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.Face stoic, hedisappeared into the bathroom.Angelo stayed where he was on the bed, listening to water running,staring up at the ceiling.Waiting.Gabe came back into the room and stalked over to his dresser where he pulled on a pair of shorts,eyes everywhere but on Angelo. Cop.Gabe flinched. Don t.Just& don t. Why are you angry? If I asked where exactly you were going and why, would you tell me? Gabe stood facing him withhis arms folded across his chest, corded muscles bulging, face hard and inscrutable. Yes. Angelo answered his question with a nod. Where are you going and why?Angelo sat up, grimacing at the sticky mess gluing him to the sheet. Are you asking as my lover or asa cop?Pain flashed across Gabe s face and Angelo cursed himself. If you have to ask that then all this, Gabe waved his hand between them,  was a mistake.Angelo jumped up from the bed and stood in front of him. Excuse me? He refused to allow thefrisson of fear opening his pores to deter him. Are you calling us a mistake?A muscle ticked in Gabe s jaw. If you refuse to see me as both your lover and a cop then yes, we rea mistake.Angelo grabbed his arm, yanking him onto his chest. Let me tell you something, cop, no way in hellwill you get rid of me.Do you understand? I know who you are, you re the man who numbs my pain.Who chases away the bad stuff.Who makes me want to be better.Gabe bit his bottom lip and glanced away.  Fucking look at me. Angelo grabbed his chin and forced his attention back to him.Those gray eyesseared him, marked him. You re my lover, but you re also a cop.Those two blended together a longtime ago and now you re simply the man I can t live without.I refuse to live without you.Gabe s lips parted and Angelo kissed him, tongue plunging into the warm recesses, thrusting.The manin his arms returned the kiss with hungry abandon as Angelo fucked his mouth.Gabe wrenched away. Those words don t mean anything if you don t back them up.I want to knowwhere you re going and why.Angelo licked his lips, tasting Gabe, and dragged his fingers through his hair. Fine. He sat at theedge of the bed and looked up at his lover regarding him with heavy-lidded eyes. I brokered a dealwith the Delatorre Cartel.Gabe s eyes widened, blood draining from his face. You-you re doing business with theDelatorres?The Delatorre cartel was notorious for trafficking in humans, guns, drugs, sex, kids.Anything illegal,the Delatorres were on it and waist deep in it. I m a businessman.They have guns and I need guns. They broker women and children for sex, Gabe yelled. They sell people! I know that, but I m now the only supplier of their guns on the East Coast. Gabe gaped at him andAngelo rushed to explain. I ve been buying their guns for years.I m simply widening ourrelationship.Gabe backed away from him, shaking his head. I don t I can t& I can t believe you. There s a bigger picture you can t see yet and I wish I could explain it, but I can t.It s not my pictureto paint, just know all isn t as it seems. Don t start that cryptic shit with me.Tell me or don t. Gabe turned his back on Angelo.Shit!  Gabe, please. He stood and put a hand on Gabe s naked shoulder. I can t fuck! Hewrapped his arms around Gabe, who stiffened. You want all my secrets, amado, and I find I want tolay them all bare for you. Brushing his lips over Gabe s nape, he commanded,  Turn around.Look atme.Gabe did so reluctantly, raising cloudy eyes to Angelo s face. I m working with someone to take down the Delatorres, someone who s been burned by them.Badly. Wha ? Gabe s brow creased. Are you fucking kidding me with this? No. Angelo s lips twisted. Part of the plan was to gain control of the East Coast weapons market.I have.My trip today is to Jersey to take ownership of a shipment of guns coming in from Phoenix.Wary eyes searched his face. What else does the plan consist of?Angelo shrugged. I ll learn more today.I just want you to know, this isn t personal for me, at leastnot in the way you think.My reputation makes it easy for people like the Delatorres to work with meand my co-conspirator saw that and approached me. Jesus! Do you know what you re doing? Gabe s nails bit into his upper arm. The Delatorres findout you ve got an agenda and you ll disappear. I m aware of that, but remember, I m Angelo Pagan. Angelo winked. Notorious leader of Los P.Who d think my agenda was more than buying illegal guns?Gabe wiped a hand over his face. Who are you working with? ATF, ICE, FBI?Angelo laughed.Could his lover be that naïve?  Ah, cop.This is personal shit, no alphabet boys areinvolved.My partner in crime is a civilian and just as unscrupulous as me. Damn you! Gabe punched him the shoulder. Angelo grunted. If you get yourself in any kind of trouble I ll be seriously pissed. Fear lurked in Gabe s eyes, starkand desolate.Angelo cupped his face. As long as you re here waiting, I ll be okay.I ll be fine. He took Gabe slips, kissing his lover deeply.When he released him, Gabe swiped a thumb over his bottom lip. When will you be back? Tomorrow. Your birthday.Angelo nodded. I might be hard to reach so don t freak if you call and I don t answer.Gabe s face clouded. I have something for you. Picking up his jeans off the floor, Angelo searched the pockets until hefound what he sought.He held up the set of three keys on a keychain. These are the keys for the placein Coney Island.The code for the garage is your birthday.Gabe laughed. My birthday, huh? He took the keys from Angelo and added them to his ownkeychain lying on the dresser. Thanks, babe. You can go there anytime, I don t have to be there. Angelo stood and looked around. Now I needto take a shower and leave out. He headed to the bathroom then stopped and turned around. By theway, my mother has decided we ll all have dinner day after tomorrow.He smiled as Gabe gulped. Ah, okay. Careful, amado. Angelo laughed as he turned away. Looks like you re about to pass out.He closed the door on Gabe s  fuck off.* * * * *Angelo arrived in New Jersey by midday and booked a room at a Motel 6 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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