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.So I didn t think I had to227 AT HIS THROAT, A PROMISEworry about you.I could have been wrong, of course.Was I?Ellis didn t really think so, but&  There was a moment when Ithought& everything is so much easier when I don t have tochoose.But I still wanted it.I was still involved.The discussion had brought his attention away from thewashcloth, but now that it as tracing small circles on the inside ofhis knee, he couldn t help but feel it all over. So you enjoyed it, then? The washcloth inched up. Yes, Sir. Would you like to try it with me sometime?Ellis shivered as the washcloth was released and slithered downto the bottom of the tub.William s hand continued where it hadleft off, touching just enough to make him want more.His legtwitched and he moaned. Yes, Sir.Very much.But not with a pillowcase.The fingers stopped a moment, but then started back up asWilliam said,  No, certainly not.And not anything like handcuffs,either.I know just the thing. What, Sir? Ellis asked, knowing that it wasn t his place to,but desperately curious and becoming harder by the second. Shackles.Fur lined.Ellis moaned as William s finger caressed his balls. Yes, hehissed, letting his head fall back.Then the hand was gone. Breakfast is probably ready.Weshould get you finished up.Alex wants to spend some time by thepool.I think it s just an excuse to see you all in little white shorts,but he swears that he enjoys the water.Ellis s mouth was open in shock and disappointment. But,Sir& you said you weren t going to punish me.William smiled a little evilly and leaned in to kiss Ellis. This228 AT HIS THROAT, A PROMISEisn t punishment, he said in a soft voice, pulling back. It santicipation.Well, they feel exactly the same, he thought after William lefthim to finish up.* * *When Ellis finally got Harte out of bed, into his swim shortsand sheath, and down for breakfast, everyone else had alreadyeaten.He could hear them on the patio.Someone was in the water,and there was a low susurration of voices that made Ellis think hewas being talked about, the way most people do when they hearwhispering. Seems like a nice day, hmm? Nell said as she served them upa quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. Be better in bed, Harte grumbled, stabbing his eggs. Oh, stop, she chided, winking at Ellis. Just be glad you renot over a hot stove, eh?Harte looked up. I m sorry, I didn t mean to  I know, she said easily, pouring juice for both of them. I getpaid for what I do, remember?She walked back into the kitchen.Harte began eating rightaway, throwing longing glances toward the back door, throughwhich was the pool.Ellis was thinking about what Nell had said.Was that some sort of insult, because they were slaves and she wasfree? Or was it said sympathetically, like she believed they shouldbe paid as well?Ellis thought about that.It would certainly make slavery easier,but in a way, he d be whoring himself.He didn t like the thought229 AT HIS THROAT, A PROMISEof that.At the end of his servitude, he d have an unparallelededucation.That was enough. Let s go! Harte said, doing his little Harte bounce.Ellis took an exaggeratedly slow bite just to see Harte s eyesnarrow.Once they did, he just laughed and finished up.He wantedto get outside, too.He felt like he spent of lot of time indoors.Hedidn t get to use the pool nearly as often as he d like.He knew thebasics of swimming, but he rather thought he might enjoy doinglaps like he could sometimes see the master do from his window.The last bite was barely in Ellis s mouth when Harte leapt upand ran outside, tearing his sheath off.Ellis didn t even know whyHarte had bothered to wait for him, but he was glad he had,because it was easier to walk outside when all eyes were on Harte.Until Ellis took off his sheath, of course.He was still wearing Harte s too small, too tight bathing suit,and with Alex and William both staring at him, it felt even smaller.William and Alex were sitting on lounge chairs by the side ofthe pool, which was occupied by Harte and Alastair.Ellis went tokneel by William, who greeted him with a hand on the back hisneck.Still aroused mentally, if not physically, from theirinteraction in the bathroom, Ellis leaned back into the touch. You must be breaking laws, wearing that, Alex said,laughing. Not that he s complaining, Alastair said, coming to kneelbeside Ellis, between the two masters. You look good enough toeat. Too bad you already had breakfast, Alex teased [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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