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.Josh dropped onto the bed with a heavy sigh.Tray sat next tohim, but the two didn t touch. We can t lose him, Josh, Tray whispered. Not like this.Josh nodded and placed his hand on Tray s thigh in an effortto comfort him.He would never forgive himself if anything SHIVER 189happened to Mitch.He d let his temper get the better of him.Again.He d let his anger overrule his better judgment.Again.They d just popped back into his life and for the first timeever, he d felt whole, human.Now he was in danger of losinga piece of that perfect fit and it scared the hell out of him.Hewas more scared now than he d been of admitting his attractionto them. It s the three of us, Tray whispered. We re at our best whenit s the three of us.He turned to look at Josh with worry filled eyes.Silently, Joshagreed.They were at their best when it was the three of them.But what did that mean?S S STray paced the bedroom as the agents secured the wires toJosh s chest.It had been a long morning.Too long in Tray sopinion.God only knew what that monster could be doing toMitch.He d been through enough.Mitch didn t deserve this.As he paced by, he glanced through the open doorway into theliving area and stared briefly at Josh.Losing Mitch had put a fewthings into perspective for Tray.One, he had feelings for Mitch.Two, he had feelings for Josh.Rolling his eyes, Tray continuedto pace.Torn between two men.If that didn t just make his freakin day.He d told Mitch more than once that threesomes could workin a gay relationship.It could.Couldn t it? With a sigh, Tray saton the foot of the bed and dropped his head in his hands.Thiswasn t supposed to happen.He had to be okay.He just had to.S S SJosh noticed Tray pacing and a pensive frown pulled at hisbrow.Tray was worried about Mitch, and so was he.All morninghe d been thinking back to the other night.The three of themtogether had been earth shattering just like Tray had said, butit was more than just the sex.The three of them meshed well 190 Sasha Keegantogether.They fit.He didn t want that to end.He wanted to keep it, hold ontoit, expand on it.But how would they feel about that? Mitch had his job, if hesurvived today.If he didn t, Josh would live with that guilt forthe rest of his life.Tray had his show.Josh wouldn t be able totravel for that long of a time.He had the ranch to run.He wouldnever ask either of them to change their lives for him, but couldthey make something like that work? Could they live together andexplore what all this meant?Josh wanted to.For the first time in his life, he wanted tohave a relationship with a man.And not just one man, but two.God, his father was probably rolling over in his grave.Josh s lipstwitched slightly at the thought.It s just a shame his father wasn there to see this.Gavin flipped his phone closed and turned to face Josh. They re still at the house, Gavin said and Tray stepped into theroom to hear what was said as well. Of course, they are, Josh said. They re waiting for us.Gavin nodded. The agents got a better look at the youngman.It appeared the boy had been beaten recently.He couldbe scared, screwed up as hell.Lord only knows what that man sdone to him.Josh sighed. I know what he s done to him.Turning, he met Tray s sad eyes.They both knew. Well, Gavin said softly. When you go in there, just keepyour eyes open and your wits about you.Don t do anythingstupid& please.Josh didn t say anything.He didn t want to make any promiseshe couldn t keep.S S STray stood frozen outside the small house, unsure he couldbring himself to go inside; to be so close to that monster again. SHIVER 191Now that he was standing just outside the front door, he couldunderstand Josh s panic attack yesterday.He really didn t want togo in there.Despite his bravado, his desire to see Maverick sixfeet under, the very thought of coming face to face with himagain made him want to vomit.Josh placed his hand in the small of Tray s back.Thesupportive touch gave Tray the push he needed to get throughthis.Josh s touch was comforting, and so perfectly right it madehis heart skip a beat.What if they didn t make it out of this?What if one or all of them were shot?Tray glanced over at Josh, who gave him a reassuring smilethat didn t reflect in his dark blue eyes.Josh was just as afraidas Tray.They had to do this.They didn t have any other choice.Mitch s life depended on it on them.They walked up the path, through the overgrown yard and upthe rickety steps to the front door.It was partially open, allowingthe soft sounds of smooth jazz to float through the door.Trayfrowned.No wonder he d always hated jazz.Josh put his hand on the door and pushed it open.Tray wantedto stop him, but he drew in a deep breath, forcing himself to bebrave.God, how he envied Mitch s guts to do this on a daily basis.Tray followed Josh into the darkened house.All the blindswere closed, the curtains tightly shut.He would want no light toenter; no possibility that someone would be able to see from theoutside what went on in his ramshackle house. Well, well.If it isn t the lost boys come home [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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