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.Gaze at the head; then at the body; then at the legs.Repeat the sameprocess again and again.When your mind calms down look at a particular place only.Be steady tilltears begin to flow.Then close the eyes and mentally visualise the picture.(2) Gaze on a black dot on a white wall or draw a black mark on a piece of white paper andhang it on the wall in front of you.(3) Draw the picture Om (!) on a piece of paper and have it before your seat.Do Trataka onit.(4) Lie down on an open terrace and gaze at a particular bright star or on the full moon.Aftersome time, you will see different colours of lights.Again some time later, you will see only aparticular colour throughout, and all other surrounding stars will disappear.When you gaze at themoon, you will see only a bright moon on a black background.At times you will see a huge mass oflight all around you.When gazing becomes more intense, you can also see two or three moons ofthe same size and at times you cannot see any moon at all even though your eyes may be wide open.(5) Select at random any place in the open sky in the morning or evening hours and gaze at itsteadily.You will get new inspirations.(6) Look at a mirror and gaze at the pupil of your eye.41 KUNDALINI YOGA(7) Some people do Trataka at the space between the two eyebrows or at the tip of the nose.Even during walking, some persons do Trataka at the tip of the nose.(8) Advanced students can do Trataka at the inner Chakras, (Padmas).Muladhara, Anahata,Ajna and Sahasrara are the important centres for Trataka.(9) Keep a ghee-lamp before you and gaze at the flames.Some astral entities give Darshanthrough the flames.(10) Very few Yogins do Trataka on the sun.It requires the help of an experienced man bytheir side.They begin to gaze on the rising sun and after gradual practice they do Trataka on the suneven in the midday.They get some special Siddhis (psychic powers) by this practice.All are not fitfor this Sadhana.All the first 9 exercises will suit everyone and they are harmless.The last one,sun-gazing should not be attempted until you get the help of an experienced man.INSTRUCTIONSWhen you do the practice in your meditation room, sit in your favourite Asana (posture),Siddhasana or Padmasana.At other times you can do in a standing or sitting posture.Trataka can beprofitably done even when you walk.As you walk along the streets, do not look hither and thither.Gaze at the tip of the nose or toes.There are many persons who do not look at the face when theytalk to others.They have their own gaze at a particular place and talk.No particular Asana isrequired for this Sadhana.When you gaze at a picture, it is Trataka.When you close your eyes and mentally visualisethe picture, it is Saguna Dhyana (meditation with form).When you associate the attributes of Godsuch as omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience, purity, perfection, etc., the name and the form ofthe object of Trataka will automatically disappear and you will enter into Nirguna Dhyana (abstractmeditation).Do Trataka for two minutes to start with.Then cautiously increase the period.Do not beimpatient.Gradual steady practice is required.Gazing at a spot even for three full hourscontinuously counts for nothing, if the mind is wandering.The mind also must be on the spot.Thenonly you will advance in this practice and attain many psychic powers.Those who cannot gaze steadily for a second in spite of several attempts, need not worrymuch.They can close their eyes and gaze at an imaginary spot at the space between the twoeyebrows.Those who have very weak eye-capillaries should do Trataka after closing their eyes on anyimaginary spot within or without.Do not tax your eyes by over-practice.When you feel tired, closeyour eyes and keep your mind on the object of Trataka.When you sit and do Trataka do not shakethe body.Trataka improves eyesight.Many who had some eye-troubles have realised immensebenefits by Trataka.Going beyond one s own power and gazing at the sun without any help may42 YOGA SADHANAproduce serious troubles.For gazing on the sun you must have your guide by your side.The Guruwill prescribe some oil to rub on your head to avoid such serious troubles and to cool the system.You should apply honey to your eyes at night when you practise sun-gazing.The same object of gazing will appear as something else during the practice.You will havemany other visions.Different people have different experiences.You will not even believe certainthings when others tell you of their experiences.Trataka alone cannot give you all Siddhis [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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