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.I think he believed me, but Ican t get his hurt look out of my head.Peter s a really interesting guy.He s smart, and you should have seen him at the track yesterday.There s a club of wheelchair racers, and when we went yesterday, Peter beat their fastest guy once.He looked so happy and excitedwhile he was racing.It was totally awesome. Russ nearly bounced inhis seat as he remembered how Peter looked as he raced around thetrack, arms pumping, his whole body thrown into the task.Darryl scoffed lightly at Russ s animation and then began tolaugh as they pulled into the parking lot behind the restaurant. You ve got it bad. What? Russ asked, and Darryl looked at him over the top ofimaginary glasses. Oh. The reason you re so excited about the races and so hurt aboutwhat happened yesterday is probably because you re falling for him.You want him to be happy. Darryl parked the car, but left it running,the rain coming down in sheets. That s a good thing. Yeah.But what about Barry? He s an asshole, but I still lovehim in some stupid way, and I can t seem to let go.Darryl sighed and turned toward him as a clap of thunder rolledoutside the car. If you could just let Barry go, then Peter probablywouldn t care for you. That makes no sense! Sure it does, Darryl said levelly. Peter probably knows that ifyou could easily walk away from Barry after four years, then youcould do the same to him.But you can t, and that makes you differentbecause you really care.Don t beat yourself up over that.But if I cango against what everyone else thinks here, you should talk to Barry,with someone else present, if necessary.But talk to him even if it sto yell at him.Just get your feelings out.Let him hear it, and then youcan hear what he has to say.You may not like it, but maybe you canput some of this behind you. The rain let up, and Darryl turned offthe engine. I ll think about it, Russ said, and then they both opened theirdoors and made a dash for the back door of the restaurant.The rain might have let up, but they were still nearly soaked bythe time they got inside.They stomped their feet on the mat, and Darryl got some towels from the employee restroom so they could drythemselves before turning on the fans and equipment.After changinginto their work clothes, they hung their other things in the office andgot to work.Russ helped Darryl with the prep for an hour, until it was timefor him to head over to the Acropolis. There are a few umbrellas inthe office, Darryl told him, and Russ gathered his clothes into a bagand got one of the umbrellas before heading out the front door andwalking down the sidewalk, where he admitted he really hadn tthought this out when he d asked Darryl for a ride.It took about ten minutes, and his shoes were nearly soaked, butthe rest of him was dry as he approached the dark restaurant. MaybeDarryl was right, he said to himself as he looked around for whatseemed like the millionth time before unlocking the door.He had todo something.He was tired of looking over his shoulder all the time,wondering if Barry was going to be following him.This had to end.Walking inside, he closed the umbrella and made sure to place iton the rug before carefully weaving his way to the back door, openingit for the installers, who appeared to be waiting for him.As soon as heopened the door, Russ heard the thunk of truck doors closing and thenguys hurried inside, stomping their feet. Is Peter here? one of themen asked, and Russ shook his head. I expect him anytime. We re gonna get to work and should have the last of thisinstalled, but we need to make extra sure you have room for thosevertical grills, so we need to take a last set of final measurementsbefore doing the final installation. I ll send him back as soon as I see him, Russ promised, andthe three men began opening toolboxes and turning on work lights.By the time Russ left, the zing of a drill could already be heard asthey got to work.Russ went into the dining area to check the plans forhimself.He heard the front door open and turned, expecting to seePeter.Instead, Barry stood in the doorway. Russ tensed and stared.His first instinct was to back away, butsomehow he held his ground.Barry walked closer without saying aword, his eyes resembling those of a feral cat, large and predatory. What do you want, Barry? Russ said as levelly as his poundingheart and dry throat would allow.He didn t get a verbal answer, butBarry continued walking closer, and Russ determined he was going tostand his ground. Why did you come here?His question was ignored again, and Barry was now so close,Russ wanted to turn and run into the kitchen where the workmenwere.Barry s arms tugged on Russ s shirt and then pulled him tightagainst Barry s body.Without further warning, Russ was beingkissed, hard and full.At first, he was shocked, but as Barry s kisscontinued, Russ realized that he felt nothing.There was nothing at all.Barry s lips did nothing, and when his tongue pressed for entrance,Russ kept his mouth closed and tried to pull away.A gasp from nearthe door brought Russ to full realization, and he shoved on Barry schest with all his strength.He tried to look at Peter, but Barry toweredin front of him, blocking off his view of anything but him. I told youI knew what you wanted, Barry said in what he must have thoughtwas a seductive voice.Russ could only imagine the betrayal and disappointment Petermust have been feeling, and when Barry pulled him close once again,Russ did the only thing he could.For the first time since he d knownBarry, Russ lashed out.Drawing his hand back, Russ put all hisweight behind it, smacking Barry across the face with everything hehad.The sharp sound of his hand on Barry s skin filled the room.Barry looked shocked, and he rubbed his cheek with his hand, eyeswide. I do not want you to kiss me or do anything else with me,Russ said firmly.He couldn t believe he d hit Barry, and for a secondhe felt bad, until he heard laughter.Barry moved aside, and Russ sawPeter laughing to beat the band. Take that, Barry the Bastard! Peter crooned with glee as theworkmen filed into the room. What happened? Something sounded like a gunshot. Russ didnot know the man s name, but he was the biggest and hairiest of the workmen, and Barry took a step back from the huge man.He musthave seen the handprint on Barry s face, because the big man lookedat Russ and then back at Barry. Sounds like someone needs to leavehis hands at home. Then he turned to Russ. You need help, justyell.Russ nodded, and the men glared at Barry before returning towork. I m sorry, Peter, Russ said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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