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.When the seven of us finally met at Sam'sand my apartment, Scott confirmed my impression."I just can't handle this groupanymore," he said.I suggested that we might be able to make changes in the group thatwould meet his objections.Dana murmured that I should leave him alone.Scott got up andleft, and for a few minutes the rest of us stared unhappily at the bit of floor that had beenhis accustomed seat.I had come to like Scott, and I took his departure as a personalfailure.I wished he had explained his feelings.Perhaps none of us could handle what washappening, and Scott alone was independent enough to admit it.A burst of activity followed his departure.The six of us worked until late at night on a letterexplaining the Marine Midland bombing, to be sent to the Guardian, Rat, and LiberationNews Service, the wire service for the underground press.The letter began, "The explosivedevice set off at the Marine Midland Grace Trust Company on the night of August 20th wasan act of political sabotage," and went on to state that we made a warning call that hadbeen ignored.I volunteered to type three copies of the finished letter on a public typewriter,to slide one copy under the door of the Rat office and to mail the other two to the Guardianand the LNS.Before the meeting broke up, I insisted that we not allow another month toelapse before we met again.No more excuses: if we were going to carry out a collectiveaction, we needed to plan and execute it while our determination was fresh.Our finaldeadline should be the week Sam left for Rap's training session.If we couldn't do anythingin the month remaining, we should admit our failure and decide instead how we wanted todispose of the dynamite.130While the establishment press denounced in huge headlines the accidental injuries at MarineMidland and called for the immediate apprehension of the bombers, I had the impressionthat the left approved of our action and that our communiqu� explaining the warning callwent a long way toward allaying objections.I was especially gratified by the reaction of Rateditor Jeff Shero when he slit open the envelope containing our typed communiqu�."Farfucking out!" he yelled after his eyes had passed over the first half of the page."Hey, folks,listen to this." He read out loud the words I had helped to type the night before, his evidentexcitement reassuring me that we had support.I made a point of hanging around everystaffer who read the letter that day.If anyone showed disinterest or disapproval, Iquestioned him closely to find out why.The leftists from whom I expected the most sympathy were the Weathermen, the hundredor so SDS activists, including Bernardine Dohrn and Mark Rudd, who had split from the restof the organization in June and were now trying to organize a militant demonstration inChicago, October 8-11.Unlike most national groups, the Weathermen did not seethemselves as a mass organization.Instead, they hoped to appeal to a small but significantnumber of white working-class youth and inspire them with a revolutionary ideology.To thisend they ran across beaches carrying NLF flags and beating up anyone who got in theirway; they broke into schools, barricaded classrooms, and lectured students on imperialism;they provoked scuffles with police at hamburger joints, shopping centers, and other placeswhere working-class teenagers would notice.They attracted few followers but a great dealof publicity and some grudging admiration from the rest of the movement.By the end of thesummer most of them had been arrested, some on felony charges carrying high bail.Ithought they were masochistic and mostly wrong, but far from dumb.In mid-Septembertwo of them, Jeff Jones and Phoebe Hirsch, came to the Rat office to persuade their oldfriend Jeff Shero to run a pro-Weatherman piece in Rat.When I joined the conversation, Jones and Hirsch had been trying for some time to explainthe reasons behind the Weathermen's anti-monogamy line.It was obvious that theirposition annoyed Shero, although his soft southern drawl never rose above conversationallevel."I just wouldn't expect this kind of attitude from the two of you," he told Jones andHirsch."You've been together for years, and that's a good thing
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