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.Ivan didn t seem the least bit surprised to have agun aimed at his head. Oh, how sweet, the cavalry has come to save the little fairy,Lucian teased as his men laughed. Where is he, Ivan? If you want to survive this, give him to usnow, and no one has to get hurt. He tilted his head to look at Lucian. Except you.You will die for what you ve done.Lucian s soulless laugh echoed in the abandoned building. Youthink so, do you? He nudged Ivan in the arm. I m bored with this.Twitch your nose, snap your fingers, do whatever it is that youwitches do and get rid of them. I ll take care of them, son.Save your energy.Klaus blinked several times, not believing what he was seeing.Constance Reznik, Ivan s mother, came into view.Not good.If Ivan sfather ,Van, was a part of this mess, they were in for a world of hurt.Van Reznik, a high-ranking official on the witches council, hadallies all over the world.With his connections he could have 176 AJ Jarrettorchestrated the whole thing, Astrid s conception and the ultimatedestruction of the Council of Paranormal Beings.But it didn t makeany sense.He d known Van since he was a small child.He wasfriends with the man.Van never showed one ounce of doubt or disliketoward the council.Van fought for equality and justice in their world.He had to be missing something. I see you brought your toys, Constance said as she pointed atthe rifle held firmly in his hand. Silly boy, you of all these foolsknow the power of a witch, especially an elder like me. Who s she? Carter asked as he pushed his way forward. I m the mother of the man you ve been fornicating with for thepast several months, you twit.Abner growled behind him.Klaus took a gander he wasn t happyto have Carter s past relationship shoved in his face yet again.Hecouldn t blame the man.At Carter s blank stare, Constance rolled her eyes. Honestly, son,how did you endure such a simpleton for as long as you did? I m sorry. Carter giggled. I m just surprised is all.I was forcertain Ivan was hatched from something, but I guess I was wrong.Carter shrugged his shoulders, causing his rifle to lift. After meetingyou, I guess the old saying is true. And what s that? She glared at Carter. The apple doesn t fall far from the tree, and in your son s case,that would be the bitch tree.Constance s face pinched in anger at the comment.Klaus couldn tstifle his giggle at the appalled look on her face, and he wasn t theonly one. You ll be sorry you said that. She pointed her boney finger atCarter. Through time and space take these cretins out of my space.This time Klaus rolled his eyes at the woman.Constance was anold witch, and she still believed the old ways that words held thepower, not the person, but one s power was what made the magicwork, not some fancy rhyming words. Astrid s Wish 177When her spell didn t work, she repeated it.Still, nothing.Shestomped her foot and turned toward Ivan. What is going on here? I don t know, Ivan said as he glowered at Carter.He wasobviously trying to tap into his own magic and had Carter as histarget. Oh, we forgot to tell you. Carter took another step forward andsmiled at Ivan. We cast our own little spell. What does that mean? Ivan growled at the young witch. It means your bitch asses are powerless, Ben said as he shiftedhis attention to Lucian. You, too, fang.As of now, you are all meremortals.So we will ask again.Where is Astrid?The sound of screeching tires and slamming doors had everyoneturning toward the main entrance.The sliding metal door creakedopen, and at least fifty different types of paranormals stood beforethem.Some Klaus knew from council meetings, and some he hadnever seen before.No magic would help them, but they were stilloutnumbered.Benedict needed to get there quick, or they were alldoomed. So, who wants to play? Lucian snapped his fingers, and his mendescended on them. 178 AJ JarrettChapter Twenty-OneHe looked up at the sound of Klaus s voice.At first he thought hewas hearing things, only imagining what he wanted to hear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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