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.This cool contempt wasn't at all to his taste, but he couldn't retreat now."The Pelland cluster is very busy now.Most of the Nexan forces are there.If I don't call, they're probably going to begrateful for the reprieve.""Then they must see you from time to time, I think," the Once Dead said, and Tiniel realized with shock that he'dbeen very close to dying right then."Very well.Let them see you."He dismissed Tiniel with a motion of his hand, and turned to his companion."Hahrahma, do you have the cage down?"Hahrahma, who must have had a talent for strength to do what he was doing, replied by setting the entirety of theiron-barred cage gently down on the stone floor just to one side of the gate.He nodded jubilantly, and when he openedand shut his mouth as if replying, Tiniel saw to his horror that the man lacked a tongue.Did they cut it out? He didn't ask, but instead scampered toward the door in the narrow end of the building.He was nearly there whenthe Once Dead called after him, his tones low but penetrating."Oh, Idealist.Remember your ideals, or I will be forced to remember them for you."He raised his crossbow, now fully loaded, and aimed it at Tiniel.Then he began to close the distance betweenthem, so that even when Tiniel reached the doorway he would not be out of the line of fire."The quarrel will go through light armor such as that you are wearing, in case you wondered."Tiniel didn't wonder.He also didn't doubt that if he were to go outside and start screaming for help, the OnceDead would punish his treachery either right then or when the battle was won; the u-Chivalum would win now.Theheart of the gate was glowing silver again, and pairs of armed and armored soldiers were striding through.Theyseemed a bit surprised to find no immediate battle awaiting them, but not as surprised as Tiniel thought they shouldhave been.The first pair of soldiers to come through were assigned to finish moving the bars of the cage aside.Hahrahmawas set to guard Tiniel, freeing "his" Once Dead, who he now learned was called Prarayan, to coordinate the troops asthey filed out of the gate.Watching and listening from his post by the main door, Tiniel learned why the u-Chivalum were so calm.In thefourth or fifth pair through the gate there came a woman whomPrarayan immediately greeted with hand gestures indicating profound respect."Your auguries were perfect, Aridisdu Valdala," Prarayan said."By waiting until the appointed time had gone bybut a little, we found a perfect situation waiting for us.This young man," his tone dripped contempt, for all the wordswere polite, "favors our cause.Battle rages throughout the Pelland gate cluster, so that no one is likely to wonder whatis happening here, especially as they can see their faithful guard going about his tasks, and looking with longing to jointhe fight.""The Divine Five favor our action," Aridisdu Valdala said, "as the auguries told us they did.Shall we gather ourforce in strength, then strike?""That is what I would advise," Prarayan said."However, we should not wait too long.Our allies will need us toprovide a diversion so that they can make good the breaches they have doubtless established.""True," Aridisdu Valdala said."When we have a force of twenty safely arrived here, begin your attack.You recallwhere the Tavetch gate is located?""I do.""Take that first.Then the Tavetch can join us in relieving the Pellanders.""I will do as you command."Tiniel listened to this with a distant sense of disbelief.He'd thought about what would happen when he alliedhimself with the Old World nations, and just about nothing was going according to his plans.Sure the Old Worlders were through the gate, and were quietly augmenting their forces, but where was theappreciation? He'd imagined someone someone he now realized looked rather like his deceased father patting himwarmly on the shoulder and then offering him a fine sword or even some magical artifact.He'd spent hours refiningthat moment in his imagination, finally deciding that a magical sword would be best, but he'd settle for an amulet.Certainly, Isende was not the only one of the twins capable of dreaming true dreams? And she did it withouttrying, and he was trying so hard.Now here had come his big moment, and not only was no one asking him anything, they were practically ignoringhim."Idealist," Prarayan called, his voice low but still managing to carry, "you've been seen for a few moments.Comehere.Aridisdu Valdala has a few questions for you."Tiniel moved to obey with alacrity, his heart beating fast within his chest.Now his dreams would come true.Nowthey would tell him that they had seen him in their auguries, that he was blessed by the Divine Five, the chosen of thedeities.Aridisdu Valdala looked him over critically.Tiniel felt his cheeks heat with a blush, and felt very glad that he wasnot as fair as Derian.He hoped they would not be able to tell how embarrassed he was of his mismatched armor andof the stout spear that was his main weapon for hand-to-hand fighting."Tell me, Idealist," Aridisdu Valdala said, "who might be the Horse, the Wolf, and the North Wind? Such figureshave occurred again and again in our auguries, but I would know more."Tiniel blinked at her.His cheeks were heating again, but this time from fury not from embarrassment.Derian, again! Derian!He wanted to press his lips close and tight rather than admitting that horse-faced outlander lout was anyone important, but from the way Aridisdu Valdala was looking at him, she was not accustomed to being kept waiting.Hesaw her fingering a sheathed knife at her waist and remembered that the Old World sorcerers had no reluctance to shedblood."The Horse," he said, and was pleased to find his voice steady, "may well be a young man named Derian Carter.He was among those who came from the New World and conquered the Nexus Islands."Aridisdu Valdala exchanged a glance with Prarayan that said as eloquently as words that the idea was not a newone to them."Once Dead or Twice?" she asked."Or Untainted?"It took Tiniel a moment to remember that the u-Chivalum did not use the degrading term "Never Lived," butchose to view those without a touch of magical ability as marked by the blessing of the divine powers."Once Dead," Tiniel replied, and for once didn't feel bad about according to Derian what these people wouldcertainly not see as an honor."He had a mystic rapport with horses that querinalo has enhanced to the point of makinghim resemble a horse.""Interesting," Aridisdu Valdala said."You say he is from the New World.What is his native tongue?""Pellish, I believe, but he speaks Liglimosh fairly well, and what he calls New Kelvinese at least a little."The aridisdu quirked an eyebrow at Tiniel's use of the slang term "Liglimosh," but did not mock him as Prarayanwould certainly have done.Tiniel began to warm toward Aridisdu Valdala, and wonder if she would be the one to givehim his honors."The Wolf," he said quickly, "is also from the New World.She is Once Dead as well or so everyone thinks.However, she has been odd from the start.Her ability to communicate with the yarimaimalom could not be greater ifshe were one herself."Aridisdu Valdala looked interested, but pairs of soldiers were filing from the gate, and clearly she was aware thatthis was not the time to ask many questions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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