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." After a pause she added kindly, "I'm sure it would have been quite nice;it's not that I wasn't attracted to him, but it wouldn't have been fair to let him think it was going anywherewhen it wasn't."He might do for me, in other words, but he wouldn't do for her.I remembered her once talking to mealmost exactly like this in home economics, when I'd produced a reasonable cheese souffle: "Oh, welldone , Harriet," when she knew perfectly well hers was miles better, but it was amazing that mine hadrisen at all.Unable to take any more, I rose to my feet."Thanks for the drink, but I think I'd better go.""Well, if you must& "I don't know why I bragged about height advantage, earlier.On the way to the door she managed tomake me feel like that egg-carton dinosaur all over again.In a subtle way her whole demeanor said,"That was close at first, but it's game, set and match to me, I think."At the door she said sweetly, "Do give my love to John when you see him."Slapping was too good for her.I wanted to ram her head down the loo and pour a bottle of Toilet Duckon top.That would have sorted her sodding silk curtain out."I'm not seeing him anymore.""Really?" She raised delicate eyebrows."Not because you thought he was being a naughty boy withsomeone else, I hope?"I made no reply, but she wasn't stupid."Just as well you came, then," she said."If you've got any sense you'll get on the phone and sort it out.He might not be quite my cup of tea, but I've met thousands worse." Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlI nearly stopped at a liquor store on the way home, for a mega-bottle of anything.I was beginning to seewhy people drank themselves to blissful oblivion.I'd happily have joined them, except that I never got tothe blissful-oblivion stage, just to the feeling-yuck-and-throwing-up stage, your head spinning every timeyou close your eyes, puke trips to the loo all night, and still feeling like death in the morning.Sally said everything a friend should say, e.g., "Iwould have shoved her head down the loo," and "Well,how were you to know? If it didn't occur to a cynic like me that she was seeing two at once& " This wasfollowed by "Come on, have some lasagne.It'll be all dried up."Since she'd actually slaved over it herself, I tried, but it might have been cat litter.I said, "I'm sorry, I'mjust not hungry," and poured myself another glass of wine, about the fourth since I'd got home.Tom was still up.It was well past nine o'clock, but he was in a nocturnal phase.As he beamed at mefrom her lap, I grabbed him, gave him an extravagant, miserable cuddle.I needed someone to cuddle andWiddles was asleep on his sofa throne.He never liked being picked up anyway."What did he look like?" Sally asked."Like any other good-looking bloke who looks nice enough, too.But nothing like John."An edge of exasperation came into her voice."Why the hell don't you just phone him?""How can I?" I asked miserably, over Tom's little head."I'd have to tell him everything what kind ofdevious, screwed-up bitch will he think I am? First I pretended I didn't even know her, then I've told himto sod off twice, never mind telling him I just got carried away the other night& Carried away! He'llbelieve it, too.You should have seen me, trying to tear his trousers off like some starving rampantnympho& "A ghost of Sally's old spark came to her eyes."Then he'll be glad if you come back for seconds, I bet.And thirds.""I can't." Wretchedly I rained kisses on Tom's head, but he didn't seem to mind."I just can't face tellinghim all that, and having him look at me as if I need a shrink.""Even Nina said you should phone him, didn't she?" she went on."That's the one vaguely redeemingthing she said, if you ask me."It was, but to me that was just another point against Nina."I don'twant her saying redeeming things! Iwant her to be a hundred percent, twenty-four-karat cow, so I can fantasize about Toilet Ducks with aclear conscience [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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