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.As the King falls, so do Reti's hopes of finishing in first place (regardless ofhow long the odds were, there was still a slight chance).Yates looks at Reti quizzically and points at the square h4.We see his lips moving; we canimagine he's asking Reti, "Why did you put your Queen here?" Reti just shrugs, taps the sideof his head, and flicks his wrist as though he's saying "My mind just left me for a moment".He laughs again as the men shake hands and part company.ROUND TWENTY -- APRIL 13THE SCORE SO FARPLAYER SCORE W D LLASKER,EM.13.0 10 6 1CAPABLANCA 12.0 8 8 1ALEKHINE 11.0 6 10 2RETI 9.5 8 3 4MARSHALL 9.5 5 9 3BOGOLJUBOW 8.5 7 3 7MAROCZY 8.0 4 8 5TARTAKOWER 7.5 5 5 8YATES 6.5 5 3 9LASKER, ED.5.0 1 8 9JANOWSKI 4.5 3 3 11We're three rounds from the tournament's finish and another competitor has fallen by thewayside.Reti's loss to Yates in the nineteenth round, coupled with Dr.Lasker's win in thesame round, has eliminated Reti from contention for first place.Alekhine is the new longshot.He's two points behind Emanuel Lasker with three rounds togo.However, Alekhine is due a bye in one of those rounds.The best he can do now is tie forfirst place if he wins both of his remaining games while Lasker loses all three of his.It's not alikely series of events, but stranger things have happened.Realistically, it looks like it all comes down to Lasker and Capablanca.The world championis a point behind but appears to have found his form again after his early round loss to Reti. Both men have the full three games left to play, so these next rounds should contain someexciting contests.Speaking of Reti, we run into him in the hotel lobby shortly before the start of today's round."Tough break yesterday," I say to him."No," Reti replies with a slight smile as we walk together to the tournament hall, "Yatesdeserved to win.He played well and I played badly." He sighs and his smile broadens."Oh,well, there will be other tournaments.""'Hope springs eternal.'""Exactly," he agrees.As we stop to find seats, Reti continues toward the stage, then turnsaround and winks."Of course, with a bit of luck, I could still finish in the top three."A few minutes later, Mr.Helms takes the stage to announce the pairings."Ladies andgentlemen, here are the pairings for today's round, the twentieth.Mr.Janowski will play Mr.Bogoljubow, Mr.Yates will face Mr.Capablanca, Mr.Marshall will play against Mr.Alekhine, Mr.Edward Lasker will play Mr.Reti, and Dr.Emanuel Lasker will face Mr.Maroczy.Dr.Tartakower has drawn the bye.Good luck, gentlemen."Tartakower leaves the stage and finds a seat directly behind us.I recall his loss to Capablancayesterday and can't resist turning my head to the side to toss back over my shoulder, "Well,did Capablanca play like Capablanca yesterday?"The good doctor leans forward and says, "Yes, exceedingly so.Thank you so much forasking." A moment later I feel the slight rap of his knuckles across the back of my head.Ilaugh loudly and I am "shushed" harshly by several spectators -- the round has begun.Covering my mouth with my hand, I take a few moments to regain my composure.But I can'thelp but snicker once or twice as we watch the opening moves.GAME 96 -- EM.LASKER VS.MAROCZYWe're in the late stages of the tournament and Dr.Lasker enjoys a nice lead, but it certainlywouldn't hurt him to gain another victory today.What will he pull from his bag of tricksagainst the master of defense, Maroczy?AFTER THE GAMEWith the win, Dr.Lasker will maintain his lead over the world champion Capablanca for atleast another round.Maroczy is discussing the game with Dr.Lasker, but we get the impression that Herr Doktoris having a hard time understanding Maroczy's heavily accented speech.Lasker is puffingmadly on his cigar; maybe he's hoping to completely obscure the board with smoke so that hisopponent will give up on the idea of a post-mortem analysis.But Marozcy persists and theirtable is soon totally lost to our view, while the rest of the stage appears as though a lowground fog has risen from the floor.GAME 97 -- YATES VS.CAPABLANCA Today is a very important day for the World Champion.He's trailing Dr.Lasker by just onepoint with three games left to play, so every point is crucial at this stage of the tournament.Capablanca probably has mixed feelings about today's pairing.His opponent, Yates, iscertainly not one of the stronger players in the tournament.Keep in mind, though, that Yateshas that "spoiler" reputation.He frequently comes up bug when his opponents least want himto do so.This should be an interesting game.AFTER THE GAMECapa looks at the board for a long moment after the players agree to the draw.Then, almostwearily, he taps the Black Bishop sitting alongside the board and points at e7.Yates nods.That's as far as the anlysis session goes.The players shake hands again; Capa excuses himselffrom the table and quickly leaves the hall.At no time was he rude to Yates, but he nevercracked a smile either.This was a very important game and it's easy to see that Capablanca isnot satisifed with the half-point.GAME 98 -- ED.LASKER VS.RETIThe two friends meet again in the final rounds.Reti is playing for position; he no longer has achance of winning the event, but he'd like to finish in third place.Young Lasker is playing forpride; Reti beat him in their previous meeting in Round Seven and Lasker would no doubtlike to even the score.They meet at the board and converse for a few moments, laughing and smiling as they talk.Tartakower, who is still sitting behind us, leans forward in his seat."Do you think Lasker'ssaying 'Are you ready, Reti?'"I feign annoyance and hiss back, "Cut it out!" Tartakower chuckles and leans back in hischair.AFTER THE GAMEReti sighs as his tips his King and looks up to see Lasker shrugging at him as if to say, "Sorry,I couldn't help myself".Reti looks at him for a long moment and at last breaks into a grin.Thegame ends with a hearty handshake.We run into Reti in the lobby later that evening."Well," I say to him, "there went third."Reti just looks at me and sighs wistfully."Perhaps fourth?"I grin at him and jerk a thumb toward the front door."Come on; dinner's on me."GAME 99 -- MARSHALL VS.ALEKHINEAlexander Alekhine is two points behind Dr.Lasker and only has two games left to play(remember, he's still due a bye in one of the remaining two rounds).If he is to have any hopeof finishing in a tie for first place, he must win today's game.Despite his back being firmly against the wall, he displays no signs of anxiety as he meetsMarshall at the board.He displays no rude behavior, either; he merely shakes the American'shand and stoically sits down to begin the game. After a few moments' contemplation, Marshall reaches for his d-pawn and the strugglecommences.AFTER THE GAMEMarshall looks up at his opponent as the position is repeated.He smiles and wags a finger atAlekhine, who also breaks into a rare smile of joviality.We're left with many questions here.Why did Alekhine spun the opportunity for an even (butmot drawn) position starting with his 25th move to play a forced draw instead? Why was hewilling to settle for a draw at all, when a win today was crucial to him?We catch Alekhine outside in the hall after the game and ask him about it."That was a truly awe-inspiring bit of calculation on your part, but why did you play for adraw?"Alekhine smiles indulgently."The position was much more complicated than you suppose,"he says, "and Marshall would have had many 'swindling' opportunities had I playeddifferently.My thought was that a half-point was better than none.""But you're out of the running for first place!""But I will still finish strongly enough [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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