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.The two things arecompletely separate.Learning is one thing and acquiringknowledge is another.Learning is a continuous process, not aprocess of addition, not a process which you gather and then fromthere act.Most of us gather knowledge as memory, as idea, store itup as experience, and from there act.That is, we act fromknowledge, technological knowledge, knowledge as experience, knowledge as tradition, knowledge that one has derived throughone's particular idiosyncratic tendencies; with that background,with that accumulation as knowledge, as experience, as tradition,we act.In that process there is no learning.Learning is neveraccumulative: it is a constant movement.I do not know if you haveever gone into this question at all: what is learning and what is theacquisition of knowledge? This is very important to understand -not at some future date, but now - because we are going into a verycomplex problem presently.Therefore, one has to understand whatit is to learn.Learning is never accumulative.You cannot store uplearning and then from that storehouse act.You learn as you aregoing along.Therefore, there is never a moment of retrogression ordeterioration or decline.The two things - that is, acquiring knowledge and learning -must be very clear in one's mind, because what we are going to dotogether, this evening, is to learn - not to acquire knowledge.Weare going to learn together about something which we think weknow but we do not know.That is, we are going to learn togetherabout the quality of energy which is not derived from conflict.Alllife is energy.And the only energy that we know has a motive; it isthe outcome of friction or conflict or a drive towards a particularend; it is the energy derived from something - like eating food andderiving energy; or hating somebody and deriving energy from thathate; or thinking that you love somebody and deriving energy fromthat.But that energy which is derived from a motive has always init the seed of conflict, as pleasure and pain.Please, you are not listening in order to accept an idea, or aformula.We are taking a journey together in enquiring into what this energy is which alone can dissipate all our problems, ourconflicts and our diseases of the mind.We are going to learntogether - which means we are going to find out for ourselves whatthis energy is which is without motive and therefore which is notthe outcome of any conflict or of any environment.That energy isby itself and therefore tremendously vital and creative, and has thepotency of dissipating every form of illusion, sorrow andconfusion.And to learn about it one has to understand.I mean bythat word "understand" not verbally or intellectually.One has tounderstand, to feel one's way into the question of learning, withoutidea.If you do not know about something which you are given,you have to study it, you have to learn about it, you have to handleit, to put your mind into it and then discover as you go along.Wethink we know and therefore we have ceased to learn; whereas,learning not being an additive process, one has to approach thislearning quite differently.I do not know you, and you do not knowme.You have ideas about me, and I have ideas probably aboutyou; but this way I am not learning about you, nor are you learningabout me; for me to learn about you and for you to learn about me,we must have a fresh mind, an inquisitive mind, a critical mind, amind that does not accept or reject.We are learning; and therefore there is never a judgment, thereis no evaluation.When you are learning, your mind is alwaysattentive and never accumulating - therefore there is noaccumulation from which you judge, you evaluate, you condemnand compare.I hope I am making myself clear on this point.Because a mind that is learning is always a fresh mind; it is alwaysan enquiring mind, never a comparative mind, never accepting authority and evaluating action from that authority.Such a mind isyoung; and such a mind is innocent, fresh, because it is alwayslearning.Now, this evening, the speaker and you are going tolearn.Therefore do not judge, evaluate, accept, or deny, or create apattern of ideas from which to act or to learn.As we were saying the other day, all our life is conflict.Everything that we do either becomes a routine, a mechanicalaction, or a repeated pleasure, a resistance, a suppression or so-called sublimation.All our action is based on that; and therefore itis always engendering conflict, breeding conflict.And we haveaccepted conflict - this friction in life, friction in relationship,friction in the movement of existence - and we say, "That isinevitable, and let us make the best of it".Now, if you do notaccept it, if you deny conflict in all relationship, at any level, thenyou can learn about conflict; when you do not say that one musthave or must not have conflict, then only can you learn.Youcannot learn about conflict if you are judging conflict from thatwhich you have already experienced, known - knowledge.Therefore a mind that is learning is never in a state ofexperiencing.The moment you experience, you are already in thestate of evaluating.Therefore a mind that is learning has noexperience, because it is moving, acting, driving, going through.Soa mind that is actively learning every minute, learning not onlyabout itself but about everything in life, is like a child that looks,asks, demands and is never satisfied.That learning requiresextraordinary energy.And a mind has no energy, if it is burdenedwith knowledge and the demand for further experience.Now, learning implies discipline - not your discipline which is suppression, control, conformity, the brutality involved in it.Theaccepting of an ideal as a pattern and trying to conform to it,forcing your mind, your being, your body, everything to conform -that is what you generally call discipline.Like a soldier who isdrilled night and day, drilled so hard that he is nothing but amechanical entity with a straight spine and no head at all.Don'tlaugh, please.Most of us are that way; only we do not know thatwe are that way.Society, environment, education - our everydayexistence is forcing us to conform to a pattern, to a religious, socialor economic pattern.That discipline to conform is the mostdestructive form of discipline.The word "discipline", the root ofthat word means to learn - not to conform, not to suppress, not tobrutalize yourself, but to learn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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