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.Although his background in an abusive, alcoholic family stirred a slight wave of sympathy within her, his actions throughout his life had demonstrated a kind of steadily increasing maliciousness that had no basis in logic or experience.As Steve and Eli continued with their list of his crimes since joining the human power movement, Josie saw no motivation for his actions other than sadistic enjoyment of the suffering of others and a baseless hatred of anything not exactly like him.If Eli had thought she might still change her mind about joining in the hunt for this monster, he should have tied her up and locked her in another room before he began reciting this information.Now that she’d heard the full story, she didn’t just want to see this bastard stopped, she wanted to shoot him herself.The sheriff, though, had said very little since their last talk at the clinic.After she had stalked off and left him, she had made her way outside—where Rick and Steve had been hiding from the crossfire—and upstairs to take a much-needed shower and put on some real clothes.She’d also received a clear message from her stomach that the snacky dinner she and Eli had eaten the night before had long since worn off, so she’d put together an enormous meal of pasta, meat sauce, and garlic bread that had lured the men up to her apartment faster than any invitation.While she cooked, Rick and Steve had spent a lot of time on the phone, Ben had returned with his donated medical supplies then just as quickly fled again, and Eli eventually appeared, looking calm and even a little subdued.He’d asked politely for the use of her computer and Internet connection, then planted himself in front of the machine and begun clacking away.He hadn’t said another word until after dinner had been consumed and the mess cleared away.They moved as a group to the living room, where the discussion naturally returned to the head of the NAH, who he was, what he could possibly have planned, and where he might currently be found.Rick’s beta, as it turned out, was fairly certain that the answer to the last question was right nearby at a former Boy Scout camp on the Columbia River.“He bought the place about a year and a half ago,” Rick said.“The owner was retiring, and Huddlesford wanted a spot where he could not only hole up, but also turn into a meeting place for his cronies.A kind of mecca for maniacs.The camp came with a house, as well as a meeting hall, cafeteria, barn, storage sheds, and cabins with indoor plumbing and hot and cold running water.It’s a pretty nice setup, and he’s already hosted two conferences that saw upward of three thousand people each.”Josie shook her head.Why would anyone want to join up with such a man, she wondered briefly, but she knew history could provide more than a few answers to that question—Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and on and on.“He’s also opened the place up to his followers who want to take ‘advanced philosophical seminars’ on his teachings.” Steve consulted a page of notes and made a face.“My friends at the FBI tell me they may have started out as seminars designed to fire up the youth membership in the NAH so they’d go out and make demonstrations and launch protests like the ones in Stone Creek last summer.But these days, it’s code for training camps in home-grown terrorism.They’re open-minded about their tactics, too.They support everything from old-fashioned lynchings to airplane hijackings to bombings.And now, apparently, bioterrorism.”Eli frowned.“Yeah, and what did your fed friends say when you mentioned the part about the virus?”One of Steve’s eyebrows shot up, and his chin drew backward.“Do I look that stupid to you? If I whispered a word about why I wanted this information or what we planned to do with it, we’d have feebs crawling up our asses before we could so much as bend over.They’d love an excuse to take Huddlesford down.In fact, they’re itching for one.But I see no reason to do all the work and then deprive myself of all the fun.”Josie darted a glance at Eli and found his gaze fixed on her.“I can think of one,” she murmured to herself, then raised her voice.“Why don’t we just turn over all of our information to the FBI and let them raid the place and haul whoever they find there off to prison?”Eli just stared at her.“Mainly because we lack what federal judges like to refer to as ‘probable cause.’ ”“You don’t think that the virus and the attacks and the evidence from the campsite constitute probable cause?” she demanded.“We can’t bring any of that to the police,” Steve reminded her, “except maybe for the newsletter, but by itself that doesn’t amount to much other than a suspicion [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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