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.The projection comes from thebackground of your conditioning, and living in that image is notmeditation.And yet this is what most of us call meditation, is itnot? We want to know how to meditate.Books have been writtenabout it, and when they talk about meditation, concentration,absorption, it implies resistance, discipline, which only strengthensthe past, filling and narrowing the mind.It seems to me that meditation is something totally different,because concentration on an idea is an exclusive, acquisitiveprocess which merely brings certain forms of satisfaction andgratification.Surely, meditation is the discovery of what is truefrom moment to moment.Please listen to this.As long as I ampractising a method, the method will produce a result, but the resultis not what is true.It is a product of the mind in its desire to besafe, to be comforted; therefore the mind is never empty, it isfilled, occupied, and such a mind can never allow the unknown tocome into being.You may practise meditation for years and beable to control your mind completely, but then what? What haveyou done? Your mind is still petty, small, conditioned by the past,filled with the known and so the unknown can never come intobeing.Meditation, then, is a process of freeing the mind through self-knowledge from all the things that it has accumulated - not just from one form of accumulation which is painful, but from everyform of accumulation, from everything that it has known,experienced, so that not only the conscious mind, butconsciousness as a whole, is totally empty, free.It is only then thatthe immeasurable, that which is not put together by the mind,which is not sought after, comes into being.But it cannot comeinto being if you invite it, because your invitation is merely thedesire for comfort, the desire to save yourself, the desire to avoidpain.So, your mind is everlastingly struggling to become something,or wanting greater experience through meditation.But truemeditation is the understanding that comes through self-knowledge, and that understanding is not the outcome ofaccumulation.If there is any sense of the experiencer apart fromthe experience, then the mind is not empty.As long as the mind isseeking experience, there must be the experiencer, therefore thereis an urge, a compulsion to expand, to gather, to accumulate.Whenthe mind sees the whole significance of thinking, or experiencing,only then is there a possibility of emptying the mind so that themind itself is the unknown, not the experiencer of the unknown.May 29, 1954 NEW YORK 6TH PUBLIC TALK 30TH MAY 1954If I may repeat what I said the other day, these talks have very littlesignificance if we do not directly experience what is being said;and that experience is immediate, it is not to be thought over orremembered and put into practice, because direct experience ofwhat is true will have its own effect without the mind seeking toact upon it.That is why it is very important to listen, not only towhat is being said, but to everything in life.When we hear anothersay something, when we read, when we hear the birds, or the soundof the restless sea, it is important to listen, because in the very actof listening there is a direct experience which is uncontaminated byany of our prejudices, our particular conditioning.It seems to methat most of us find it extremely arduous to listen because we haveread so much and we justify or compare it with what we hear; orwe try to remember what is being said in order to think it over.Sothe mind is restless and therefore not listening.Most of us have many problems, and the solution to theseproblems lies, not in searching for the solution, but in listening tothe actual content of the problem.We are all seeking happiness atdifferent levels, we want permanency, security, someone to take usover to the other side, to a permanent state of bliss.We aresearching for something, and that is our life, moving from oneobject of search to another.We are never satisfied.Consciously orunconsciously, we are always pursuing, searching, and thebackground of this search, if we go into the process, is really theurge to find some kind of satisfaction, some kind of permanency,happiness.We have made search as inevitable as breathing, living, and we say life has no meaning if we do not seek.So, we areeverlastingly pursuing, looking for something at different levels.As long as we are seeking we must create authority, we mustfollow or have a following.And it seems to me that this is one ofthe most crucial points: whether there is anyone - a saviour, amaster, an enlightened one, it doesn't matter who it is - who canever lead us to reality.Yet that is what each one of us is seeking,and we have accepted the search as inevitable.Without seeking, wesay, life has no meaning, but we never go behind that word to findout the whole significance of this urge to seek, to find.You havebeen told that if you seek you will find.But your search, if you gointo the process of it is the outcome of a desire to find some kind ofsecurity, some kind of hope, some kind of fulfilment, a bliss, acontinuity in which there is no frustration.And as long as you areseeking, you must create authority, the authority that will take youover, that will lead you, give you comfort.Is it not important to ask ourselves if there is anyone, anyauthority who can give us that truth which we think will besatisfactory? And we have never asked ourselves what is the stateof the mind if all search ceases.Search implies a process of time,does it not? So, we use time as a means of understandingsomething which is beyond time.Search implies a continuity, andcontinuity means time, a series of experiences which we hope willlead us to truth; and if those experiences do not take us to thatwhich we are seeking, then we turn to somebody else, we disregardthe old and take on a new leader, a new teacher, a new saviour.So, what I am asking is not that we should deny search, becausewe are caught in it, but will seeking lead to reality? - reality being the unknown, that which is not the product of the mind, which is astate of creativeness, which is totally new from moment tomoment, which is timeless, eternal, or whatever other word can beused to indicate that it is out of time.I think it is important to ask ourselves this question.You maynot find the answer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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