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.These very qualities had gotten Edwards introuble with earlier seniors, and when Triplet took him he was in dangerof reassignment at lower rank.11.The Forty-fifth was a tank regiment.12.At Kasserine Pass in North Africa the American tankers fought inriveted tanks, deadly if hit, for the loose rivets chewed up anyone inside.13.After Triplet left the Thirteenth Armored, with Edwards in chargeof trains, General Wogan transferred an Indian-fighting cavalry colonelto the command, and Edwards wrote Triplet, then in command of theEighteenth Armored Group (Amph) at Fort Ord, California, asking atransfer.Triplet arranged it. I didn t have Edwards very long.Whenthe 777th Tank Battalion got their port call and made their graduationlanding, they hit the wrong beach.This was the climax of a num-ber of errors made by the battalion commander.After six weeks ofworking in the training area, if he couldn t navigate his outfit to theobjective shown on the map furnished with his written orders, whatmight he do in landing against opposition on an island that he d neverseen before? I relieved him immediately and called for Edwards to takecommand.He did very well in commanding the 777th through 1944and 1945 in the Pacific and received the navy Medal for Valor.Addeda Bronze Star, a Joint Service Commendation Medal, and the Legionof Merit to his collection before retiring in 1966.I ve never bet ona loser.14.An instructor named Kelly presumably arranged this turnaboutsystem at Benning.George R.( Machine Gun ) Kelly flourished in the1920s and 1930s as a bank robber, bootlegger, gangster, and kidnapper. 282 NotesThree.Lucky Thirteenth: II1.A playful choice of name Triplet s wife was Fiona.2.General Lesley J.McNair, a World War I retread and indeed an officerfrom that war, was head of army ground forces, and a zealot on the needfor fitness by way of grueling marches.3.Letterman was in San Francisco.4.The designation of  headquarters and headquarters company mightseem tautological but made sense if one saw it as offices (headquarters)together with a headquarters company.5.Field-grade officers were majors or above.6.G-3 and G-4 were operations and inspector general.7.Fiona and three children were living in Grass Valley.8.Bolo Pasha was an adventurer convicted in France of defeatism andshot in 1918.9.The Thirteenth had been a square division four regiments, twobrigades and was to change into a light organization with battalionsinstead of regiments, combat commands instead of brigades.Squarearmored divisions had fourteen thousand men, light had 10,666.In theEuropean theater only the Second Armored and Third Armored weresquare divisions.Most German panzer divisions had the same man-power configuration as the two U.S.square armored divisions.Armoredweight strongly favored the Americans, for German panzers averagedninety to one hundred medium tanks whereas American light divi-sions possessed 186 and the two square divisions 232.German divi-sions could compensate with attached battalions of forty to fifty heavytanks, Panthers or Tigers (for the latter see below, chap.9, note 1).Cole,Ardennes, 651.Four.Eighteenth Armored Group (Amphibious)1.It is amusing that Triplet s resentment of the opportunities of theclass of 1915, Eisenhower s class ( the class that the stars fell upon ), didnot extend to the advantages of the class of 1924.2.William H.Simpson (1888 1980), West Point 1909, served in thePhilippines in 1909 1912, took part in the punitive expedition to Mexicoin 1916, fought in World War I, and in World War II commanded theThirtiethDivision, XII Corps, and NinthArmy.3.Ord was near Monterey Bay, to the east of Seaside and Del Rey, withMonterey to the south, Pacific Grove to the west and south.4.Pendleton was southeast of Los Angeles, north of Oceanside andVista.5.The Food Machinery Corporation in San Jose had obtained a contractfor construction of tanks and troop carriers, and would give Triplet Notes 283trouble because corporation officials found production more profitablethan design.6.Already the line between tanks and destroyers was blurring, andwhen Triplet reached Europe and the Second and Seventh Armored hecame to see that if anything the tank destroyers held more promisethan tanks.Both required accompanying infantry; they were vulner-able without infantry guidance.But their usefulness in combat wasmoving away from protecting infantrymen and toward tank battles,and in the latter role the destroyers made more sense than tank ver-sus tank.7.Hull armor was three-quarters of an inch in front and a quarter-inchon sides, bottom, and rear.8.Triplet was rightfully proud of his safety record in training thebattalions of the Eighteenth Armored Group (Amph).As he wrote inhis account of the unit,  It cannot be proven that these measures savedlives.But it is a fact that the five marine battalions at Camp Pendletondrowned thirteen men in a year; the Eighteenth Armored Group ofeighteen battalions drowned two during the same period.At the marinerate of casualties we would have drowned forty-six.We lost a third manwith a crushed skull, but he floated when we pulled the tractor off him.9.Army Forces in the Western Pacific.10.A technician-5 was equivalent to corporal.11.Sergeant Terry Bull: His Ideas on War and Fighting in General ap-peared in 1943 under the imprint of the Infantry Journal Press.12.Major General John Millikin, commanding general of III Corps,with headquarters in the presidio of Monterey.Triplet would encounterhim in Europe, an unfortunate meeting because the colonel s favoriteassistant at Ord, Lieutenant Robert (Bob) Spillman, class of 1942, anebullient officer, had set off mock explosions with such force that theyshattered plate glass windows in Monterey and brought a complaint toGeneral Millikin from the Chamber of Commerce and the presidentof the First National Bank.In Europe, momentarily under Millikin sjurisdiction but unaware of the fact, Triplet s tanks without being atfault broke down an important bridge.See chap.17.13.An LVT was a Landing Vehicle Tracked (Armored).After nearlytwo years with the Eighteenth Armored Group, Triplet received ordersto Europe. I had a third talk with General Hardy. I ve just gotten myorders to Europe, general, and will be leaving your command the last ofNovember.  Yes, I saw the orders.I m very sorry to lose you, colonel.Ilike your style I sure like your style. ????!!!!? Maybe it was the effectof seeing me for the first time in class A dress uniform instead of arubberized jump suit?  Sorry to leave your command, general. And since 284 NotesGod didn t strike me with lightning for that bald-faced falsehood I ve beena fearless liar ever since.Five.Waves1.Monterey s Fisherman s Wharf was halfway down the east side ofthe peninsula.2.A DUKH was a two-and-one-half-ton amphibious truck used for shortruns from ship to shore.Six.The LST1.An LST was a Landing Ship Tank.2.Triplet is saying that if there were any good commands, everythingelse being equal, Annapolis graduates would get them.3.OD is officer of the deck.Seven.Guns and Bays1.The Stuart was an M5 light tank.2 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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