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. Yeah,that s exactly what Chance is doing.If he thinks there s away to help Colby, nothing will stop him from doing it.Jacyn whipped out his phone. I ll call Shane.While Jacyn was on the phone, Owen tripped all overhimself to apologize to Thomas. I am so sorry.If I d knownhe d react that way, I d never would have said anything.Thomas held up a hand. That s okay.It s not your fault.You were just being friendly and talking to him.I don tblame you at all.Jacyn let out a loud curse as he turned off his phone. This is not good at all. What? Thomas demanded, fear clogging his throat. Shane just heard from a contact who said he saw a clean,cute Raven going into the home of one of the worst Ravengangs in Flint.That was over two hours ago and nobody hascome out.Thomas knew without a doubt that it was Chance who dgone inside.After all, how many clean, cute Ravens werethere? Just one and he was Thomas s mate.Thomas let out aroar so loud the pictures on the walls shook. Gather up a team.We leave in five minutes.Chance better be unharmed when they found him too, orelse those Ravens would have hell to pay.They d find outthe hard way what happens to those who cross a pissed offLion shifter.* * * *Chance pulled his legs to his chest in an effort to get103 Stephani Hechtcomfortable as he surveyed the small closet they d tossedhim in.His best guess was that he d been in there a couple ofhours.His legs were cramped from lack of having stretchingspace, he was thirsty and he had to pee.Still he couldn tcomplain too much, since that s all the suffering he dexperienced so far.He knew that reprieve would be short lived.A shiverwent down his spine as he imagined some of the horrorsthat awaited him.Worst thing was, he knew that what theRavens actually did to him would probably be ten timesworse than anything he could dream up.God, how could he have been so stupid? Now that he hadtime to calm down and reflect, he could see that he d beenan utter idiot to think that he could just walk in here andgrab that bottle, without them attacking him.He d allowedhis emotions to rule his decisions and it d come back to bitehim in the ass.Worst of all, he d left without saying goodbye to Thomas.Just when they d finally been mated, too.He d be lucky ifThomas didn t end up hating him.Of course, Chance wouldn t be alive to see said hatred.He knew without a doubt that once the Ravens came to gethim, it would be so they could kill him.While that terrifiedhim, it also made him sad.He didn t want to leave behind his family, friends andhome.For the first time ever, he was beginning to have somesense of belonging and now it was all going to be takenaway from him.It seemed so unfair.The door burst open, a shock of light making himtemporarily blind.Chance blinked rapidly to clear his vision,at the same time scooting back into the corner.If they weregoing to be dragging him out, he was sure as hell going tomake them work at it.Strong hands reached in and jerked him out.Chance104 Chance s Vindicationkicked, bit, and scratched, but it didn t do any good.Out ofdesperation, he tried to shift, but all that earned him was aswift punch to the back of the head.His vision swam and hecould hardly think, much less concentrate enough totransform. Don t even think about it, cat lover, Avis snarled.As soon as his sight cleared, Chance wished for blindnessagain.The table that once held the deer carcass had beencleared off.The blood still remained, along with a vast arrayof surgical tools.Thick, leather straps were at the foot andhead of the table, their intention sickeningly obvious. Ah, hell no, Chance yelled as he began to struggleharder.He tried shifting again.Got hit again.He stillcontinued to kick and bite, but to no avail.They threw himon the table, the wet, sticky blood soaking into his shirt.Chance tried to arch up to get away from it, but a hand to hischest stayed him.Avis started to reach for the first strap, then pulled upshort when a series of loud thumps sounded from the roof.The room stilled as the Ravens looks of glee morphed toterror.One of them darted to a window and stuck his head out. Shit, it s Hawks.A lot of them.Avis backhanded Chance. Damn it, I knew you werenothing but trouble.A loud roar sounded from outside and Chance smiledaround the trickle of blood that had started to fall down hischin. Oh, you have no idea how much trouble is comingyour way now.Those were the last words spoken before every intactwindow in the home exploded.The Ravens all let out loudyells as they scattered for their weapons.At the samemoment, various felines in their animal form and Hawkscame pouring in.105 Stephani HechtChance knew he had to take cover and rolled to the side,off the table.Of course, his unlucky ass had to land on thedeer carcass, which had been moved to the floor.He gaggedas goo covered his hands and clothes.Recovering quickly, he got to a sitting position so hecould see the fight.Actually massacre would be a betterterm.Avis and his lackeys were getting their asses handed tothem and then some.Already half of the gang were downand a good number of the others were wounded.Chance glanced up at the mantel, relieved to see the bottlehad made it unscathed.He knew it wouldn t be that waymuch longer.Not with a full-blown battle going on.If hedidn t get to it soon, then he d never be able to get theformula to Owen.Scrambling to his feet, Chance made a mad dash acrossthe room.He had to dodge a couple of commandants alongthe way and was almost taken out by a Raven claw.Hefinally made it.Reaching up, he snagged the bottle and heldit tight to his chest. What in the fuck do you think you re doing? Avisyelled.Chance spun around and let out a yelp as he foundhimself looking down the barrel of a huge-ass gun.Heclutched the bottle tighter to his chest as he backed up, hisspine connecting painfully with the fireplace [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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