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.A conscript unit,comprised of an eclectic group of various races.Though all inthis particular platoon could fly, all conscript units were calledFooties.Originally meant to be a jape, the term had stuck.Footies took to their title with pride.Commanders tended toput less stock in their abilities, but Ko couldn't help but noticehow well the Footies always seemed to get along with oneanother.Such fellowship was rarely seen amongst the racesanywhere else.272 The Shivered Skyby Matt DinnimanUzkiev immediately started barking orders at their Pazuzucommander and the three rows of ten soldiers.The first rowwas comprised entirely of the short, cat-like Shishi, nimbleand clever creatures.The second row was the most diverse.Three Nidhoggs floated at the start of the line.A pack of sixof the black, shape-shifting Marid took up the center.All sixwere in their natural shadow form, floating ominously.Once,the Marid had been the most powerful of all demons.Theywere said to have special magical powers, but they had beendecimated in war.Those times and ways gone forever.Nowthey were but a minor race, mostly soldiers and shopkeepers.These were unarmored except for their weapons.Onthe end stood a single Kostchtchie.The last row was a groupof five Charun and five Pazuzu.They stood stiffly.The soldiers bristled with an intangible excitement.It wasthe opportunity they had been wishing for, Ko knew.Asoldier's utter disregard for his own personal safety alwaysamazed and baffled Ko.They actually like this.Uzkiev floated forward to face the troops. I will double thesalary of any demon who comes out with the head of ahuman. He pumped his fist into the air.The soldiers cheered,ripping their guns out of their holsters and firing them intothe sky.Ko cringed at the sound. Now go, Uzkiev yelled, pointing toward the Spire. Doyour duty.Be proud!* * * *Gramm was not enthusiastic about the plan.Not at all.Hestill couldn't believe he had helped devise it, and furthermore273 The Shivered Skyby Matt Dinnimanhe, not Dave, had been the one to suggest that the two ofthem were the most suitable for the most dangerous part.Gramm and Dave had spent much of their time in theangel hideout working on their periscepter skills, but neitherwere very good at it.Both of them now could get a sustainedblast that lasted about one second, but the effort wasexhausting.These angels, the Principalities, were much more willing totalk than the Powers.None of them seemed to blame thehumans at all for any of this.But Gramm suspected it wasonly because they were created the same time as thehumans.Gramm had learned much in the time he was stuckin their small hideout, and this perplexing world was finallystarting to make just a sliver of sense.First off, the Principalities were higher on the totem polethan the regular angels, but still lower than the Powers.Thishad caused a lot of friction at first, especially since thehumans were such a controversial subject.Principalities hadmore contact with people than with angels.They wereresented by the angels and distrusted by the humans.Atleast in their point of view.From the way Xac told it, peoplewould spit on him as he passed by.There was once even anuprising of humans that left several dead. But why? Gramm asked as they practiced with theirperiscepters.He was bent over, trying to gather enoughstrength for another shot. Why was everyone so unhappy?The thin Principality frowned sadly from above.He sat on aledge just under the domed ceiling, stooped forward like agargoyle. Every human has an expectation of their afterlife.274 The Shivered Skyby Matt DinnimanThe children expect to be all grown up, and the adults expectto be children again. So, if you die a hundred years old, you have to live hereall gross and stuff? Dave asked.Sometimes his way ofputting things made Gramm cringe.But he also had a way ofblurting out questions Gramm would never have the courageto ask. No, Xac said. Not quite.The human arrives healed of allwounds.Including advanced age.An elderly human usuallyarrives a person of middle age [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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