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.If she didn t, he would feel like a failure.She didn t have to agree with him to realize what it meant to him.And somewhere along the way hercontract to help Emily physically rehabilitate had turned into something more significant for Adam.Shehad become the first person Adam truly needed that would not let him down.It was even more pressure than knowing she might not get the money.But Jaden was hesitantly optimistic now.The past few days of therapy had gone very well.She andEmily had even tried waltzing today.It had been less than impressive, especially since neither of themreally knew how to waltz, but they d ended up laughing and Jaden always counted that as a success.Even though she d shaved her legs, used her new body spray and put on one of her few sexy bras justin case, Adam s focus was far away from satin sheets and skimpy underwear.She looked at his profile.Distracted was a nice word to describe him tonight.Instead of trying to cop a feel, he was worrying about his daughter, and if Chad was treating her rightand&Oh, okay.Jaden smiled and settled back into the couch more comfortably.Adam was doing just whathe should have been doing.He was being a dad.Jaden sighed.It would be so easy to fall in love with him.She bolted upright.Adam turned and gave her a funny frown. What?Jaden bit her bottom lip and stared at him.It would be easy to fall in love with him.She should know.She d done it. Jaden? Are you okay?She nodded quickly, not trusting herself to open her mouth.If she did, I love you might fall out.www.samhainpublishing.com 113 Erin Nicholas Dad? Jaden?Emily s voice broke into the moment and Jaden nearly wilted with relief.It wasn t time to tell him sheloved him.She had no idea how to tell when it was time, but she just knew now wasn t it. Dad? Emily came into the room, her one crutch propped under her arm, and Adam stood, slowly.Too slowly.Jaden hid a smile.He was trying to act blasé and not run to her, inspect her from head to toe, give herthe third degree, and hook Chad up to a lie-detector test. Hi, did you have a good time?Jaden was pleased to see Adam reach out and pull Emily up against his side. It was great.Thanks for letting me go. Sure.I m glad you had fun. And Shawna s mom and dad were there? Jaden asked, knowing that Adam was dying to confirmthe information but was trying to hold himself back. Yes.Her mom said she d like to have you guys come over sometime too. Great. Jaden had met Shawna s mother during a couple of basketball games last year.Another factthat had helped to convince Adam to let Emily go.Then it struck her.Why was it great? Why would she be invited over to Shawna s next time? Shewasn t Adam s girlfriend, she wasn t Emily s mother.In fact, she didn t have any connection here onceEmily s rehabilitation was completed.A strange sadness filled Jaden as she watched Emily and Adam talk.Her own head sounded like itwas full of static and she couldn t make out their words, but she took in every detail.Emily was onlybeginning on this wondrous road of first love and new friendships and adventures and making memories.Jaden felt a twinge near her heart as she realized that she wouldn t see most of it.She was in love withAdam, loved Emily dearly, would love to stay in their lives, sharing and celebrating.But she hadn t beeninvited. I m going to go up to bed.I need to make a phone call before I go to sleep, Emily said. I ll walk up with you.I want to be sure that the one air vent you told me about is working tonight,Adam said.He looped his arm around Emily s shoulders and they left the room together, just father anddaughter.  Night, Jaden, Emily called from the hallway outside of the family room.  Night, sweetie, Jaden called past the lump that formed in her throat when she realized how muchshe loved the term family room and how she didn t belong in it in this house.Restless, full of emotions she didn t know what to do with, Jaden got to her feet and started pacing.She thought about going over to her own apartment, but as much as she felt she didn t belong in theSteele s family room, she couldn t bring herself to face an empty apartment.114 www.samhainpublishing.com No Matter WhatShe stood in front of the fireplace mantel, looking at the photos of Emily from when she was a baby,through toddler-hood, grade school and the past few years [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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