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.Nothing more needed to be said because Delatorre knew what he meant,who he spoke off.The machines blared and Syren pressed the nurse s button.Seconds later the roomwas filled with people. Step aside! He s seizing.Syren stood off to the side, against the wall, as they worked on Delatorre.He blocked out sound andfocused on the body on the bed.Doctors tore away his gown and pressed the paddles to his chest.Delatorre s body jerked upright then fell backward.Mouths moved, lights blinked.The paddleslanded on him again and again, on his bare chest, working to revive the black heart.At the corner of his eye, Syren saw Thiago pressed up against the glass doors, fear big and bright onhis face.He looked younger than he was, a boy needing his father.He wouldn t get that chance, muchlike Syren never got his chance.When the doctors gave up and stepped back, dropping the paddles as one of them glanced at the clockon the wall, Syren brought his gaze to the heart monitor.Straight lines.They took a minute to register and Syren had the sudden and overwhelming urge todrop to the floor, curl on his side and sob, because the memories were still there.The pain was stillthere.That box of darkness he d been gifted hadn t let up with the stopping of Ricardo Delatorre sheartbeat.Where was the relief he d expected? The slate hadn t been wiped clean, not one bit.Delatorre was gone and he remained the same man, tainted and forever burdened with the life he s struggled so hard to escape.His legs moved, carrying him out the room and outside where Thiagograbbed him, tears in eyes so much like his father s Syren couldn t hide the wince.He stood,unmoving, as Thiago wet the front of his suit with the tears he shed for a man he didn t really know.Afather he loved, nonetheless.Kane stood behind Thiago, holding Syren s gaze, his eyes searching forsomething Syren didn t think he found because Kane s mouth tightened.He patted Thiago on the back awkwardly then stepped away.He wasn t the one to be comfortingDelatorre s son, but Thiago didn t know that because hurt darkened his eyes when Syren retreated. I m sorry. All he could say.All he made himself say.He looked up and Kane was by his side,silent but there, and Syren reached for him.Just a hand, he stretched out a hand and Kane took it.Squeezed him.The strength in his touch enough to tug on the unraveling thread of his control. Thiago. He faced the young man with the tearstains. Call your mother.I ll see you soon.He turned and walked away hand in hand with Kane.They didn t speak in the elevator.Syren heldhimself in check, his gaze straight ahead.He felt Kane s eyes on him, but he didn t look to be sure.The elevator stopped then opened into the dark underground parking spot, filled with cars, but silent.He blinked.Kane grabbed his arm and pulled him out, half carrying him until they were up against a concretepillar, huge and looming, hiding them from anyone who wanted to see. Hey. Warm fingers touched his chin. I m here.He collapsed into Kane, fingers digging into his lover s upper arms and looked up into his eyes. He s gone. The words were a mournful sob he couldn t contain.Kane nodded. I know. So much pity in those blue eyes. But it s still here. He pressed a hand to the center of his chest. The pain is still there.It won tleave. He rubbed the heel of his hand right there, over his heart, the source of his pain. Why? heasked. Why won t it go away? I don t know. Kane held him close, hands rubbing up and down his back as he pressed kisses toSyren s head. I don t know.Syren buried his face in Kane s chest.There should have been some kind of relief, something to lethim know he hadn t completely wasted all those years.Revenge should feel better than this. I just feel empty, he murmured into Kane s t-shirt. It wasn t worth it.It wasn t worth it. Hepushed away from Kane and fumbled for the pack of cigarettes in his jacket pocket.Using the goldlighter Isa gave him he lit the business end and turned away, giving Kane his back.His hand shook sobad he couldn t contain it.Couldn t hide it from anyone looking for evidence of him losing his mind.One deep drag on the cigarette then he brought the lit end to the inside of his left wrist and held itthere, on his skin.The pain.His gums hurt, but his heart leapt, welcoming it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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