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.Within an hour, her back ached, herbed was covered with papers and pads, and she was grinning.Four hours later, she flopped back onto her bed with a cry.Then she sighed in blissfuldelight before a giggle burst free.Good God, that had been like an extended workorgasm!She and Wyatt had an appointment with Bethany in an hour.Megan groaned as shelooked at the time.She needed a shower and a printer.And a nap! But she was still tookeyed up.The night before had been incredible.Once it became clear that she and Wyatt wereboth awake and working at the same time, they had thrown ideas and spreadsheetsback and forth for how to revitalize Miranda s Place.Wave after wave of possibilities,plans, and numbers.Such numbers! Each email had fed on the next until she d beenbreathless and her fingers had cramped from all the things she was typing.And now, wellbefore the meeting with Bethany, they had a plan in place, multiple possible budgets,even a prospective re-launch date. Work orgasm was her new urban slang phrase of the day.And she had lived it.Betteryet, she had loved it.Especially since she was going to be the one to spearhead therenovations.But only if Bethany came on board.And that would be decided in an hour.Another email dinged into her box.From Wyatt.She smiled.It was like one last pulseof his orgasmic frenzy.She clicked it open and couldn t stifle her laugh.That was incredible.Quick! Send me the weather report and let s close this deal! Holyshit, I need a shower!She picked up her phone and texted her usual wake up call to him.Good morning, Mr.Monroe.At nine a.m.today, we have an appointment with BethanyClark, current owner of Miranda s B&B.The weather appears to be clear today, mid-fifties. She set down the phone then headed to the bathroom but was stopped short when herphone buzzed.It was a text message.From now on, I order you to call me Wyatt.After last night, I think our relationship hasrisen to a whole new level.Megan grinned.He was right.They d reached a whole new working relationship.Onethat felt sexual but without any of the ethical constraints.A week ago, she hadn t evendreamed that this type of relationship existed, much less thought of having it with Wyatt.But they did now.A partnership.A meeting of minds, if not bodies.Her smile faded.This is great, she reminded herself.But apparently, her body wasfeeling left out of the equation.No problem, she thought with a sigh.She was working on that too.She d just finish heronline profile tonight.Except that thought killed her happy mood.Sure, she wanted awhole life, one that included a husband someday.Kids, too.But her career was soexciting right now.And the idea of a man in her life one who wasn t Wyatt had hercursing her biological clock.She didn t want someone else.She wanted Wyatt with hishard body and his gentle hands.She wanted him covering her body in kisses as he slowlyspread her legs and thrust inside.And she wanted those pornographic dreams with anintensity that hurt.Why did she have to want the one man she couldn t have? Not without riskingeverything she d spent the last four years building. Chapter FiveSomething was wrong with Bethany.Wyatt wasn t a man to normally notice such thingsafter all, he expected the woman to be somewhat distraught when selling majority stakein her business.Wild, sunken eyes and shaking hands were the norm, and he wouldn tusually let it faze him.But flush from the success of last night s work frenzy, Wyatt was humming withexcitement.He felt bizarrely powerful, as if with Megan s help, he could conquer theworld.So the movement from complete sync with Megan to the jagged anxiety that wasBethany was enough to jolt him out of his typical distraction.He glanced at Megan, throwing her a question in a look.She just shrugged, but hereyes were very intent as she watched Bethany pick up and put down a furred& hat pin?What the hell was that? He had no clue except that the woman kept picking it up andstroking it absently, only to suddenly realize what she was doing before dropping it with asqueak.After the third time, she slammed open a desk drawer and threw it inside with anhonest to goodness growl.Again, Wyatt exchanged a glance with Megan, who had started making discreetnotations on her iPad.He wondered if she was Googling that strange hat pin thing.Eitherway, it was time to get down to business.He just didn t really know how to start with thejittery Bethany.Fortunately, he had already worked out the process with Megan sometime around 5this morning.Her job: the soothing compromiser.His job: the hard, cold bastard.He started the process, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. Well, youcalled the meeting, Miss Clark.What is it that you wanted to talk to us about?She frowned at him, her scowl growing cold and furious.Fortunately, that was theperfect time for Megan to step in. We know this is hard, Miss Clark.We d like to make it easier for you if we can  You want to buy this place lock, stock, and barrel.It s my heritage, the only thing Ihave in the world, and you want to take it from me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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