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.4.Som other ther be whych hath more hapTo touch the trothe in parte of Fermentyng;They Amalgam ther Bodys wyth Mercury lyke papp;Then theruppon ther Medcyns relentyng,These of our Secretts have som hentyng:But not the trewth wyth parfyt Complement,Because they nether Putrefy nor alter ther Ferment.5.That poynt therfore I wyll dysclose to thee,72 Looke how thou dydyst wyth thy unparfyt Body,And do so wyth thy parfyt Bodys in every degre;That ys to sey fyrst thou them PutrefyeHer prymary qualytes destroying utterly:For thys ys wholey to our entent,That fyrst thou alter before thou Ferment.6.To thy Compound make Ferment the fowerth parte,Whych Ferments be only of Son and Mone;If thou therfore be Master of thys Arte,Thy Fermentacion lat thys be done,Fyx Water and Erth together sone:And when the Medcyn as wax doth flowe,That uppon Malgams loke thou hyt throw.7.And when all that together ys myxydAbove thy Glasse well closyd make thy fyre,And so contenew hyt tyll all be fyxid,And well Fermented to desyre;Than make Projeccyon after thy pleasure:For that ys Medcyn than ech dele parfyt,Thus must you Ferment both Red and Whyte.8.For lyke as flower of Whete made into Past,Requyreth Ferment whych Leven we callOf Bred that yt may have the kyndly tast,And becom Fode to Man and Woman most cordyall;Ryght so thy Medcyn Ferment thou shall,That yt may tast wyth the Ferment pure,And all assays evermore endure.9.And understond that ther be Ferments three,Two be of Bodys in nature clene,Whych must be altryd as I have told thee;The thyrd most secret of whych I mene,73 Ys the fyrst Erth to hys owne Water grene:And therfore when the Lyon doth thurst,Make hym drynke tyll hys Belly burst.10.Of thys a Questyon yf I shold meve,And aske of Workers what ys thys thyng,Anon therby I sholde them preve;Yf they had knowledge of our Fermentyng,For many man spekyth wyth wondreng:Of Robyn Hode, and of his Bow,Whych never shot therin I trow.11.But Fermentacion trew as I the tellYs of the Sowle wyth the Bodys incorporacyon,Restoryng to hyt the kyndly smell;Wyth tast and color by naturall conspysacyonOf thyngs dysseveryd, a dew redyntegracyon:Wherby the Body of the Spryte takyth impression,That eyther other may helpe to have ingression.12.For lyke as the Bodys in ther compaccyon corporallMay not show out ther qualytes effectuallyUntyll the tyme that they becom spyrituall:No more may Spryts abyde wyth the Bodys stedfastly,But they wyth them be fyrst confyxat proportionably:For then the Body techyth the Spryt to suffer Fyer,And the Spryt the Body to endure to thy desyre.13.Therfore thy Gold wyth Gold thou must Ferment,Wyth hys owne Water thyne Erth clensyd I meneNot ells to say but Element wyth Element;The Spryts of Lyfe only goyng betweene,For lyke as an Adamand as thow hast sene:Yern to hym draw, so doth our Erth by kyndeDraw downe to hym hys Sowle borne up wyth Wynd.74 14.Wyth mynd therfore thy Sowle lede out and in,Meng Gold wyth Gold, that is to sayMake Elements wyth Elements together ryn;To tyme all Fyre they suffer may,For Erth ys Ferment wythouten nayTo Water, and Water the Erth unto;Our Fermentacion in thys wyse must be do.15.Erth ys Gold,so ys the Sowle also,Not Comyn but Owers thus Elementate,And yet the Sun therto must go,That by our Whele yt may be alterate,For so to Ferment yt must be preparat:That hyt profoundly may joynyd beWyth other natures as I seyd to thee.16.And whatsoever I have here seyd of Gold,The same of Sylver I wyll thou understond,That thou them Putrefye and alter as I have told;Ere thou thy Medcyn to Ferment take in hond,Forsowth I cowde never fynde hym wythin Englond:whych on thys wyse to Ferment cowde me techeWythout errour, by practyse or by speche.17.Now of thys Chapter me nedyth to trete no more,Syth I intend prolixite to eschew;Remember well my words therfore,Whych thou shalt preve by practys trew,And Son and Mone loke thou renew:That they may hold of the fyfth nature,Then shall theyr Tynctures ever endure.18 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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