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.Taras lineage goes back on the planet Terra farther than any other.Matali says the Snake People are farwiser than those of Nibiru! He has told me magical stories of their kingdom deep within the planet.It is saidthey play with frequencies we do not understand, and the acquisition of material power does not interestthem.What I did understand was that Tara could dance better than anyone I had ever seen.I knew Tarasdancing style would attract merchants from all over the East to my temples, and she would be a great asset, soI invited her to train my temple dancers.Tara is a lovely woman with creamy pale green skin and dark45 almond eyes that twinkle like stars in the night sky.Strings of black pearls and gold beads cover her firm barebreasts.My friend, Tara, helped me to establish a grand and flourishing culture.I also invited Ninhursag.It had become Nin's passion to stay up in her pyramid and administer healingto her beloved Lulus.Her love and compassion for all living beings made her our greatest physician.She had astaff of wonderful nurses who assisted her, but I knew she was lonely.She spent far too much time with thatson of hers, Ninurta, which wasn't good for either of them.You know the type of mother who gossipsendlessly with her son about the rest of the family? Well, that was my Nin.I wanted Ninhursag to set up what you might call hospitals, but we consider your modern medicineabsolutely barbaric.We work with thought forms and frequencies, not drugs and scalpels.Being the onlyunmarried matriarch on Terra was taking its toll on Nin, and I loved her.She was even aging ever so slightly,though she would never admit to any of this.Nin presented herself as crisp and competent as ever, only Iknew better.I was feeling a little lonely myself, and saw how bravely she carried on.Watching Ninhursags life, coupled with my own experiences, was beginning to give me a feeling forwomen.As time passed on Terra, the men in my family were becoming more and more dominating.It was asif the very atmosphere of this remote planet was somehow changing us all.In the Pleiades, women are revered as symbols of the Great Goddess and treated with respect.It isstrongly forbidden by Pleiadian law to strike or rape a woman.Earth's frontier frequencies seemed to bringabout a shift in this tradition.Our men were developing a new attitude to the female half of the species.Thesons of Enki, led by Marduk, created laws forbidding women certain freedoms in their territories.I wasnaturally angry and upset by these ridiculous laws, so in my lands, I emphasized the empowerment andenhancement of female energy, and I decided to teach the Lulus some of the Pleiadian Mysteries.When Ninhursag and Enki created the Lulus, they left a few key components inactivated.Although theLulus and all the humans born of them, including the present-day inhabitants of Terra, possess our genes,some of these genes don't work because some had been purposefully unplugged.The Lulus were taught to callmy family "divine," but we were hardly that.The children of Anu are the eternal adolescents, and words likeambitious and greedy might describe us more accurately.We had intentionally left the genetic codes of ourworker race only partially functional so they would be easier to manage.I knew I could not interfere withthe workings of the Lulus' DNA, but no one could stop me from teaching them certain secrets.And sincethought creates reality, I hoped a few of my priestesses or priests might fire up the "divine genes" present inall the Lulus and thus instigate their latent evolution through hormonal secretion.In your present time, the Samkhya is all that remains of Pleiadian wisdom.Samkhya is a Sanskrit wordmeaning "to enumerate." The concept of Samkhya suggests that matter is organized out of two primarycomponents, consciousness and energy, which interact to create the universe.46 It is conscious focused thought that moves the frequencies of energy to form themselves into themyriad, infinite Play of all the Worlds! Physicists in your present time are approaching this understanding,but they are missing one component, and that is Love.Not the kind of love you have experienced as.humans,something limited and unpredictable, but Love as a primary force.It would never occur to a modern-dayscientist to quantify a state of consciousness such as Love, but that is the secret.Love is the missing piece inall of the unified field theories.It is the Love from Prime Creator that is the first cause of this Universe and all other dimensionalrealities in existence.Do not your great ones say that Love is the greatest of all qualities? Yet, it is too simple,too obvious for most.So, I taught this Samkhya in my temples.I taught my girls and some of the men who wanted to learnhow to use their beautiful minds and bodies to bring this force, the force of divine Love, onto Terra, into ourcities, our fields, and our children.It was a wonderful time for us all.Business thrived, and the women were allowed to own property andto keep their wealth separate if they so chose.Thus, no one owned them.Both sexes were sovereign untothemselves, and the men were equally happy.There was a flowering of civilization and the arts.Our fieldswere abundant, trade with Sumer and Egypt was booming, and the arts of dance, song, painting, and sculptingsoared to new heights.Reports of Mayas architectural achievements spread around the world.sjeOf all the rituals we initiated in my temples, the Ritual of Marriage was the favorite.The priestesseswould dress and prepare the bride, who was educated in the arts of pleasing her husband and the ways ofensuring conception when it was desired.The husband was also prepared and instructed in these matters.Inthose times, it was common knowledge that the greatest pleasure was achieved by arousing the female to aheight of ecstasy.The bride became the channel for all the feminine energy in creation, and the husbandbecame all male energy.Their union allowed the forces of Prime Creator and the Great Goddess to express onTerra.The secret of this sort of union is focus.We trained the couple to attain intense concentration by gazinginto each other's eyes while they are joined in union.Every cell of the body, every awareness of the beingmust be in the moment, every thought must be focused on the now.A woman cannot hope to achieve higherstates of consciousness in union if she is fretting about the grocery list or some other nonsense.Reflecting onthe past or worrying about the future only weakens the experience.We formulated wines and elixirs to enhance focus for those who required a little help, but our greatest47 practitioners required no assistance in their grand focus.The energies they generated assured the fertility ofour agriculture and the happiness of our people, and often healed the sick.One aspect of my Indus Valley was the love and veneration of animals.We used elephants and oxen inour trading business, and we became so fond of our animals that we honored them in the temples.I hadreserves created for the old ones where they could retire in safety.There they were loved and protected,visited frequently by children [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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