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.M O V E T H E C R O W Dfifteen- to twenty-five-year sentences.But standing firm with hismore conservative Republican mates, he added, “I also want to seetougher sentences for people who use children or sell drugs nearschoolyards or who have a weapon, use a gun, or drug kingpins, andI think we’re seeing some progress toward that.” New York Republi-cans also wanted prosecutors, rather than judges, to maintain finalsay regarding sentencing.These were some of the main points ofdisagreement that kept the Republican senate and the Democrat-controlled assembly from reaching an agreement.Simmons came from a place, the world of business, that was farapart from the planet professional politicians inhabited.Thus, hewas less concerned with political quibbling than he was with clear-cut results.Two weeks before his late-night session in the governor’s o‰ce, he told reporters, “Repeal or reform, I think, are semantics,but there will be dramatic change,” adding, “we know it is going toget done.” Supporters of a full repeal had expressed concerns thatSimmons, a political novice, was too eager to compromise.Simmonswas no stranger to deal making.He built his entire hip-hop empireon the ability to cut deals, and now he was trying to wield that same magic in a diƒerent and much more significant arena, state legislative politics.A few days before the end of the legislative session he told the New York Times, “I negotiate deals every day and I don’t care about people being upset.This law has been there for 30 years and it needs chang-ing now.If there is a deal at all, it will be a compromise.” Sounding like a political pragmatist who believed that something was betterthan nothing, he noted, “In this session, there will not be a full repeal.I want a deal.I want people to get home.What we want is fornonviolent, first-time oƒenders never to be subject to these harshlaws.”With Simmons and his star-power model of politicking, “Count-down to Fairness” was able to generate more attention for the repeal than any other previous eƒort.It was one of the things that openedthe door for Simmons to become a player in the high stakes world of145 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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