoining room, now tracing the paths of control signals through the body and the main brain of the berserker, seeking additional memory banks, looking for more confirmation of his find.The indications that he found were intriguing, but still somewhat ambiguous.A large part of the thing's brain was evidently inaccessible, inside an inner seal of armor impervious to any of the tools he had on hand.In there, if anywhere, he thought, would also be a destructor device, a booby-trap.The Prince had contrived to keep the berserker covered most of the time with a sheet of opaque plastic, material he sometimes used as a background or light-reflector when making photographs.Lescar, on the couple of occasions when he happened to glance into the room where the Prince was working, saw nothing that startled him particularly.Harivarman had implied that he was trying to get the astrogation system of a Dardanian lifeboat working.Throughout these days of hard work the Prince actually grew increasingly skeptical regarding his world-shaking discovery.Or perhaps he was not so much skeptical of the discovery itself as of its immediate value to him.To announce a revelation of such magnitude now-especially if it were quickly challenged, as any such claim would be-would lay him open to charges of making up wild lies in an effort to save himself.And there was no way his claim could be quickly proven.But, if he had not discovered what he thought he had-then what had he found?He badly needed to talk to someone, and he could not talk to anyone.Not yet.Not even to Lescar.And doubt still whispered to him that something was not right.A kernel of unease still nagged at him.Perhaps it was only because he had to bear his knowledge all alone.Harivarman found himself continually being struck by the fact that his discovered control code, if such it truly was, appeared to be so easy to use.There was even a fairly wide choice of frequency and modulation of the signal.The signal itself, suitably compressed, could be transmitted in a fraction of a second, complex though the code-sequence was and virtually impossible to arrive at by accident or through trial and error.Of course, ease of use, if you thought about it, was really logical enough.If you had a control code for berserkers at all, you'd certainly want it to be easily and quickly usable.All very logical, but yet something about it nagged.By the second day after Lescar had been added to the work force, something like a routine had been established, and the two men put in several hours of effort without anything out of the way happening.By this time Harivarman was ready for a break, and he had left his own job for the moment, as he did periodically, to confer with Lescar [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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