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.Owing to some sort of production error, the phrases In God WeTrust and E Pluribus Unum (which, of course, means  Do I LookFat In This? ) weren t inscribed on the edges of a large batch ofcoins out of the Philadelphia Mint, thus giving rise to the talk of aconspiracy to remove God s name from official U.S.coinage.In fact, there is a law requiring that In G od We Trust and EPluribus be inscribed on all U.S.currency, and there is no move-ment afoot to change this law.(The Limbaughs and O Reillys andHannitys of the world would bury any politician foolish enough totake on this seemingly insignificant issue.) 190 THE CULTUREOpportunistic types flooded eBay with offers to sell the  rareGodless coins, usually for about $10.There were also reports of peo-ple trying to file down the inscriptions on dollar coins in an effortto pass them off as the flawed version. The edge lettering on some perfectly made coins is beingintentionally removed in machine shops to fraudulently make thecoins appear to have a plain edge without the date, without the mintmark and without the mottoes, a coin expert told the Newark Star-Ledger in April 2007. You run the risk of paying $100 or more foran altered coin that s only worth $1.As cons go, filing down a dollar coin doesn t exactly rank withNewman and Redford s endgame shootout in The Sting, does it?Although even that s a bit more sophisticated than some of thestuff you see people trying to pull on eBay.As I browsed the sitelooking for flawed presidential coins, I came across a listing for a set of two mint-condition,  In God We Trust, standard-issue,George Washington dollar coins, with a  Buy It Now! price of just$4.25.Why, that s just a little over the actual value of the two $1 coins,which would be, um, I know.Two dollars. 24ROCK ME NOSTRADAMUSRecently I saw a movie on cable TV called  The Man WhoSaw Tomorrow, about.Nostradamus the prognostica-tor.Nostradamus claims that first Halley s comet willscrew up the entire world and then in the 1990s a MiddleEast/Russia collaboration will wage nuclear war on theWest for 27 years, after which the U.S.and Russia willjoin together to defeat the Islamic horde.Should I beginto say my prayers? From a 1984 question to Cecil Adams of The Straight Dopeow! That s exactly how it all went down!WWell.Almost.The most famous prognosticator since biblical times is Michelde Nostredame, aka Nostradamus, the 16th-century French physi -cian/astrologer/author.Nostradamus claimed to be able to see thefuture, and he wrote hundreds and hundreds of prophecies encasedin four-line verses, or quatrains.Every time there s a modern-day disaster or tragedy, someonetrots out some obscure Nostradamus quatrain as  proof that oldNosty saw it coming.191 192 THE CULTUREOne of the most famous examples is the supposed predictionof Hitler s reign:Beasts ferocious with hunger will cross the riversThe greater part of the battlefield will be against HisterInto a cage of iron will the great ones be drawnWhen the child of Germany observes nothingHister is obviously a reference to Hitler, right? Well, no.It sactually an old name for the lower portion of the Danube, and itappears in dozens of other quatrains by Nostradamus.The rest is just vaguely worded, semi-intelligible gibberish thatcould be retrofitted to mean something about World War II ifthat s what you re looking for.Such is the case with virtually every single one of Nosty s 900-plus  prophecies. You can take a generic phrase here or a coinci-dental reference there, apply it to a modern-day tragedy, and say, See? Nostradamus was a genius!In the aftermath of 9/11, a widely circulated e-mail creditedNostradamus with predicting the attacks.He supposedly wrote:In the City of God there will be a great thunderTwo Brothers torn apart by ChaosWhile the fortress endures, the great leader will succumbThe third big war will begin when the big city is burningProblem is, Nostradamus didn t pen those lines.In fact, a Cana-dian university student named Neil Marshall wrote the first threelines a few years prior to 9/11 in an effort to debunk the Nos-tradamus myth.He couldn t have possibly known that his verylines would be attributed to Nostradamus just a few years later.Or could he?Perhaps Neil Marshall is Nostradamus reincarnated! Rock Me Nostradamus 193When John F.Kennedy Jr. s plane crashed in 1999, some Nos-tradamus believers pointed to these lines:The year 1999 seven monthsFrom the sky will come the great King of TerrorTo resuscitate the great king of the MongolsJohn F.Kennedy Jr., his wife, and his wife s sister were killedwhen Kennedy s small plane crashed on July 18, 1999.One of Nos-tradamus s quatrains mentioned  the year 1999 seven months.End of  eerie similarities. Even if you want to stretch thingsto the point where death is  the King of Terror, what s up withthat whole  king of the Mongols thing? At the time of John Jr. sdeath, he wasn t even king of the magazine world.And nobody was resuscitated.Ooh, how about this one:From the human flock nine will be sent awaySeparated from their judgment and counselTheir fate will be sealed on departureKappa, Thita, Lambda the banished dead errThis is clearly a reference to the Challenger space shuttle tragedyof 1986.Clearly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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