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.Lily jiggled Severus' arm to get his attention and said, "Be sure to owl me tonight."Severus nodded and squeezed her hand.He escorted the Evans family out and watched until they were out of sight.Eileen went into the kitchen to start dinner.Severus followed her out and offered to help her.She smiled."Thanks, Sev, but it won't take me long.Why don't you keep Robert company while I'm doing this?"Okay, Mum," Severus nodded.He went back into the living room and sat down on the couch.Robert was standing before the Christmas tree."That's a really nice tree," Severus commented."I can't see any bare spots anywhere.""Eileen picked it out." He chuckled."I'll bet she dragged me to every Christmas tree lot in the surrounding area until she found just the right tree."Robert sat down on the couch next to Severus."So you're still feeling tired, Severus?""I get tired easier it seems and I get a bit dizzy when I floo." Severus paused and looked at Robert."Is it normal not to be able to remember?""You had serious injuries including a head injury.Sometimes when the body is healing itself it will block traumatic memories that might be a detriment to healing." Robert explained."What is your last memory of the night, Severus?""I remember tickling the pear and opening the door to the kitchen, but everything after that is a complete blank.""Dumbledore did confirm with the elves that you had been to the kitchen at midnight and you spent several minutes praising them for their food preparation at the Yule Ball.""So I must have been attacked when I left then?" Severus frowned.There was something not right about this.He had always had unusually sharp senses and they had saved him from many jinxes thrown by Potter and his friends, but they appeared to have utterly failed him that night."Dinner's ready," Eileen called from the dining room.Severus waited until Robert had seated his mum then sat down.She had made pork chops in tomato sauce with onions and garlic, garlic mashed potatoes, a salad, rolls, and treacle tart for dessert."Dinner is delicious, Mum.The salad tastes like you just picked the vegetables," Severus complimented her."That's because the vegetable are from my garden.I picked them last fall, cast a freshening charm over them, and I have the baskets stored down the basement.""How long have you known Lily, Severus?" Robert asked."We met when we were both nine.We both hung out in the park three blocks from here.I saw her swinging one morning.She used to swing very high then jump off the swing when it was at the highest point and she'd just float back down to the ground.Tuney would be screaming in fright, but Lily never got hurt.That how I knew she was a witch.I kind of blurted it out to her and she got mad at me because she thought I was insulting her." Severus smiled remembering his first meeting with Lily."Once I explained myself better, she understood and we became fast friends.I told her all about Hogwarts and the wizarding world in general." He frowned briefly."I think I gave her nightmares when I told her about Azkaban and the Dementors.She thought she was going to be arrested for doing magic until I told her you would have to do something really bad to be thrown in Azkaban.""Sev's and Lily's birthdays are only three weeks apart, too," Eileen added."I'm assuming that you plan to marry Lily at some point in the future?" Robert asked."Yes, but it probably won't be until I'm a certified Potion's Master.At least then maybe we'll have enough set aside not to have to scrimp all the time.""What does Lily say?" Robert asked curiously."We've only talked about marriage in vague terms.We both assume we're going to be married, but we've never talked about when.""After having met Lily I would think she wouldn't want you making plans without her input.She may have different views," Robert suggested.Severus grinned."She does have a temper and I know she's gotten angry at me in the past for assuming things and not talking to her about it."Eileen brought dessert the table and handed the plates around.Severus added a dollop of clotted cream to his, thought about what Robert had said as he ate, and knew he was right.Lily might not want to wait and she would resent him making decisions that affected both their lives.When they were done eating, Eileen put the food away, cleaned the dirty dishes and utensils with a wave of her wand and put them away in their proper place."Shall we get started on the tree?"Severus changed the colors of the ornaments while his mum and Robert decorated the tree with fairy lights.He changed the color of the ornaments in four boxes to green and silver then changed the fifth box of ornaments to blue and bronze as he knew Robert had been in Ravenclaw.The last box he changed the ornaments to red and gold for Lily.When tree was finished Eileen shut off all the lights with a wave of her wand then they stood back to admire it.Severus gave his mum a hug."It looks great, Mum.You did an excellent job of picking out the tree."They left the lights off and the only light was the light from the fireplace.Severus …" Robert began, but Severus held up his hand."You can call me Sev, Robert.Nobody calls me Severus except the professors [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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