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."Here."His gaze shifted down."What's that?" he asked, his focus on the large bandage covering the lower half her forearm."Did you hurt yourself?"It had hurt, all right.But the pain had been toward a higher purpose and she'd born it pretty stoically, if she did say so herself."Cilla." Ren grabbed the sweatshirt from her hand, tossed it down to the bed, and took a firm grasp of her fingers."How'd you get hurt?""Um." She hadn't thought this part through well enough, she realized.Her gaze darted to the tattoo on the wrist of the arm that was holding hers.His tattoo.Then she glanced back up.Ren had frozen, his gaze riveted to the bandage.A long moment passed."What have you done?" he asked, his tone.She couldn't decide what word described it best.Icy? Angry? Forbidding?"Cilla?"Oh, God.The moment was here.It was really here and it should have a soundtrack of strings and woodwinds, but instead the only accompaniment was his harsh breaths as he lost patience with her and he began picking at the edge of the adhesive.She thought about jerking out of his hold, but the whole point was for Ren to see the statement she'd decided to make.The permanent declaration.His expression stony, he peeled the dressing partly away, exposing the new tattoo.It was surrounded by a faint cloud of pink that she'd been assured would diminish as the skin healed.His grip on her tightened."Fuck," he muttered, staring at her marked flesh.The inked design was a stark black point that started at her wrist then rose to curve along her forearm, the image the reverse of the one he'd gotten so long ago.She cleared her throat."I got a—""I know what it is," he said, his voice rough."Just tell me it's temporary."Her stomach twisted, but she soldiered on."You know it's not.This morning I.I took a photo of your design with my cell phone when you were sleeping.Then Cami drove me to this artist she knows."Squeezing his eyes shut, he groaned."Cilla."She sucked in a breath.It was scarier to think of saying these words than facing a hundred needles wielded by a dozen shaven-headed, multiply pierced tattoo men.But it had to be done.Not owning up to it won't make it any less true."I love you, Ren," she said, her voice quivering just the slightest."I'm in love with you and I wanted you to know.I wanted to show you I'll feel this way forever.""God damn it." He dropped her hand, then spun to stare out the window."You little fool.""I'm not—""You can go back.Get the artist to turn it into a Winnie-the-Pooh or something."Now there was insult added to injury! "I'm not a child, Ren," she said, her voice sharp.Then softening, she placed her fingertips on the small of his back, ignoring his flinch."Please listen.Please know.""Know what?" He practically barked the question.He was being deliberately obtuse, but she didn't let that stop her."It's right here, written in black-and-flesh.You're.you're the other half of my heart.""God! You have no idea—""I know I'm right."He spun back, glaring at her."I'm the wrong man, don't you understand?""You think that, but—""Solitary is what I do best.Detachment is what I'm good at." One finger rose to point at her."I'm no good at being with you."Tears pricked the corners of Cilla's eyes.What had she expected? That one look at her new tattoo (her only tattoo) and his resistance would melt? That he'd fall into her arms with his own profession of undying love?Yes, she admitted to herself.And yes.Brisk knocking on the front door had them both jolting."What the hell?" Ren said.Cilla glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table.Was it that late already? "I'll get it." She started toward the sound.Ren caught her elbow before she'd taken a full step."What's going on?""I don't—""Cilla.""Fine," she said, frowning up at him, his gorgeous face set in furious lines.Her whole plan was crumbling around her."The rock royalty is coming over for another party.""Christ, Cilla." He let go of her to run his hands through his hair."Why?"Her eyes were stinging again."Even if you don't want me, you're still part of the Lemon kids.You could be part of our tribe."He shook his head.She decided to give him the rest of the bad news."Your other siblings are coming over too.Nell and Clark.""Damn it," he said, his voice hot."You haven't heard a word I've said, have you? You haven't learned a single thing about me."Now her own temper kindled.A breaking heart was good fuel for a fire, she found."I suppose you're right, because I didn't realize how stupid and stubborn you can be.I told you I'm in love with you, but you didn't even consider it for a second.""Consider what?" he ground out."Us.You didn't for a second consider there could be an us.""Us?" His eyes narrowed and he said the word as if it tasted bad."I suppose that means I don't get you either, Cilla.What the hell is up with that tattoo? With talk about an 'us'? After the way we were raised, I never imagined you could somehow tangle up emotions and sex [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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