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.He wanted to protest butcouldn t think of a valid reason to give other than he was jealous.Andwouldn t that just make him sound like a shit? What do you want me to do? Zackary asked his mate. Stay close and do as I say as well.I don t know how many thereare or what s happened, so we need to use caution. Right. Zackary knew that.He just didn t understand quite whathe could do.It wasn t like he was a fighter.On the other hand, he wasdamn handy with a vid-pad.He grew excited as he pulled his vid-padout of his shirt. Tank, I think I might be able to help, he said as he held the slimcomputer pad up in the air. You tell me what you want open orclosed, and I ll see that it s done.I can also access the loading dock smainframe, call up any program needed.Tank s dark reddish-brown eyebrow arched. Nice one, tweak.Zackary beamed.Beat that, Anok!Zackary followed closely behind Tank as they made their waytoward the loading dock.He could hear Anok walking close behindhim.When they reached the edge of the dock, Tank stopped and Tank s Tweak 101gestured for them to hide behind a stack of crates while he went andpeeked around the side.From where he hid, Zackary could just see the top of the LadyBlue but nothing else.He could hear a lot of noise, though, and hopedthat it didn t come from a fight.He started to grow nervous when thenoise grew louder and he heard Remy shouting.That really couldn tbe good.Zackary started to scramble toward Tank when his mate suddenlyturned back to him.Tank immediately frowned when he saw Zackaryscooting closer.Zackary flushed and shrugged.He d been caught,plain and simple. Close the doors at the south end of the dock, tweak, Tank saidthen he pointed to the spot behind the crates where Zackary had beenhiding before. And stay there.I don t want to worry about you whenI should be concentrating on getting our friends out of trouble. Oh, but  Please, tweak? Fine. Zackary s shoulders slumped.He knew when he was beat.All Tank had to do was flash his gorgeous green eyes and Zackarywas a goner. But I refuse to sit here and let anything happen to you.So, if you want me to stay out of trouble, you d better stay out oftrouble.You owe me a claiming.Tank grinned. Done.Zackary s nerves shook to an all-new high as Tank turned awayand started darting between crates as he made his way toward theLady Blue.Zackary knew he was supposed to stay hidden, but surelyhe could hide behind something just a little bit closer.He needed tokeep an eye on his mate. Hey. Anok grabbed Zackary by the arm. Tank said to stayhere. You stay here, Zackary snapped. That s my mate out there, myfamily.If there s any way that I can help them, I will. 102 Lynn Hagen and Stormy GlennZackary shook Anok s hand off his arm and started followingTank.He didn t plan to get too close, just close enough to keep an eyeon things and maybe help out where he could.Really, that s all hewanted to do.Zackary cringed when he felt a hand suddenly grab him frombehind.He knew it wasn t Anok.It was too large.He turned to see aman standing behind him that he had never seen.But he recognizedthe menacing look on the man s face and knew he was in trouble.Shit! Tank was going to strangle him. Well, well, well, the man said. Who have we here? None of your fucking business! Zackary shouted as he kickedthe man in his shin.All it did was piss the man off.Zackary s headbounced around on his shoulders as the man shook him.Zackarywasn t going down without a fight, though.He swung his vid-pad out with all of his might and struck the evilman right across the face.Blood sprayed everywhere almost instantly.Zackary grimaced and jumped back when the man suddenly let himgo and grabbed his face. You broke my nose, you little shit! Better than your balls! Zackary shouted as he drove his knee upinto the man s groin.Much to his surprise, the man grabbed his ballsjust as his eyes rolled back in his head and he dropped to the floor.Zackary stared down at him for several moments, expecting theman to jump up at any moment.He didn t move.Zackary kicked himonce just to make sure.The man didn t even groan. Next time, pick on someone your own size.Zackary started sneaking toward the Lady Blue once again.Henearly cried when he looked down and saw the large crack in thescreen of his vid-pad.Damn.He was going to have to get a new one.Tank was still going to strangle him, and there was no way he couldhide it now that his vid-pad was broken.This was the second vid-padthat something had happened to, and he was sure Tank wasn t goingto keep replacing them. Tank s Tweak 103 Keep down, damn it, Anok whispered as he crouched downnext to Zackary behind a crate. If we get spotted again we might notbe able to fight the next bonehead off. We? Zackary s eyebrows shot up. You got a silkworm in yourpocket?Anok rolled his eyes. Just keep your head down.Zackary wiped the screen off his vid-pad the best he could, tryingto rid it of the blood.He wasn t having much success.Zackarygrimaced and looked up at the Lady Blue.There had to be somethinghe could do to help, but what?Think, damn it! 104 Lynn Hagen and Stormy GlennChapter 10Gigi, Pax, Imlay, and Adwaka stared out of the porthole windowin horror.None of them said a word as they watched the crew fightthe men who were supposed to be the buyers.It looked like it wasgoing to be a fight to the death in Pax s opinion. Don t they want the fish? Pax asked as he looked back outsideto see Colt taking down one of the men.Maybe they were madbecause he took a few silkworms.Pax couldn t stop himself.Theworms had looked so desperate. I think this has something to do with the bounty more than thefish, Imlay said as he backed away from the porthole. We need tothink of some way to help them. You? Gigi said in astonishment. Since when do youvoluntarily get into trouble?Imlay snorted as he pointed to the window. Since I matedLivewire.He might have taught me a thing or two, Imlay boastedproudly. Then share your knowledge with us  cause I got nothing, Gigisaid. Too bad Zackary isn t here.We could really use him rightabout now. And I m chopped liver? Imlay asked indignantly.He started towalk down the corridor, the others following close behind.Pax was anxious to leave the small window, but he wanted toassist in any way to help his hawk shifter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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