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." Tom, a Patient with Alzheimer s: This is a rather moving clip in which Tom sfamily talks about him, and we see a surprising example of memory that still works." Mike, an Amnestic Patient: Following an accident, Mike struggles with memoryproblems that affect his employment, his relationship, and his sense of self.You llnotice how he expresses himself both in his language and the flatness of hisemotion. Durand 13-124" Neural Networks Cognition and Dementia: In this clip, Dr.James McClellandproposes that computer simulations of the brain s neural networks can reveal howhuman cognition works and even how cognition fails in dementia.Go to http://now.ilrn.com/durand_barlow_4e to link toAbnormal Psychology Now, your online study tool.First take the Pre-test for thischapter to get your personalized Study Plan, which will identify topics you need toreview and direct you to online resources.Then take the Post-test to determine whatconcepts you have mastered and what you still need to work on.Video Concept ReviewFor challenging concepts that typically need more than one explanation, Mark Durandprovides a video review on the Abnormal PsychologyNow site of the following topic:" The difference between delirium and dementia.Chapter Quiz1.According to the DSM-IV-TR, the two symptoms that are characteristic ofADHD are:a.inattention and hyperactivity.b.echolalia and impulsivity.c.hallucinations and delusions.d.obsessions and compulsions.2.Echolalia is characterized by which of the following behaviors?a.continuously reading the same sentence or wordsb.repeating the speech of othersc.mimicking the movements of others Durand 13-125d.staring ahead without blinking for long periods3.Behavioral techniques are often used to address communication problems thatoccur with autism._______ involves rewarding the child for progressiveapproximations of speech, and _______ involves rewarding the child for makingsounds that the teacher requests.a.Shaping; discrimination trainingb.Modeling; syntax trainingc.Imitating; expression trainingd.Processing; academic training4.Research has shown that ADHD in children is associated with:a.chronic neglect.b.having an alcoholic father.c.maternal smoking during pregnancy.d.death of a parent in early childhood.5.The regulated breathing method, a behavioral technique used to reduce _______,involves taking a deep breath when an episode occurs before continuing.a.motor ticsb.stutteringc.mutismd.impulsivity6._______ is a form of mental retardation caused by the presence of an extra 21stchromosome.a.Down syndromeb.Fragile X syndrome Durand 13-126c.PKU syndromed.Fetal alcohol syndrome7.Joe has mild mental retardation.His therapist is teaching him a skill by breakingit down into its component parts.Joe s therapist is implementing what technique?a.skills treatmentb.biofeedbackc.component processingd.task analysis8._______ is characterized by acute confusion and disorientation; whereas _______is marked by deterioration in a broad range of cognitive abilities.a.Delirium; amnesiab.Amnesia; deliriumc.Dementia; deliriumd.Delirium; dementia9.Which disorder can be diagnosed definitively only at autopsy by the presence oflarge numbers of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles?a.vascular dementiab.dementia of the Alzheimer s typec.deliriumd.Parkinson s disease10.Psychological and social influences are important to consider when studyingdementia because they:a.can accelerate the type of brain damage seen in this disease.b.provide a rationale for psychopharmacological intervention. Durand 13-127c.may help determine the time of onset and course of dementia.d.can be used to reverse the progression of Alzheimer s disease.(See the Appendix on page 584 for answers.)[UNF.p.558-13 goes here][UNF.p.559-13 goes here][UNF.p.560-13 goes here][UNF.p.561-13 goes here][Start Box 13.1]BOX13.1 Is ADHD Different in Girls?The higher prevalence of boys identified as having ADHD has led some to questionwhether the DSM-IV-TRdiagnostic criteria for this disorder are applicable to girls.Here is the quandary: Most research over the last several decades has used youngboys as subjects [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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