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."Sshhh, just relax and listen tothe music."Erin breathed deep and tried to control hersenses.The soft kisses, the feel of the strong,sinewy body beneath her, sent her mind reelingalong with her body.Adams moved her mouthback up to Erin s ear where she began singing. "I gotta get inside& of you& now let me loveyou." The words were like velvet, softly playingto her libido.Erin gripped Adams harder as the feel of thehot breath in her ear became too much to bear.Adams took advantage of the reaction andwrapped her hands around Erin s buttocks,holding her tight against her.She rocked herbody against Erin as she continued to sing thesuggestion lyrics of the song.The pool, the desert night, even the words tothe song soon became distant and foggy to Erin,as her blood pumped wildly and heavilythroughout her body.Adams purred in her earlike a sex kitten and Erin couldn t help butmove in rhythm with her, trying desperately toignite the spark that was pulsing between herlegs.Adams moved her mouth away fromErin s ear and lightly bit her neck, causing Erinto buck her hips and nearly orgasm.A raspygroan escaped her tight throat, smacking reality back in her face.She pushed herself away andAdams reluctantly released her grip."What s wrong?" She was moving back intoErin, slinking in the water."Uh, nothing." Erin had to think fast."Rest-room.I need to go." Brilliant Erin, and so tact-fully said."I ll be right here&.waiting." The words floatedup to Erin as she climbed out of the pool."Katherine?" Erin turned to her as the waterlightened a shade.Adams stood grinning in thepool, looking her up and down like a ravenouspredator."You remember where the bathroomis?" The question was a stall, a tactic for Adamsto examine her in the white bikini, dripping likea wet dog."Yes." She turned just as the warm wind blew,puckering her nipples.She looked around for atowel but saw none and she headed into the house, walking carefully across the cool tilefloor.She was freezing and she found the bath-room and switched on the light.She looked at her reflection in the mirror andknew right away why Adams had wanted herto turn around in the wet swimsuit.The suitwas white and when wet, it was virtually seethrough.The wet fabric molded to her darkhoney nipples and fleshy breasts like a secondskin.She glanced down at the bottoms and sawthat nether region was equally as exposed."God damn it." She clenched her jaw as lookedinto the mirror.Whoever said going after awoman would be easier outta be shot.She wasangry and she felt incredibly exposed.Frus-trated and cold, she sat on the toilet to urinatebut found that she couldn t go.She wasn t wor-ried about J.R.hearing her, she knew that hecouldn t from inside the tank.At most it wouldsound like an echo and he deserved to hear people piss.His mind was always in the toiletanyhow.She felt pressure like she needed to pee, yetnothing was happening.Unraveling some toiletpaper she reached down to wipe out of habit.The paper slid across her and she brought itback up to examine."What the hell?" She was wet.Not wet from thewater, but wet with slick juices.She droppedthe tissue paper back in the toilet and touchedherself with her bare hand."Oh my god." Shewas whispering to herself as she discovered theabundance of warm silk.Never before had herbody reacted this way, so strongly, spinningsuch an elaborate web of silk.Is this what it slike to be truly turned on?A scratching came from the door and she jerkedher hand away like a teenager caught mastur-bating."Uh.just a minute!" She jerked up thecold swimsuit bottoms and began washing her hands in the sink.The scratching came again,along with a snort from the bottom of the door.She dried her hands and yanked open the door.One of the Doberman s stood staring up at her,wagging its stubby tail."Hi there, puppy." Shepatted his head and walked out of the bath-room.Looking down the hall, she saw it wasempty and tiptoed to its end.Slowly openingthe door, she looked into the dimly lit masterbedroom.A massive bed sat to one side of thelarge room, accompanied by lightly stainedfurniture with dark marbled tops.She knew theroom was Adams because she could smell hercologne.Not wanting to get caught by spying camerasor eyes, she pulled the door carefully closed,knowing that she should return to the pool.She was just about to turn around when a deepgrowl came from behind.Turning slowly, shecame face to face with the larger of the two Do- bermans.He was showing his teeth at her, justas he had done when she had first arrived.Hishead was held low, his tail unmoving.She held up her hands in mock defeat."Uh, nicepuppy.Good boy, Apollo, or whatever yourname is.""Actually that s Zeus." Adams stepped into thehallway, her hands held at her side."And Ariesis in the other room.""Oh, well they look so much alike." She tried tolaugh but it came out in weird squeaks."Where s that bathroom again?""It s down the hall on your left." Her voice waslow and her curiosity high.She looked Erin upand down again, thoroughly enjoying the seethrough swimsuit.Erin trotted off past her, cursing herself men-tally for almost getting caught.Thank God she hadn t walked into the room.What did she thinkshe would find anyhow? The smoking gun?She shut herself in the bathroom and strippedoff the suit.She had to get out of there and clearher mind.She retrieved the wire and placed itin her jean pocket, not caring if J.R.could hearor not.She ran her hands through her hair andexited the bathroom, convinced that Adamswould be just as willing to get rid of her nosynew friend.She walked back down the hall to where flick-ering light was coming from the master bed-room.Adams lay on the bed, wrapped in atowel with the remote box in her hand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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