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. I m the one you want, not her.Colette jerked her head back.Blood tainted her feral snarl, but Luc remained focused on the limpform in her arms.He strained to catch the faint sound of Daniela s heartbeat, to know she still lived.The vampire witch dropped her prey on the cobblestones and approached him. What are you talkingabout, you pitiful excuse for a vampire?A protective growl rose from his chest.He would save Daniela, even if it meant his own destruction. I m the one who tore apart the Staff of Octavius.I m the one who hid the pieces.But if you harm her, thatinformation dies with me.Colette wiped the blood off her face and smeared some of it across his lips.Her cruel laughter mockedhim while his baser instincts took over.His heart pounded.His fangs grew longer, and he dared to flick histongue out to taste the precious nectar she d given him.What he wouldn t give to consume every last dropof Daniela s blood, to share his own with her and know she d always be with him.He closed his eyes andlet out a cry of frustration. Yes, Pre Luc, I know your weakness.I m the one who holds all the cards, not you.I m the one whomakes the demands.I haven t taken her to the point where you must turn her or watch her die, but she sclose.So very close.Luc sucked a breath in through his teeth, drawing in Daniela s warm vanilla scent.It swirled insidehis nostrils, making his mouth water and his cock stiffen.Mon Dieu, I ve never craved a person this much. Leave her here and I will take you to the other half.She shoved him back into her henchmen and stood over him with her hands on her hips. Why shouldI trust you? You ve clung to your humanity instead of embracing your power, your true nature.We are thelions, and they are the lambs. She pointed to where Daniela lay in the middle of the square, and a look ofpure disgust twisted her features. Why would you put her before yourself? She s just Morwen s pawn.She knows nothing.But if you touch her again, I ll go into the sun andtake my secrets with me. He gritted his teeth and waited to see how she would react to his ultimatum.Colette grabbed Daniela by the hair and dangled her like a rag doll. You actually care for this littlewitch, don t you? How pathetic.www.samhainpublishing.com 65 Crista McHughShe snapped her fingers and another vampire appeared from the shadows to retrieve the headpiecefrom the fountain.She examined the golden bird, once a representation of Osiris that Octavius Caesar hadtransformed into a Roman eagle when he seized it.Her eyes widened and she licked her lips.He knew whatshe wanted, and he only hoped it would be enough to make her forget about the woman in her other hand.Colette turned her attention to him. So, what s it going to be, Pre Luc? The other half of the staff, orher?His heart, which had remained frozen in his chest for centuries, now wanted to lodge itself in histhroat.His gaze travelled between the headpiece and Daniela.As much as he wanted to protect his lover, healso understood the consequences if Colette got her hands on the other half of the Staff of Octavius.But atleast he could control how quickly she gained access to it.Maybe that would give Daniela enough time tofind it first. It s in Romania.Colette started laughing so hard he wondered if she d lost her mind. How ironic.The next thingyou ll tell me is that you hid it in Transylvania. I ll lead you directly to it if you let her go.She dragged Daniela behind her, still holding a fistful of her hair, and leveled her eyes to his. That stoo easy.There s no leverage anymore.Why don t we invite Daniela to join us? That way, if you re lying, Ican at least enjoy a little snack.Or better yet, I could make her my pet.Luc roared with fury and broke free of his captors.He closed his hands around Colette s neck,determined to rip her head from her body.A bolt of lightning arced off her skin and sent him flying halfway across the square. You arrogantfool! Do you think you can defeat me? You don t even have the strength to fight off my troops.Try thatagain and I ll drain her dry. Colette, one of her men said, the light of his phone casting an eerie illumination over his face,  Ican t book any flights for us.She snapped her attention to him. Why not? Because we re apparently on Interpol s most wanted list for a terrorist attack on Gare de Lyon thismorning.Now it was Luc s turn to laugh. Morwen s craftier than you think.She has powerful connections. She s a fraud, and we both know it.Besides, Marcellus is just as well connected.This will beresolved by tomorrow night. She tossed Daniela to one of her henchmen. Let s find a way out of herebefore the sun rises.That pathetic martyr may want to fry, but I have too much to live for. She hugged theheadpiece to her chest like a child s teddy bear and grinned.His captors pulled him to his feet and shoved him after her.He remained focused on Daniela.If hehad a moment s chance to help her escape, he d take advantage of it.66 www.samhainpublishing.com Kiss of TemptationLuc sat huddled in the corner of an open rail car, watching the mid-morning shadows flicker acrossthe floor.The rest of the night had passed in a blur.He vaguely remembered stumbling through a train yardand being shoved into this car.Colette s face loomed in front of him, her words humming together andlulling him into a trance.He remembered her asking him over and over again for the staff s location, but asfar as he knew, he d revealed nothing.His continued existence testified to that.He awoke just before the first rays of the sun rose above the horizon and ran toward the nearest shelterhe could find a broken crate with a torn tarp draped over it.It wasn t until he peeked out of his makeshifttent that he realized he wasn t alone.Daniela lay in the center of the car, fully bathed in the bright sunlight.Even though she still slept, herpresence taunted him.He longed to touch her, to reassure himself that she d recover from her blood loss.To beg for her forgiveness.But to reach her meant battling the sun, so he sat there for hours, watching the subtle rise and fall ofher chest.He replayed the events of the last few days in his mind, wondering what he could have done to changethings.Perhaps he should have left her alone in the catacombs.Perhaps he should never have offered toshow her where the pieces of the staff were located.Perhaps he should never have tasted her lips.His chest tightened.No, he wouldn t trade any of those moments with her, save one.The day he gavein to his bloodlust.The day he drove her from his arms and opened the rift inside his soul that made himache for her all the more.And yet, he doubted he would change the course of that afternoon.He d tasted perfection.The sweetmoments of pure pleasure he d found when joined with her on every intimate level possible was worthwhat he suffered now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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