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.That study,though, could be greatly enhanced by an examination of therelationship between youth and age.Clearly, this question asksyou to explore questions of innocence and experience thatwere posed in the question about Melville s treatment of theFall.Still further, you might note that  The March into Vir-ginia draws distinct connections between youthfulness, orboyishness, and war.What does he imply when he calls boys The champions and enthusiasts of the state ? Analyze otherpoems in the collection that examine the relationship betweenyouthfulness and war or youthfulness and  the state. Are theviews expressed in this early poem consistent throughout thecollection? Does Melville develop or modify this argumentover the course of Battle-Pieces?  The College Colonel,  Apa-thy and Enthusiasm,  Commemorative of a Naval Victory, On the Slain Collegians, and  In the Turret, are among thepoems that may be useful to your study. Battle-Pieces 249History and ContextWhile the Civil War battles and combatants provide obvious historicalcontext for the whole of this volume, Melville s copious reading also pro-vides contextual background.His use of Milton s Paradise Lost and TheRebellion Record could prove interesting foundations for strong paperson Battle-Pieces.Sample Topics:1.Melville and Milton: In one of the introductory poems in Bat-tle-Pieces,  The Conflict of Convictions, Melville refers to theAmerican Civil War as  man s latter fall. While he is clearlyechoing Judeo-Christian mythology, he is also echoing ParadiseLost.Examine Melville s use of Milton s epic poem in Battle-Pieces.How and why does he rely on or echo Milton s treatmentof the Fall? How does his use of the earlier work help to supportor shape his ideas in Battle-Pieces?To address this question, you must be familiar with Miltonand Paradise Lost.You might find it helpful to focus this ques-tion through thematic issues.For example, you could exploreMelville s use of or reaction to Milton s treatment of Satan.Similarly, you might focus your paper through the largertheme of the Fall.No matter what your specific approach, youshould try to draw some conclusions about how Melville usesMilton to advance some of his own ideological concerns inBattle-Pieces.To help develop your own argument about thetext, you might also explore some scholarly works that exam-ine Melville s dept to Milton.2.Melville s portraits of historical events and people: Many ofthe poems in Battle-Pieces portray individual battles, events,and people.Choose one such event or person and, after somehistorical research, compare the portrait Melville draws tothat which emerges from your research.Construct an argu-ment about the significance of the differences you note betweenMelville s portrayal and the historical accounts.You may findit helpful, too, to consider how Melville focuses his portrait.Inother words, while his portrait might reflect historical facts, 250 Bloom s How to Write about Herman Melvilledoes he choose to focus on certain aspects of the person or theevent? How and why are his choices significant?This investigation is related to the question below about Mel-ville s use of The Rebellion Record, and you might want to beginyour historical research with that text.Melville s knowledge ofthe Civil War, though, was not limited to the information inThe Rebellion Record, so your historical research for this ques-tion should go beyond that source.Read modern histories, too.Consider how Melville s choices about his poetic portrayal ofhistorical events help to further his ideological agenda.3.Melville s use of The Rebellion Record: Not an actual par-ticipant in battle, Melville drew a great deal from The Rebel-lion Record, which chronicled the war through newspaper andpersonal accounts.You can read The Rebellion Record online.Explore the text and consider it as Melville s source for the facts about individuals, battles, and other events.Draw con-clusions about how Melville used the accounts he found in TheRebellion Record.Does Melville aim for a journalistic quality inhis poetry, or does he shape the more journalistic aspects of TheRebellion Record for his own purposes?Once again, you should base your examination on the ideo-logical underpinnings of Battle-Pieces [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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