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.To me the whole idea ofguru and disciple is utterly false, because it only breeds slavery ofthought.That is why it is so important to establish from the verybeginning the right relationship between the speaker and yourself.What we are trying to do is to find out without being told whatto find, which means that you and I must have a mind capable ofdiscovery; but we cannot discover if we start from a series ofconclusions or experiences, our own or somebody else's, and inthat lies our greatest difficulty.If you observe yourself you will seethat your thought is only a series of quotations from the Gita, theKoran, or the Bible, or from what Buddha or the latest saint hassaid, and such a mind is incapable of discovery.To discover is not only to find the solutions to our problems but also, through theunderstanding of our problems, to discover for ourselves what istrue, whether there is reality, God, and not merely to assert thatthere is or there is not.Now, how is the mind, being so conditioned, so bound byauthority, by tradition, to free itself from the past? Please, this isnot a theory, nor am I telling you what to do.If I told you what todo, and you did it, it would be totally wrong, because then youwould be following another.You may leave the old and follow thenew, but you are still a follower, and he who follows will neverfind out what is true, he will never discover for himself whetherthere is truth, God, peace.So I am not pointing out the way to truth, because truth has noway, no system;it is not to be found through the cultivation ofvirtue, for the cultivation of virtue is only a form of self-centredactivity.You must have a free mind to discover what is true, and itis extraordinarily difficult to have a free mind, a mind not boundby tradition, a mind that is no longer accepting or rejectingconclusions, a mind that is not burdened with experience, howevernoble or transient.What is important is not just to follow what Isay, but to find out for yourself how your mind is conditioned andto see if it is possible to free the mind from that conditioning.Yourmind is obviously conditioned, that is a fact whether you like it ornot, and as long as you call yourself an Indian, a Hindu, aCommunist, or what you will, you are maintaining thatconditioning.Now, how is one to be aware of one's conditioning? Do youunderstand the problem? You may verbally assert that you are conditioned; but merely to assert it, and to discover that you areconditioned in your speech, in your thought, in dozens of ways, aretwo entirely different states.To know that you suffer is one thing,and merely to speculate about suffering is another.Most of us,unfortunately, superficially speculate about being conditioned, andso we create a division between ourselves as we actually are andthe idea of our being conditioned.That is clear, is it not?Throughout the world man has broken up his existence asspiritual and worldly, and that division exists in your life.You seekGod, you meditate and do all that kind of stuff, while in daily lifeyou are ambitious, you are seeking power, position, prestige, andyou try to mix the two and create something out of it.So you live aschizophrenic existence, an existence that is broken up, split, andto realize for yourself that this cleavage exists is quite differentfrom the mere acceptance of the idea, is it not? To know that I amhungry, to feel the misery of it, is one thing, and to think about theidea of hunger is a totally different state.Most of us are merelythinking about these problems, we are not feeling them.If we werecapable of feeling any problem totally, then our approach to itwould be entirely different, there would be no split approach; and Ithink it is very important to understand how the mind is caught inwords, and is therefore incapable of looking at the fact without theword.If you listen to all this as mere talk, then what is being saidbecomes another lecture with very little meaning.It will be worthwhile only if you listen to find out how your own mind operates,observing as you are sitting there how it is broken up intofragments, each fragment in conflict with another like so many opposing desires, with yourself caught in the middle trying to bringpeace amidst all this confusion.So there is a vast difference between the fact and an opinion oridea about the fact.Which is it that is actually happening to you? Isit the fact that you are confronting, whatever the fact may be, oryour opinion about the fact? And can we free the mind from theopinion, the conclusion, and look directly at the fact? If we canlook at the fact in that way, then there is an integrated action, acomplete comprehension of the fact, and therefore the resolution ofthat fact [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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