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.Then wewould all join hands and sing  Sailing toward a Rainbowtogether.Things didn t go exactly that way.First, the troopers had arrived just before I did.There wasa cluster of people on one side of the road where a pickuploaded with bales of straw and a Toyota of some modelno longer produced had pulled onto the shoulder.Diana sBMW was on the other side, and the right front looked likea larger version of a Catahoula Hound s accordion.Gradywas shouting and gesturing toward the people on the otherside, and two older women were holding a young manI was guessing the pickup driver from his straw-coveredjeans and feedstore cap who was trying to get to Grady.When I parked and got out I could see that the front end ofthe pickup had been totaled. Move along, miss, one of the state troopers said, as Itried to get to Grady.Dressed in gray, with the traditional 110 Emilie Richardscampaign-style hat, which sat just inches above a thunder�ous scowl, he didn t look like anyone to fool around with. The man in the BMW called me, I told him. I m sup�posed to give him a ride back into town. Grady Barber?I was sorry the trooper had recognized him. Yep.Thatwould be the one.I guess he told you who he is.The trooper sneered.He d obviously had a lot of prac�tice. No, ma am.I went to school with Mr.Barber.The two men were about the same age, so this seemedplausible.The trooper looked like he d lived a harder life,but it sat well on him. Do you know whose fault it was? I asked softly. I mon the committee that brought him here for the EmeraldSprings Idyll.We d sure like to avoid any trouble. You might ought to have gotten somebody else as yourjudge, then.Considering the way Barber was raised, it s nosurprise his people skills are so lousy.There was no time to follow up on that.Grady s voicewas rising exponentially. Any chance you can calm him down? the trooper asked. Because my fellow officer isn t too big on patience.And Ihave even less. I can try. Be my guest.He let me pass.I stayed on Grady s side of the road, andthe trooper went over to calm the young man on the otherside, who clearly wanted to wrap his hands around Grady sthroat.I really didn t know what to say.But desperate measureswere called for.I did the only thing I could think of.Ishouted. Grady!That got his attention.He turned and pointed a finger atme. What took you so long? I ve yet to perfect teleporting. I pointed my finger rightback at him. I am here now, and I want you to be quiet.Right now.No arguments. A Lie for a Lie 111His eyes widened, and his chin dropped, but only to letout another shout, aimed this time at me.I glanced at thetrooper and smiled. May I speak to him alone a moment? Miss, I m not sure he s safe. My self-defense skills are beyond reproach.I blocked out the outraged bellows coming from Grady slips until the trooper had moved away a little.Then I grabbedhis wrist, snapped it back, and shook it. Shut up right now!You re about to get thrown into jail.And if that happens, Iswear I ll call every major newspaper I can find a numberfor and report what happened here.And I ll make sure youlook like a total jerk.I didn t really expect that to work.But it was as close toa plan as I could come up with in the seconds given me.Ishould have worked on it on the trip, instead of imaginingthe best scenario.Call me an optimist.I m not sure what got to him.The way I was holdinghis wrist? Jail? Bad PR? Whatever it was, he abruptly fellsilent.I dropped the wrist, but I stepped closer and lowered myvoice. So here s what we re going to do.You re going to co�operate with the troopers and give them your statement.Ifthey don t throw you in jail, you can get in my van and I lltake you to the country club.A tow truck s on the way forDiana s car.And while we re together in my van, you will re�member I am a volunteer.I have no real reason not to dumpyou by the side of the road if you get abusive.And buddy, letme tell you, I can do it, too.If you want a demonstration, I llgive you one right here and now.He looked like he was considering my offer.Or maybehe was just considering whether he could afford a hit man.I spread my hands, palms up. I can leave.You neverhave to see my face again.You can find another way back.I really don t care.He took me up on my first offer, although silently.Whenthe trooper saw we were finished, he moved back and tookGrady s statement, which went something like: The pickup 112 Emilie Richardshad come out of nowhere.He had come to a complete stop,no matter what the loser in the feedstore cap was saying.This was not Grady s fault.The trooper glanced at me witha raised brow.I was careful not to shake my head, althoughmy neck tried every which way to thwart me.Sunset had come and gone by the time I was allowed towhisk Grady back to town [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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