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.but, since the spectator never handles thecards you can probably get away with a glue job.45 World of Super Metalism, ITO PERFORMWith cards in hand, you'll find this trick simple to perform.Using an unpreparedH-O-S and the 2 double-faced cards with the "U" and "E" sides up, arrange thecards in the following order: S-E-O-U-H.Place them on the bottom of the face-upalphabet deck.The "H" will now be the bottom card of the pack.Remove a "C" and"K" (unprepared) from the pack and place them face-up on top of the deck.Turnthe deck face-up (with the "H" showing) and put the pack into the card box.Youare now ready to perform.Remove the pack from the box face-up with the "H" showing.Remove the 5 bottomcards (S-E-O-U-H) without disturbing their order.Place the remainder of thepack crosswise on the card case.(This will facilitate picking it up later withoutaccidentally revealing the 2 reversed cards on top of the pack, the "C" and "K").Holding the packet of 5 cards squared in your left hand, push off the "H" with theleft thumb into the right hand edge and the remaining 4 fingers on the left edge.The palms of both hands are up.Immediately turn both hands inward and downand show the backs of the cards in the left hand and the back of the card in the righthand.Now, reverse the action and turn both hands back to their original position,simultaneously shoving off the face up "H" in the right hand and the "U" in theleft hand onto the table.This move enables you to apparently show the backs ofthe two cards you just dealt face up onto the table when in reality you showed theback of the top card of the packet in the left hand.Now repeat the action again showing the "O" in the right hand and the "E" in yourleft.Turn both hands inward and down simultaneously, apparently showing thebacks of the two face cards.Return hands to their original position and deal off the"O" and "E" face-up next to the "U" and "H." Simply turn over the last card (the S)showing both sides and place it next to the O-E-U-H.Following the suggested patter, rearrange the letters to spell H-O-U-S-E.Now, pick up the cards one at a time squaring the packet, with the "E" on top as youlook at the faces of the cards.Deal them as follows: "E" face up, "S" face-down, "U"face-up, "O" face-down and "H" face-up.At this point you will have E, U, H face-upand 0, S face-down.Turn over the top card (H) as you patter about the attic door.Then turn over theentire packet.Spread the cards out and they will spell H-O-G-S-T.Slide the "G" infront of the "H and H-O-U-S-E has mysteriously changed to G-H-O-S-T.State that in order to prove that the house was haunted the man placed the ghostin a box.Pick up the cards one at a time starting with the "G" adding the H, O andS under the "G." Toss the "T" on top of the "G" and turn the squared packet face-down.Pick up the face-up pack of alphabet cards and place the 5 face-down cards46 World of Super Metalism, Ion the face-up deck.Now state that the man locked up the ghost securely (give the face-up pack onecomplete cut).Note: This move adds the C and K to H-O-S.The "G" and "T" areautomatically turned over to become a face-up "E" and "U." The five face-down cardsin the center of the pack now spell S-H-O-C-K.At this point in your story, when the man attempts to prove that he has captured areal live (?) ghost, spread the pack face-up across the table.The spectator will see 5face-down cards in the center of the spread that supposedly spell GHOST.Removethe 5 face-down cards and deal them onto the table face-up one at a time to spellthe word S-H-O-C-K, as you patter that unfortunately when the man went to showhis friends the ghost, he got the shock of his life since the ghost had vanished.asghosts usually do.While the spectators are themselves in a state of shock, gather up the cards andreturn all to the card box.Your sinister tale and mystifying trick have ended.(Applause).Try this out.It's a real fooler and the handling is as smooth as you could possiblywant.Haunted House is available from Al's Magic Shop in Washington, D.C.47 World of Super Metalism, ICOMPUTER DATINGThe principle used in this quickie card effect is an oldie [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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