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.Passion, egoism, jealousy, pride and hatred are very deep-rooted.If you cut the branchesof a tree, they grow again after sometime.Even so, these thoughts that are suppressed or thinnedout for sometime, manifest again after sometime.They should be completely rooted out bystrenuous efforts, Vichara, meditation, etc.Thought-control by Napoleon s MethodWhen you think on one subject, do not allow other thoughts to enter.When you think of arose, think of the different kinds of roses only.Do not allow other thoughts to enter.When you think of mercy, think of mercy and mercy only.Do not think of forgivenessand tolerance.When you study the Gita, do not think of tea or a cricket match.Be whollyoccupied with the subject on hand.Napoleon controlled his thoughts in this manner:  When I want to think of things morepleasant, I close the cupboards of my mind revealing the more unpleasant things of life, and openup the cupboards containing the more pleasant thoughts.If I want to sleep, I close up all thecupboards of mind!Arrest the Recurrence of Evil ThoughtsSuppose the evil thoughts stay in your mind for twelve hours and recur every third day.Ifyou can make them stay for ten hours and recur once in a week by daily practice of concentrationand meditation, that is a decided improvement.If you continue your practice, the period of stayand recurrences will be gradually lessened.Eventually they will disappear altogether.Compare your present state of mind with thatof last year or year before last.You will be able to find out your progress.The progress will be very slow in the beginning.It will be difficult for you to gauge yourgrowth and progress.43 THOUGHT POWERGive the Wrong Thought No ConcessionAt first a wrong thought enters the mind.Then you entertain a strong imagination.Youtake delight in dwelling on that wrong thought.You give consent to its stay in the mind, and gradually the wrong thought, when it is notresisted, takes a strong hold in your mind.Then it becomes very difficult to drive it off.The proverb goes:  Give a rogue an inchand he will take an ell. This is true of wrong thoughts also.Nip the Bad Thought in Its BudJust as you close your door or gate when a dog or an ass tries to come in, so also, closeyour mind before any evil thought can enter and produce an impression on your physical brain.You will become wise soon and attain eternal, infinite peace and bliss.Wipe out lust, greed and egoism.Entertain only pure holy thoughts.This is an uphill task,a difficult task.You will have to practice it.You will succeed in your attempt after sometime.Destruction of one bad thought will give you strength to annihilate other thoughts andwill develop your soul-force or will-power.Never despair though you may fail in crushing a bad thought.No pains, no gains.Innerspiritual strength will gradually manifest in you.You can feel this.Spiritual Practice for Elimination of Evil ThoughtsYour mind will sometimes shudder when evil thoughts enter your mind.This is a sign ofyour spiritual progress.You are growing spiritually.You will be much tormented when you thinkof your evil actions committed in the past.This is also a sign of your spiritual upheaval.You will not repeat now the same actions.Your mind will tremble.Your body will quiver whenever a wrong thought of some evil actionurges you to do the same act through force of habit.Continue your meditation with full vigourand earnestness.All memories of evil actions, all evil thoughts, all evil promptings of Satan, willdie by themselves.You will be established in perfect purity and peace.In the beginning all sorts of evil thoughts will arise in your mind as soon as you sit formeditation.Why does this happen during meditation, when you attempt to entertain purethoughts?Aspirants leave their spiritual practice of meditation on account of this.If you try to drivea monkey, it attempts to pounce upon you in vengeance.Even so, the old evil thoughts try toattack you revengefully and with redoubled force at the time when you try to raise good, divine44 THOUGHT POWERthoughts.Your enemy endeavours to resist you vehemently when you try to eject him out of yourhouse.There is a law of resistance in nature.The old evil thoughts assert and say,  O man! Donot be cruel.You have allowed us to stay in your mental factory from time immemorial.We haveevery right to abide here [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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