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.He looked ahead to the lights of his apartment, and beyond to the smoking ruins of Fresh Start and themostly darkened bulk of Pass/Go.The buildings lined the corridor of Main Street, safeholds hiding thesecrets of the people within.Ross experienced a sense of futility, in thinking of the disguises that obscuredthe truths in human existence.It was so easy to become lost in the smug certainty that what happened toothers really mattered very little to you.It was so easy to ignore the ties that bound humanity on itscollective journey in search of grace.A solitary car passed down the broad corridor of Second Avenue and disappeared.In the distance rosevoices and music, laughter and shouts, the sounds, of celebration on All Hallows' Eve.For those people,at least, the dark side of witchery and demons was only a myth.He passed Waterfall Park, the rush of the waterfall a muffled whoosh in the dark confines of the park'swalls, the courtyard a vaguely defined spiderweb of wrought-iron tables, chairs, and trellises amid theblockier forms of the stone fountains and sculptures.He turned on hearing his name called, looking backthe way he had come.Nest Ereemark was running toward him, her unzipped parka flying out behind her,her curly hair jouncing about her round, flushed face.Feeders melted array into the darkness at herapproach, into the rocks of the park, into the tangle of tables and chairs, but she seemed heedless ofthem.She came up to Ross in a rush and stood panting before him, eyes quickly searching his own.`I came to help,' she said. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlHe smiled at her earnest expression, at the determination he found in her young voice.`No, Nest' he toldher quietly.`But I want to.I need to'He had left her behind at the museum when he had departed.She had gone down the stairs to intercept Simon Lawrence and his companions, to delay them longenough for Ross to slip out a side door so he wouldn't be seen.Even so, in leaving another way besidesthe main entrance he set off an alarm that brought security guards from the lower level.As he crossed thestreet toward a dark alleyway, he watched them stumble unaccountably in their efforts to navigate theGrand Stairway, Nest studying them intently from her position beside a recovering Simon.`For Ariel,' she said firmly.`For Boot and Audrey'He felt a rush of hot shame and anger, the revelations she had provided burning through him in a freshwave of shock and disbelief.But truth has a way of making itself known even to the most sceptical, andhe had stripped away the blinders that had kept him deceived and was empowered by his newknowledge and the determination it generated.`For myself, John,' she finished.But she had not seen herself as he had, back at the museum, in the shadowy confines of the ExhibitionHall, where the two of them had come face-to-face in a confrontation that might have led to the horrificfulfilment of his dream.She did not realise yet what she had revealed to him that even she did not know,of the way her magic had evolved, of the secret she now held inside.Powerful forces were at work in Nest Freemark that would change her life yet again.He should tell her,of course.But he could not bring himself to do so now, when the secrets of his own life weighed soheavily on his mind and demanded their own resolution. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlHe stepped closer to her and put his hands on her shoulders.`I am a Knight of the Word, Nest.I am what I was always meant to be, and I owe much of that to you.But I cannot claim the right to serve if I do not resolve first the reason I lost my way.I have to do that.And I have to do it alone.This is personal to me, so dose to the bone that to settle it in any other waywould leave me hollowed out.Do you see?'She studied his face a long time.`But you're hurt.You've lost a lot of blood'He took his hands away from her shoulders and settled them on the polished length of his staff `Themagic will give me the strength I need for this'She shook her head.'I don't like it.It's too dangerous'He looked at her, thinking it odd that someone so young should speak to him of what was toodangerous.But then the dangers in her own life had been, on balance, no less than his.`Wait for me here, Nest,' he told her.`Keep watch.If I don't came out, at least one other person willknow the truth:He didn't wait for her response but wheeled away quickly and went down the sidewalk to the corner,turned left along Second, and walked to the apartment entrance [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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