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.Thedemands of each project make me adapt, refine, and improve the patterns.Modeling Principle Patterns are a starting point, not a destination.Modeling Principle Models are not right or wrong, they are more or less useful. 14 ReferencesReferences1.Alexander, C., S.Ishikawa, M.Silverstein, M.Jacobson, I.Fiksdahl-King, and S.Angel.A Pattern Language.New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.2.Cairns, T., A.Casey, M.Fowler, M.Thursz, and H.Timimi.The Cosmos ClinicalProcess Model.National Health Service, Information Management Centre, 15Frederick Rd, Birmingham, B15 1JD, England.Report ECBS20A & ECBS20B, 1992.3.Coplien, J.O.Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms.Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley, 1992.4.Coplien, J.O.and B.C.Schmidt.Pattern Languages of Program Design.Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley, 1995.5.Coplien, J.O."A Generative Development-Process Pattern Language," InPatternLanguages of Program Design.J.O.Coplien and D.C.Schmidt, ed.Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley, 1995, pp.183-237.6.Gamma, E., R.Helm, R.Johnson, and J.Vlissides.Design Patterns: Elements ofReusable Object-Oriented Software.Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995.7.Hay, D.Data Model Patterns: Conventions of Thought New York: Dorset House,1996.8.Jacobson, I., M.Christerson, P.Jonsson, and G.Overgaard.Object-Oriented SoftwareEngineering: A Use Case Driven Approach.Wokingham, England: Addison-Wesley,1992.9.Martin, J., and J.Odell.Object-Oriented Methods: A Foundation.Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall, 1995. PART 1AnalysisPatternsThis portion of the book presents patterns from a number ofbusiness domains.We start in Chapter 2 by looking at patterns fordescribing relationships that define responsibilities between parties.These include formal organizational and contractual relationships,as well as more informal relationships.Chapters 3 and 4 considerobservation and measurement, presenting patterns for recordingfacts about the world.The origins for Chapter 3 are in health care.Chapter 4 provides a number of patterns from the realm of corporatefinancial analysis.Chapter 5 looks at how we refer to objects, not the addressing andmemory management of languages, but the indexing we need whenreferring exactly to objects in our working life.Chapters 6 and 7examine basic patterns for accounting, describing how a network ofaccounts and posting rules can form an active accounting system.Planning is the subject of Chapter 8, where we examine therelationship between standard plans and one-off plans, and how toplan and record the use of resources.Chapter 9 examines trading in situations where prices are fluid andwe need to understand how these price changes affect the profits ofour trades.Chapter 10 then looks at the more specialized area ofderivative trading, but with an eye at the problems of situationswhich lead us to build inheritance hierarchies of business objects.Derivatives are one example of more common problems.Finally inChapter 11 we look beyond objects, to packages of objects, and visitsome of the problems of organizing them in a way that improvestheir maintainability and flexibility. AccountabilityThe concept of accountability applies when a person or organization isresponsible to another.It is an abstract notion that can represent many specificissues, including organization structures, contracts, and employment.This chapter begins by introducing the important pattern of party (2.1) thesupertype of person and organization.The organization structure problem is thenused to show the development of the accountability model.Simple organizationstructures can be modeled with organization hierarchies (2.2).When manyhierarchies develop the model becomes too complex, and the organizationstructure (2.3) pattern is required.The combination of the party and organizationstructure patterns produces accountability (2.4).Accountabilities can handlemany relationships between parties: organization structures, patient consent,contracts for services, employment, and registration with professional bodies.When accountabilities are used it is valuable to describe wha t kinds ofaccountabilities can be formed and the rules that constrain these accountabilities.These rules can be described by instances of types at the accountabilityknowledge level (2.5).This level includes the party type, which allows parties tobe classified and subtyped with party type generalizations (2.6) withoutchanging the model.Hierarchic accountability (2.7) represents those interpartyrelationships that do require a strict hierarchy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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