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.He nudged his lipsinto her hairline and swirled the rough tip of his wet tongue over her closest feeler.Hernubbin s reaction was remarkably similar to that of her puckering nipple.Like adelicate little piston wrapped in smooth nylon, the sluttish little nub surged into hismouth.Pink caught up a quick breath. No no no no no no no, she chanted softly.Whenshe tried to pull her head away, Danjer followed her with his mouth. Oh, oh, oh.Gently, she implored. Saxon, he murmured.Saxon s mouth moved to her other feeler and together they suckled the tiny teat-like protrusions.Almost immediately, her hips started rolling to match the suction theyapplied to her nubbins.69 Madison HayesDanjer laughed breathlessly as he lifted his gaze to watch her pelvis prod at the air.Saxon did the same. Oh& now that s just sweet, Saxon whispered against her nubbin. Did you ever see anything so sexy?Danjer shook his head in the darkness. Does that feel good, Pink?She moaned. You have no idea, she sobbed out in four agonized breaths. Thosethings are pumping endorphins into my brain like there s no tomorrow. Yeah? Saxon drawled in a low, lust-roughened voice,  and what are theypumping into your hips? Erogenomorphins would be my guess, Pink moaned back at him. Erogeno  She just made that up, Danjer murmured against her nubbin.Danjer slid his hand down over her flat stomach, delaying to thumb the jewel in herbelly before sliding lower to furrow a finger through the curls on her mound.Proddinga single finger into the top of her cleft, he watched her ride his finger for as long as hecould stand it.His cock felt like it was ready to split, he was so fucking tight and hard.His knuckles brushed up against Saxon s as the blond s hand encroached between herthighs.With a growled obscenity, he fought the urge to warn Saxon off.Pulling her away from his friend, Danjer lifted Pink s hips and turned her on herside, fitting her curving bottom into his groin.With his thick hot flesh dragging againsther cheeks, he rubbed his fragile skin into her crease.In response, she rolled her hips torub her ass against the press of his cock. Saxon, he breathed out. I ve got it, Saxon answered.The sound of crisp paper rustled in the darkness asSaxon unwrapped the desiccating sticks. Open her for me.Danjer was already pulling her knee up over his thigh.Grasping at the sensitiveflesh of her inner thigh, he spread her wide. Will one stick be enough, Pink?She shook her head in the darkness. Two would be safest, she offered in a shyvoice. Imps have children in pairs. Twins? No, pairs.Two children.One for each of her male lovers.In separate wombs. Two, then, Danjer grunted, thinking of a dark child with a black mop of hair,playing alongside a fair child with green eyes.With an impatient flick of his head, heblinked the idea away.Stretched over Danjer s body, Pink jumped when the narrow sticks prodded at thetender opening of her vagina. Relax, Danjer whispered against her ear as Saxon slidthe sticks home.Danjer groaned. We re going to need a lot more sticks, he told hisfriend in a painful, panting laugh. You re telling me, Saxon grunted breathlessly.70 Made For Two MenHard as a stake, Danjer entered her with a driving push.When she opened hermouth to scream, he reached up between her breasts and clamped his palm across themoist opening of her mouth.It a fit of sexual madness, she writhed and twisted, shaftedon his cock.Her lips were wet and his palm slid over her mouth as he tightened hisfingers to muffle the cries and shouts that fought to surface on her lips. Wait for me, Saxon complained in a harsh rasp. Get in there, Danjer berated him, sucking in a breath.When Saxon pushed into her, she settled a bit, her moans softer and heavy withpleasure as both men fought for her, fought to slake their lust on her, fought to findpleasure and release inside the slick fire of her warm, willing cunt.Saxon s hands casedher waist while Danjer s fingers bit at her hip as they both thrust at her, their penisesfilling her, their cocks rubbing the length of each other while they pumped into hereach man trying to lead the drive and claim command.In the midst of this struggle for dominance, Pink came, her cunt clamping down onthe two thick cocks filling her vagina.Her teeth sank into Danjer s fingers, biting downhard as her head tossed.He tightened his grip to muffle her helpless sobs beneath hispalm.As her sheath tightened in a series of clenching spasms, Danjer s cock was forcedagainst Saxon s inside the steamy noose of her channel.For several delicious seconds,movement was almost impossible as Pink s cunt strangled them pitilessly.Danjer s tipwas caught beneath the rim of Saxon s crown.Clenching his teeth, he jerked his hipsupward and rode up over Saxon s cock head as Saxon yelped in surprise.Danjer feltSaxon s testicles, hot and damp and suddenly rock-hard against his own.As soon as Pink loosened a fraction, Saxon started moving.The pleasure wasalmost unbearable.The savage jerk of Saxon s hips and the brutal drag of Saxon s cockagainst his own thick shaft were darkly arousing in a way that Danjer didn t want tothink about.He was having a hard enough time getting used to the idea of sharing theimp with another man, without having to deal with the idea of sharing an orgasm.Viciously, Danjer pulled his hips as he slammed into the paradise between Pink slegs. I m& coming, Saxon grunted harshly as he banged deep inside her. You withme? I m there, Danjer gritted out as his cock head dragged up Saxon s length a finaltime and Saxon shouted with pleasure coughing out an obscene assortment of hardwords invoking Pink s name as well as Danjer s.Danjer felt Saxon s hot liquid cumerupt to coat his flesh like burning lava as he drove all the way in to pound againstPink s limit and ejaculate just behind his friend.Danjer s neck curved inward and he buried his lips in Pink s neck to mute his nextwords to stop himself from crying her name. Jeezis, he moaned as he dragged hiswet hand from her damp mouth and used his fingers to cup her breast.His dick was71 Madison Hayesstill inside her, loose but pulsing against Saxon s thick, used flesh. Saxon, he groaneddamningly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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