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.He didn t know where the phobia had come from,yet there it was, and now it was out in full force. Hey, you guys aren t taking me to theinfirmary, are you? Might asked. Of course, we are.We have to flush out ofyour system whatever drug they injected youwith, the medic said. I don t think we need to do that, Mightreplied. Just take me back to my room, and I llsleep it off. No offense, but you are nowhere near soundof mind enough to make reasonable decisionsright now.You re probably seeing pinkelephants. I am not, Might protested. The purplekittens are probably in their way.It was true too.Everywhere that Might lookedhe saw hundreds upon hundreds of purplekittens.They were all frolicking about, rollingaround on the ground, playing with each other,while others just sat there, staring at the Wolves. What purple kittens? the medic asked.Might gave the medic a strange look.Howcould he miss them? They were frigging all overthe place. The ones surrounding us, Might said in hisbest duh voice.The medic shook his head. We need to get youinto the ER STAT.Whatever they gave you is as94 Might s Karmastrong as hell.Soon, they reached the dwelling, and Mightfound himself staring at the ceiling as they rushedto the infirmary.Huh! He never realized that theyused florescent lights before.How interesting.Hereached out to touch one of them, but the medicslapped his hand down. I just wanted to touch the light, Mightprotested. Kid, they re still seven feet above us.There isno way you could have grabbed one of them. Oh, Might pouted. I never get what I want. That s the story of my life, too. Maybe we can become depression buddies? That s okay.I already have one.Might pouted. Bummer.I always get shutout. I m sure you ll get over it.They pushed through a set of swinging doubledoors and entered the infirmary.Might wasinstantly brought back to the days when he wasbrought to the lab for the medical experiments.The rooms had the same pristine sterile lookabout them, and they both had medical equipmentall over the place.They even had the great bigspotlights mounted to the ceiling.Might s reaction was visceral and couldn t behelped; he began to panic and tried to get off thecot so he could run away.All he could think ofwas what kind of pain they were going to put him95 Stephani Hechtthrough.There was no way he was letting themdo that shit ever again.It took six guards and staff members, but theyfinally managed to get Might off the cot and intothe hospital bed.Once there, they put him intofour point restraints.Might pulled at the bindingsbut realized that he wasn t going anywhere soon. Bastards! Let me up, Might growled. Theonly reason you were able to get me tied up isbecause I m high.Otherwise, I would have kickedall of your asses.The staff just ignored him and began to starttwo IVs.Might swore the needles they used wereas big as drinking straws.They hurt like hell asthey went in.At the same time, another nursestuck him with a third needle and took so muchblood that Might worried that he might not haveany left. Take the blood directly to the lab and havethem run a drug screen on it.We need to knowwhat they used on the patient right away, thedoctor ordered.Might began to feel sleepy.He tried desperatelyto keep his eyes opened, but it got harder as eachsecond passed.He struggled with all his strength,not wanting to be at the mercy of the medical staff.But soon, the darkness overtook him, and Mightwent unconscious.* * * *96 Might s KarmaWhen Adan returned from the mission and heardabout what happened to Might, the first thing hedid was roar with rage.He then ran to theinfirmary to check on his Eagle.When he arrivedthere and found Might lying and looking so smalland vulnerable, Adan felt a wave of protectivenesssweep over him.Adan moved closer and went to take Might shand, only to realize that they had his babyrestrained to the bed.A burst of anger wentthrough him.Why would they do that to Might?He wouldn t hurt a fly.Adan grabbed the arm of a nearby nurse. Whyis he restrained to the bed? Because the drug he was on was making himerratic and hostile.We didn t have a choice.Butwe re getting it out of his system now.We wereable to pinpoint what drug was used, so we reusing the antidote.It should only take a couple ofhours before he s his old self again, she said.Adan let out a sigh of relief. How long do youthink it will be before he wakes up again? It should be any time now.If you want, youcan take that seat next to the bed and wait forhim.Adan gave her a look of gratitude before he satdown in the seat.He then reached out and tookMight s hand.It was a bit awkward due to therestraints, but Adan was determined so he made it97 Stephani Hechtwork.After a little more than an hour and a half,Might began to stir.After a few moments, his eyesflickered open [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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