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.Granted, the man was perfect for the position.Hewas tenacious, vicious when needed, and he liked being in control.Hugh just didn t think the two men could be in the same roomtogether for more than five minutes without killing each other. How are Kye and Yuji taking their brother being gone? Booneasked. Pretty well, considering.Kye has me and Neumus, and I thinkthat helps.Yuji seems a little lost.Kye is mated, and Kumiko has hisposition as beta.I think Yuji is kind of wondering where he fits in toall of this. He just needs to find something that gives him purpose.Hugh nodded and then narrowed his eyes at the wavy hair hangingnearly to Boone s collar as he was suddenly reminded of Boone s new A Little Bit of Heaven 157purpose. You know, if you re going to be the town sheriff, you regoing to have to do something about that hair. Snow blowers, dude, snow blowers.Hugh chuckled. Any word from Simon?Hugh nodded as he leaned in to work on one particular strip ofwood that was resisting his attempt to smooth it out. Yeah, he calledto say he would be home on Sunday.Elder Hamilton is going to bejoining him, so that should be fun.Not.Hugh had been just as shocked as everyone else when he learnedthat the only reason that Elder Hamilton had been brokering a dealwith his father was to get Simon away from the evil man.The elderhad recognized Simon as an omega and knew that Alpha Aldo wouldabuse that power if he learned of it.There was no daughter to mate Simon with as their father hadsuggested.Elder Hamilton wasn t even an alpha, but an elder for thepride council.It had all simply been a ploy to free Simon from whatElder Hamilton saw as a horrible situation.Simon was currentlytraining with the elder to hone his omega abilities. This is pretty nice, Boone said as he glanced around the newshop that both Kye and Neumus had insisted on building for Hugh.It had taken almost a month to build, but it was the workshop ofHugh s dreams.Kye and Neumus had gone on a shopping spree afterthe shop was built and bought him every woodworking tool theycould find.Hell, some of the tools were so odd he didn t even knowwhat they were for.He loved it.Hugh grabbed his sandpaper and went back to work on the antiquedresser. Yeah, it is. Has Neumus discovered what his hobby is yet? Yeah, annoying the hell out of me. I heard that! 158 Stormy GlennHugh grinned as he glanced toward the doorway and saw Neumusstanding behind Boone.Neumus bumped shoulders with Boone as hepushed past him and then sauntered across the room.Hugh likedwatching his mate coming or going.No one filled out a pair of jeanslike Neumus.Damn. Stop looking at me like you want to eat me.Hugh grinned. But I do want to eat you. Okay, Boone said, covering his eyes. I m leaving before myeyeballs get burned. Don t forget that we have dinner at Mom s on Sunday. Got i ouch! Boone ran right smack dab into a wood planer.Hefrowned as he dropped his hand from his eyes and glared down at thewoodcutting tool.He mumbled to himself and then moved around theplaner, walking out the door. So, Neumus asked,  how much longer are you going to work onthat dresser? Why? Do you have something better for me to do with myhands? Well. Neumus grinned as he leaned forward on the top of thedresser. I can t really think of anything, but Kye is a little tied up inthe house and could use a hand.Hugh frowned.That so was not what he wanted to hear.Hethought he was going to get lucky.The lust burning in Neumus s eyessaid he was, but the man s words said no.What was up with that? What s he need?Neumus shrugged. He just asked me to come out and get you,said he needed some help. Why didn t you help him then? I tried, but he said he needed help from his alpha.Hugh stilled. Is something wrong? I don t think so. A Little Bit of Heaven 159Well, that wasn t an answer.Hugh tossed the sandpaper downonto the dresser again and then cleaned his hands off.If somethinghad happened to his little mate, he was going to rip someone s headoff.Hugh shot Neumus a glare as he turned and walked out of theshop.Luckily, when his mates had the shop built for him, they hadbuilt it just a little ways from the back of the house.The thought wasthat he wouldn t have to be out in bad weather very long to get to it.It was a good thought.Hugh hurried into the house and called out for Kye.He heard thebackdoor slam right behind him as Kye answered from the back of thehouse.A lot of work had been done on the previous structure to get itup to standards and make the improvements they needed to house somany people.They had built on an entire wing to the old farmhouse.The masterbedroom suite, complete with a shower and tub big enough for threepeople, was at the back of the house on the first floor.The rest of thebedrooms were upstairs.Hugh hurried down the hallway to the bedroom he shared with hismates, and tripped over absolutely nothing when he reached theentrance.He grabbed the doorframe, his fingers digging into thewood.His jaw felt like it had come completely unhinged as he staredat the scene before him. I told you he was a little tied up. Neumus chuckled from behindhim.Biggest fucking understatement ever made in the history of theworld!Hugh didn t know how Neumus had accomplished it, but Kye wasspread eagle on the bed.His arms and legs were stretched out, tied tothe four corners of the bed.And the brightest pink butt plug wasnestled snuggly between Kye s naked ass cheeks. Happy anniversary, love, Neumus whispered into his ear rightbefore nipping at the soft, fleshy lobe. 160 Stormy Glenn Wha huh? Hugh tore his eyes away from the alluring sight onthe bed and looked over at his mate. Anniversary? You ve been alpha for three months today, which also meansyou ve been our mate for three months.So, yeah, happy anniversary.Neumus chuckled as he waved his hand toward the naked man tied tothe bed. There s your anniversary present.Damn.Hugh swallowed hard and then licked his lips as he glanced backat the bed.Kye really did look spectacular.Hugh could probably getoff just from looking at the man.His cock jerked and disagreed,wanting to experience the beautiful ass gleaming in the low lightstreaming in through the windows. Here, let me help you.Hugh felt Neumus s hands go to his shirt, but he was toomesmerized by the scene on the bed to pay attention.He lifted hisarms when Neumus nudged him, and stepped out of his pants whendirected.He jerked and turned to look at Neumus when the mansmacked him on his ass.Neumus just pointed to the bed. He s all yours.Hugh walked forward as if a trance.He reached the end of the bedand climbed up onto the edge of the mattress, stretching his hands outto smooth them over Kye s bound ankles.The ropes were soft, butKye s skin was softer. Damn, little bit, Hugh groaned,  you look so gorgeous.Kye giggled.Hugh smiled as he stroked his hands up Kye s legs.He loved thesound of his mate s laughter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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